10 research outputs found

    Ingestion and toxicity of polystyrene microplastics in freshwater bivalves

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    he ubiquity of microplastics in aquatic ecosystems has raised concerns over their interaction with biota. However,microplastics research on freshwater species, especially mollusks, is still scarce. We, therefore, investigated the factorsaffecting microplastics ingestion in the freshwater musselDreissena polymorpha. Using polystyrene spheres (5, 10, 45,90ÎŒm), we determined the body burden of microplastics in the mussels in relation to 1) exposure and depuration time, 2)body size, 3) food abundance, and 4) microplastic concentrations.D. polymorpharapidly ingested microplastics and ex-creted most particles within 12 h. A few microplastics were retained for up to 1 wk. Smaller individuals had a higher relativebody burden of microplastics than larger individuals. The uptake of microplastics was concentration‐dependent, whereas anadditional food supply (algae) reduced it. We also compared the ingestion of microplastics byD. polymorphawith 2 otherfreshwater species (Anodonta anatina,Sinanodonta woodiana), highlighting that absolute and relative uptake depends onthe species and the size of the mussels. In addition, we determined toxicity of polystyrene fragments (≀63ÎŒm,6.4–100 000 p mL–1) and diatomite (natural particle, 100 000 p mL–1)inD. polymorphaafter 1, 3, 7, and 42 d of exposure,investigating clearance rate, energy reserves, and oxidative stress. Despite ingesting large quantities, exposure to poly-styrene fragments only affected the clearance rate ofD. polymorpha. Further, results of the microplastic and diatomiteexposure did not differ significantly. Therefore,D. polymorphais unaffected by or can compensate for polystyrene fragmenttoxicity even at concentrations above current environmental levels.Environ Toxicol Chem2021;40:2247–2260. © 2021 TheAuthors.Environmental Toxicology and Chemistrypublished by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of SETAC.Keywords:Microplastics; Toxic effects; Mollusk toxicit

    The Overlooked Microbiome—Considering Archaea and Eukaryotes Using Multiplex Nanopore-16S-/18S-rDNA-Sequencing: A Technical Report Focusing on Nasopharyngeal Microbiomes

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    In contrast to bacteria, microbiome analyses often neglect archaea, but also eukaryotes. This is partly because they are difficult to culture due to their demanding growth requirements, or some even have to be classified as uncultured microorganisms. Consequently, little is known about the relevance of archaea in human health and diseases. Contemporary broad availability and spread of next generation sequencing techniques now enable a stronger focus on such microorganisms, whose cultivation is difficult. However, due to the enormous evolutionary distances between bacteria, archaea and eukaryotes, the implementation of sequencing strategies for smaller laboratory scales needs to be refined to achieve as a holistic view on the microbiome as possible. Here, we present a technical approach that enables simultaneous analyses of archaeal, bacterial and eukaryotic microbial communities to study their roles in development and courses of respiratory disorders. We thus applied combinatorial 16S-/18S-rDNA sequencing strategies for sequencing-library preparation. Considering the lower total microbiota density of airway surfaces, when compared with gut microbiota, we optimized the DNA purification workflow from nasopharyngeal swab specimens. As a result, we provide a protocol that allows the efficient combination of bacterial, archaeal, and eukaryotic libraries for nanopore-sequencing using Oxford Nanopore Technologies MinION devices and subsequent phylogenetic analyses. In a pilot study, this workflow allowed the identification of some environmental archaea, which were not correlated with airway microbial communities before. Moreover, we assessed the protocol’s broader applicability using a set of human stool samples. We conclude that the proposed protocol provides a versatile and adaptable tool for combinatorial studies on bacterial, archaeal, and eukaryotic microbiomes on a small laboratory scale

    An Evidence-Based Digital Prevention Program to Improve Oral Health Literacy of People With a Migration Background: Intervention Mapping Approach

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    BackgroundStudies in Germany have shown that susceptible groups, such as people with a migration background, have poorer oral health than the majority of the population. Limited oral health literacy (OHL) appears to be an important factor that affects the oral health of these groups. To increase OHL and to promote prevention-oriented oral health behavior, we developed an evidence-based prevention program in the form of an app for smartphones or tablets, the Förderung der Mundgesundheitskompetenz und Mundgesundheit von Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund (MuMi) app. ObjectiveThis study aims to describe the development process of the MuMi app. MethodsFor the description and analysis of the systematic development process of the MuMi app, we used the intervention mapping approach. The approach was implemented in 6 steps: needs assessment, formulation of intervention goals, selection of evidence-based methods and practical strategies for behavior change, planning and designing the intervention, planning the implementation and delivery of the intervention, and planning the evaluation. ResultsOn the basis of our literature search, expert interviews, and a focus group with the target population, we identified limited knowledge of behavioral risk factors or proper oral hygiene procedures, limited proficiency of the German language, and differing health care socialization as the main barriers to good oral health. Afterward, we selected modifiable determinants of oral health behavior that were in line with behavior change theories. On this basis, performance objectives and change objectives for the relevant population at risk were formalized. Appropriate behavior change techniques to achieve the program objectives, such as the provision of health information, encouragement of self-control and self-monitoring, and sending reminders, were identified. Subsequently, these were translated into practical strategies, such as multiple-choice quizzes or videos. The resulting program, the MuMi app, is available in the Apple app store and Android app store. The effectiveness of the app was evaluated in the MuMi intervention study. The analyses showed that users of the MuMi app had a substantial increase in their OHL and improved oral hygiene (as measured by clinical parameters) after 6 months compared with the control group. ConclusionsThe intervention mapping approach provided a transparent, structured, and evidence-based process for the development of our prevention program. It allowed us to identify the most appropriate and effective techniques to initiate behavior change in the target population. The MuMi app takes into account the cultural and specific determinants of people with a migration background in Germany. To our knowledge, it is the first evidence-based app that addresses OHL among people with a migration background

    Mundgesundheitskompetenz von Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund – Erste Auswertungen der MuMi-Studie

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    Hintergrund: Erste Studien heben den Migrationshintergrund von Menschen in Deutschland als eigenstĂ€ndigen Risikofaktor fĂŒr eine mangelhafte Mundgesundheit hervor. Ein wichtiger Einflussfaktor könnte hierbei eine niedrigere Mundgesundheitskompetenz von Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund sein. In diesem Artikel werden Ergebnisse zur Mundgesundheitskompetenz und Mundgesundheit aus der MuMi-Studie (Förderung der Mundgesundheit und Mundgesundheitskompetenz von Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund) vorgestellt. Material und Methoden: In 40 Hamburger Zahnarztpraxen wurden von Patient*innen mit und ohne Migrationshintergrund Daten zu Soziodemografie, Mundgesundheit und Mundgesundheitskompetenz erhoben. Der Zusammenhang zwischen Mundgesundheitskompetenz und Mundgesundheit wurde mittels logistischer Regressionen berechnet. Potenzielle Einflussfaktoren wurden schrittweise in die Berechnungsmodelle eingefĂŒgt. Ergebnisse: Die Gruppen mit und ohne Migrationshintergrund unterschieden sich signifikant hinsichtlich ihrer Mundgesundheitskompetenz und ausgewĂ€hlter klinischer Parameter ihrer Mundgesundheit (Approximalraum-Plaqueindex und Kariessanierungsgrad). Die logistischen Regressionsanalysen zeigen einen deutlichen Zusammenhang zwischen Migrationshintergrund, Mundgesundheitskompetenz und Mundhygiene auch unter BerĂŒcksichtigung von Bildung und sozioökonomischem Status. Diskussion: Der Migrationshintergrund stellt einen eigenstĂ€ndigen Indikator fĂŒr eine niedrige Mundgesundheitskompetenz und schlechtere Mundgesundheit dar. Dieser Umstand sollte stĂ€rker in den Fokus von Forschung und politischen Entscheidungen rĂŒcken, um die mundgesundheitliche Chancengleichheit in Deutschland zu erhöhen

    A Comparative Analysis of Economics Graduates' Learning Styles and Critical Thinking Skills

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    We report on the results of a two-phase survey aiming to explore the learning preferences and critical thinking skills of graduates in economics, compare the findings with graduates of other disciplines, and identify the determinant dimensions of their developed learning and thinking skills. Kolb\u27 LSIv3, Honey and Mumford\u27s LSQ-80-item, and CCTST Form B have been utilized and results show significant differences: in some dimensions of learning styles; in some scales of critical thinking skills; processing and transforming of information and experience to be the most common determinant dimension in student learning; the use of student active-learning modes to be the determinant of critical thinking skills development; the use of teaching methods to have an impact on learning but their impact on critical thinking is not documented, albeit a further exploration yields indications that need further research