175 research outputs found

    SpVOS: Efficient Video Object Segmentation with Triple Sparse Convolution

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    Semi-supervised video object segmentation (Semi-VOS), which requires only annotating the first frame of a video to segment future frames, has received increased attention recently. Among existing pipelines, the memory-matching-based one is becoming the main research stream, as it can fully utilize the temporal sequence information to obtain high-quality segmentation results. Even though this type of method has achieved promising performance, the overall framework still suffers from heavy computation overhead, mainly caused by the per-frame dense convolution operations between high-resolution feature maps and each kernel filter. Therefore, we propose a sparse baseline of VOS named SpVOS in this work, which develops a novel triple sparse convolution to reduce the computation costs of the overall VOS framework. The designed triple gate, taking full consideration of both spatial and temporal redundancy between adjacent video frames, adaptively makes a triple decision to decide how to apply the sparse convolution on each pixel to control the computation overhead of each layer, while maintaining sufficient discrimination capability to distinguish similar objects and avoid error accumulation. A mixed sparse training strategy, coupled with a designed objective considering the sparsity constraint, is also developed to balance the VOS segmentation performance and computation costs. Experiments are conducted on two mainstream VOS datasets, including DAVIS and Youtube-VOS. Results show that, the proposed SpVOS achieves superior performance over other state-of-the-art sparse methods, and even maintains comparable performance, e.g., an 83.04% (79.29%) overall score on the DAVIS-2017 (Youtube-VOS) validation set, with the typical non-sparse VOS baseline (82.88% for DAVIS-2017 and 80.36% for Youtube-VOS) while saving up to 42% FLOPs, showing its application potential for resource-constrained scenarios.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure

    InceptionNeXt: When Inception Meets ConvNeXt

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    Inspired by the long-range modeling ability of ViTs, large-kernel convolutions are widely studied and adopted recently to enlarge the receptive field and improve model performance, like the remarkable work ConvNeXt which employs 7x7 depthwise convolution. Although such depthwise operator only consumes a few FLOPs, it largely harms the model efficiency on powerful computing devices due to the high memory access costs. For example, ConvNeXt-T has similar FLOPs with ResNet-50 but only achieves 60% throughputs when trained on A100 GPUs with full precision. Although reducing the kernel size of ConvNeXt can improve speed, it results in significant performance degradation. It is still unclear how to speed up large-kernel-based CNN models while preserving their performance. To tackle this issue, inspired by Inceptions, we propose to decompose large-kernel depthwise convolution into four parallel branches along channel dimension, i.e. small square kernel, two orthogonal band kernels, and an identity mapping. With this new Inception depthwise convolution, we build a series of networks, namely IncepitonNeXt, which not only enjoy high throughputs but also maintain competitive performance. For instance, InceptionNeXt-T achieves 1.6x higher training throughputs than ConvNeX-T, as well as attains 0.2% top-1 accuracy improvement on ImageNet-1K. We anticipate InceptionNeXt can serve as an economical baseline for future architecture design to reduce carbon footprint. Code is available at https://github.com/sail-sg/inceptionnext.Comment: Code: https://github.com/sail-sg/inceptionnex
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