408 research outputs found

    Nana et pêcheurs du port de Lomé : une exploitation de l'homme par la femme?

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    Au Togo,rares sont les secteurs où les femmes n'interviennent pas dans la commercialisation des produits. Si le cas des revendeuses de tissu est le plus connu, celui des nana du port de Lomé est original dans la mesure où ces commerçantes investissent dans des activités de production halieutique par des prises de participation dans des unités de pêche piroguière. Cette situation crée entre elles et les pêcheurs, surtout ghanéens, des rapports de type capitaliste, qui trouvent leur fondement dans une offre de capital à des conditions draconiennes (Résumé d'auteur

    E.A.F.E. VI annual conference

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    State of the art of fisheries co-management : synthesis report .

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    International audienceThis state-of-the-art on fisheries co-management was produced using a specific approach combining an in-depth analysis of the literature, and the leveraging of co-management experiences in different countries. The first part is devoted to the definition and classification of co-management on its various scales, then to the development and adaptation of co-management. Part two deals with drivers of co-management, the costs and benefits, tools for assessing co-management potential, key success factors and major hurdles, the principal conditionalities governing co-management as part of the management of fisheries decision-making cycles and processes, sharing of functions, design and development, implementation, technical measures, transboundary and transnational co-management, integration of co-managed fisheries and Marine Protected Areas, co-management applied to artificial reefs and fish-aggregating devices). The third and final part draws lessons from the dozen or so international experiences that have been subject to in- depth analysis. This document will serve as a foundation for a regional symposium on fisheries co-management organised by the SRFC (West African Sub-Regional Fishery Commission), to enable a comparison of perspectives, enhance the discussions of the institutions and concerned stakeholders, determine the major challenges for the States in terms of co-management and the sustainable management of the region's fishing resources. One of the specific challenges will be to leverage this work to enhance coordination between local, national and regional governance

    A methodology to assess some socio-economic effects of marine protected areas

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    International audienceThe assessment of socio-economic effects of marine protected areas on fishing activity points out some methodological difficulties. As a methodology we propose a selection of two components : the fishing unit profitability and the fishery household income distribution and a comparison between a marine protected area versus an “unprotected zone”. The methodology has been applied on a case study: the Chumphon National Park versus the Chumphon Province (Gulf of Thailand). Three phases have been implemented: a bibliographical analysis, the carrying out of village monographs, the carrying out of a sample-based survey. The sample-based survey results are presented as follows : the characterization of categories of the variable “marine protected area” by quantitative variables, a multivariate analysis, the performance of Chi-square tests on the relationship between a “profit per fishing day” variable divided into two categories (“in or around MPA” and “remote from the MPA”, the measurement of the concentration of income or operating profit per fishery household and the Lorenz curves

    Marine protected areas: from conservation to sustainable development

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    International audienceAfter a period during which MPAs were instrumentalised as a palliative against the inadequacy of a fisheries management conventional approach, the multi-use character of these areas prevailed, conflicts were pacified by instilling a participative process and a plurality of goals is now fully recognised. Thus MPAs are becoming both a tool and a preferred context for sustainable development in its ecological, economic and social dimensions and applied through a participatory approach that entitles local communities to both create and manage this type of area. This article will discuss the full range of these changes and how MPAs' goals have evolved with time, from a priority granted to conservation to the recognition of a plurality of goals. This article will then examine to what extent the results obtained by MPAs working toward each one of these goals make them valuable examples of areas where the requirements of sustainable development are met

    Governance of Marine Protected Areas in Developing Countries : an Analysis Framework. Evidence from Thailand.

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    International audienceThe main aim of this paper is the design of an analysis framework for the governance of MPAs in developing countries. The working-out of this analysis framework makes use of contributions from the governance of hazardous activities, the interactive fisheries governance, the ecosystem-based management applied to marine protected areas, the MPAs governance indicators, the anthropology of brokerage. This analysis framework takes in count four main issues of the MPAs governance in developing countries pointed out from two representative case studies (Mu Ko Chumphon National Park in Thailand and Ca Mau National Park in Vietnam) : the revitalization of regulatory systems of the access to fisheries resources, the simplification of the administrative processes, the control of the demographic pressure which result from a high increase of the populations and a strong mobility, the lowering of the economic vulnerability and poverty alleviation due to the deregulation. This analysis framework makes it possible to characterize the governance systems and to put forward the weaknesses : the excessive role play by the international organizations, the too sectorial and technical aspect of fisheries management measures, the incomplete decentralization, the fragmentation of the States and the civil society. To mitigate these deficiencies, four general public policy options adapted to developing countries are proposed