170 research outputs found

    Homotopy Ends and Thomason Model Categories

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    In the last year of his life, Bob Thomason reworked the notion of a model category, used to adapt homotopy theory to algebra, and used homotopy ends to affirmatively solve a problem raised by Grothendieck: find a notion of model structure which is inherited by functor categories. In this paper we explain and prove Thomason's results, based on his private notebooks. The first half presents Thomason's ideas about homotopy ends and its generalizations. This material may be of independent interest. Then we define Thomason model categories and give some examples. The usual proof shows that the homotopy category exists. In the last two sections we prove the main theorem: functor categories inherit a Thomason model structure, at least when the original category is enriched over simplicial sets and fibrations are preserved by limits.Comment: 39 pages, AMS-TeX file using picte

    Some surfaces of general type for which Bloch's conjecture holds

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    We give many examples of surfaces of general type with pg=0p_g=0 for which Bloch's conjecture holds, for all values of K2K^2 except 9. Our surfaces are equipped with an involution

    Cotensor products of modules

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    Let C be a coalgebra over a field k and A its dual algebra. The category of C-comodules is equivalent to a category of A-modules. We use this to interpret the cotensor product M \square N of two comodules in terms of the appropriate Hochschild cohomology of the A-bimodule M \otimes N, when A is finite-dimensional, profinite, graded or differential-graded. The main applications are to Galois cohomology, comodules over the Steenrod algebra, and the homology of induced fibrations.Comment: 16 pages, LaTe

    Relative Cartier divisors and K-theory

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    We study the relative Picard group Pic(f)Pic(f) of a map f:X→Sf:X\to S of schemes. If ff is faithful affine, it is the relative Cartier divisor group I(f)I(f). The relative group K0(f)K_0(f) has a γ\gamma-filtration, and Pic(f)Pic(f) is the top quotient for the γ\gamma-filtration. When ff is induced by a ring homomorphism A→BA\to B, we show that the relative "nil" groups NPic(f)NPic(f) and NKn(f)NK_n(f) are continuous W(A)W(A)-modules

    Slices of Co-Operations for KGLKGL

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    We verify a conjecture of Voevodsky, concerning the slices of co-operations in motivic KK-theory.Comment: 20 page

    Twisted K-theory, Real A\mathcal{A}-bundles and Grothendieck-Witt groups

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    We introduce a general framework to unify several variants of twisted topological KK-theory. We focus on the role of finite dimensional real simple algebras with a product-preserving involution, showing that Grothendieck-Witt groups provide interesting examples of twisted KK-theory. These groups are linked with the classification of algebraic vector bundles on real algebraic varieties

    Unstable operations in \'etale and motivic cohomology

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    We classify all \'etale cohomology operations on H_\et^n(-,\muell{i}), showing that they were all constructed by Epstein. We also construct operations PaP^a on the mod-β„“\ell motivic cohomology groups Hp,qH^{p,q}, differing from Voevodsky's operations; we use them to classify all motivic cohomology operations on Hp,1H^{p,1} and H1,qH^{1,q} and suggest a general classification.Comment: 26 page

    Principal ideals in mod-β„“\ell Milnor KK-theory

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    Fix a symbol aβ€Ύ\underline{a} in the mod-β„“\ell Milnor KK-theory of a field kk, and a norm variety XX for aβ€Ύ\underline{a}. We show that the ideal generated by aβ€Ύ\underline{a} is the kernel of the KK-theory map induced by kβŠ‚k(X)k\subset k(X) and give generators for the annihilator of the ideal. When β„“=2\ell=2, this was done by Orlov, Vishik and Voevodsky.Comment: 14 page

    K-theory of line bundles and smooth varieties

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    We give a KK-theoretic criterion for a quasi-projective variety to be smooth. If L\mathbb{L} is a line bundle corresponding to an ample invertible sheaf on XX, it suffices that Kq(X)=Kq(L)K_q(X) = K_q(\mathbb{L}) for all q≀dim⁑(X)+1q\le\dim(X)+1.Comment: 11 page

    Norm Varieties and the Chain Lemma (after Markus Rost)

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    The goal of this paper is to present proofs of two results of Markus Rost: the Chain Lemma and the Norm Principle. These are the final steps needed to complete the publishable verification of the Bloch-Kato conjecture, that the norm residue maps are isomorphisms between Milnor K-theory KnM(k)/pK_n^M(k)/p and etale cohomology Hn(k,ΞΌpn)H^n(k,\mu_p^n) for every prime p, every n and every field k containing 1/p. Our proofs of these two results are based on Rost's 1998 preprints, his web site and Rost's lectures at the Institute for Advanced Study in 1999-2000 and 2005
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