32,173 research outputs found

    A Novel VSWR-Protected and Controllable CMOS Class E Power Amplifier for Bluetooth Applications

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    This paper describes the design of a differential class-E PA for Bluetooth applications in 0.18um CMOS technology with load mismatch protection and power control features. The breakdown induced by load mismatch can be avoided by attenuating the RF power to the final stage during over voltage conditions. Power control is realized by means of "open loop" techniques to regulate the power supply voltage, and a novel controllable bias network with temperature compensated is proposed, which allows a moderate power control slope (dB/V) to be achieved. Post-layout Simulation results show that the level of output power can be controlled in 2dBm steps; especially the output power in every step is quite insensitive to temperature variations

    Lagrangian Statistics and Intermittency in Gulf of Mexico

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    Due to the nonlinear interaction between different flow patterns, for instance, ocean current, meso-scale eddies, waves, etc, the movement of ocean is extremely complex, where a multiscale statistics is then relevant. In this work, a high time-resolution velocity with a time step 15 minutes obtained by the Lagrangian drifter deployed in the Gulf of Mexico (GoM) from July 2012 to October 2012 is considered. The measured Lagrangian velocity correlation function shows a strong daily cycle due to the diurnal tidal cycle. The estimated Fourier power spectrum E(f)E(f) implies a dual-power-law behavior which is separated by the daily cycle. The corresponding scaling exponents are close to βˆ’1.75-1.75 and βˆ’2.75-2.75 respectively for the time scale larger (resp. 0.1≀f≀0.4 dayβˆ’10.1\le f\le 0.4\,{day^{-1}}) and smaller (resp. 2≀f≀8 dayβˆ’12\le f\le 8\,{day^{-1}}) than 1 day. A Hilbert-based approach is then applied to this data set to identify the possible multifractal property of the cascade process. The results show an intermittent dynamics for the time scale larger than 1 day, while a less intermittent dynamics for the time scale smaller than 1 day. It is speculated that the energy is partially injected via the diurnal tidal movement and then transferred to larger and small scales through a complex cascade process, which needs more studies in the near future.Comment: 8 pages with 5 figure

    A Design of SDR-based Pseudo-Analog Wireless Video Transmission System

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    The pseudo-analog wireless video transmission technology can improve the effectiveness, reliability, and robustness of the conventional digital system in video broadcast scenarios. Although some prototypes of IEEE 802.11 series have been developed for researchers to do simulations and experiments, they are usually expensive and provide very limited access to the physical layer. More importantly, these prototypes cannot be used to verify the correctness of the new proposed pseudo-analog wireless video transmission algorithms directly due to limited modulation modes they can support. In this paper, we present a novel design of software radio platform (SDR)-based pseudo-analog wireless video transceiver which is completely transparent and allows users to learn all the implementation details. Firstly, we prove that the analog method can also achieve the optimal performance as the digital method from the perspective of the rate-distortion theory. Then, we describe the two hardware implementation difficulties existed in the designing process including the data format modification and the non-linear distortion. Next, we introduce the implementation details of the designed transceiver. Finally, we analyze the performance of the designed transceiver. Specifically, the results show that the designed system can work effectively in both simulations and experiments

    Exploring Lexical, Syntactic, and Semantic Features for Chinese Textual Entailment in NTCIR RITE Evaluation Tasks

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    We computed linguistic information at the lexical, syntactic, and semantic levels for Recognizing Inference in Text (RITE) tasks for both traditional and simplified Chinese in NTCIR-9 and NTCIR-10. Techniques for syntactic parsing, named-entity recognition, and near synonym recognition were employed, and features like counts of common words, statement lengths, negation words, and antonyms were considered to judge the entailment relationships of two statements, while we explored both heuristics-based functions and machine-learning approaches. The reported systems showed robustness by simultaneously achieving second positions in the binary-classification subtasks for both simplified and traditional Chinese in NTCIR-10 RITE-2. We conducted more experiments with the test data of NTCIR-9 RITE, with good results. We also extended our work to search for better configurations of our classifiers and investigated contributions of individual features. This extended work showed interesting results and should encourage further discussion.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figure, 26 tables, Journal article in Soft Computing (Spinger). Soft Computing, online. Springer, Germany, 201

    Solving Three Dimensional Maxwell Eigenvalue Problem with Fourteen Bravais Lattices

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    Calculation of band structure of three dimensional photonic crystals amounts to solving large-scale Maxwell eigenvalue problems, which are notoriously challenging due to high multiplicity of zero eigenvalue. In this paper, we try to address this problem in such a broad context that band structure of three dimensional isotropic photonic crystals with all 14 Bravais lattices can be efficiently computed in a unified framework. We uncover the delicate machinery behind several key results of our work and on the basis of this new understanding we drastically simplify the derivations, proofs and arguments in our framework. In this work particular effort is made on reformulating the Bloch boundary condition for all 14 Bravais lattices in the redefined orthogonal coordinate system, and establishing eigen-decomposition of discrete partial derivative operators by systematic use of commutativity among them, which has been overlooked previously, and reducing eigen-decomposition of double-curl operator to the canonical form of a 3x3 complex skew-symmetric matrix under unitary congruence. With the validity of the novel nullspace free method in the broad context, we perform some calculations on one benchmark system to demonstrate the accuracy and efficiency of our algorithm.Comment: 37 pages, 20 figure

    Backward Compton Scattering and QED with Noncommutative Plane in the Strong Uniform Magnetic Field

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    In the strong uniform magnetic field, the noncommutative plane (NCP) caused by the lowest Landau level (LLL) effect, and QED with NCP (QED-NCP) are studied. Being similar to the condensed matter theory of quantum Hall effect, an effective filling factor f(B)f(B) is introduced to character the possibility that the electrons stay on the LLL. The analytic and numerical results of the differential cross section for the process of backward Compton scattering in the accelerator with unpolarized or polarized initial photons are calculated. The existing data of BL38B2 in Spring-8 have been analyzed roughly and compared with the numerical predictions primitively. We propose a precise measurement of the differential cross sections of backward Compton scattering in a strong perpendicular magnetic field, which may lead to reveal the effects of QED-NCP.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    Backward Compton Scattering in Strong Uniform Magnetic Field

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    In strong uniform magnetic field, the vacuum Non-Commutative Plane (NCP) caused by the lowest Landau level(LLL) effect and the QED with NCP (QED-NCP) are studied. Being similar to the theory of Quantum Hall effect, an effective filling factor f(B)f(B) is introduced to character the possibility that the electrons stays on LLL. The backward Compton scattering amplitudes of QED-NCP are derived, and the differential cross sections for the process with polarized initial electrons and photons are calculated. The existing Spring-8's data has been analyzed primitively and some hints for QED-NCP effects are shown. We propose to precisely measure the differential cross sections of the backward Compton scattering in perpendicular magnetic field experimentally, which may lead to reveal the effects of QED-NCP. PACS number: 12.20.Ds; 11.10.Nx; 71.70.Di; 73.43.Fj.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure

    Uniqueness of the Axionic Kerr Black Hole

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    Under the axisymmetry and under the invarance of simultaneous inversion of time and azimuthal angle, we show that the axionic Kerr black hole is the unique{\it unique} stationary solution of the minimal coupling theory of gravity and the Kalb-Ramond field, which has a regular event horizon, is asymptotically flat and has a finite axion field strength at event horizon.Comment: 11 page

    Hierarchy Construction of Quantum Hall States and Non-Commutative Chern-Simons Theory

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    In this paper, we study the non-commutative Chern-Simons description of the hierarchy of quantum Hall states. Our method is based on the framework suggested by Susskind in hep-th/0101029. By using the area preserving diffeomorphism gauge symmetry of quasiparticle fluid, we show that non-commutative Chern-Simons description of the hierarchy construction of quantum Hall states with generic filling fraction can be realized in Susskind's approach. The relationship between our model and the pervious work on the effective field theory of quantum Hall states is also discussed.Comment: 13 pages, no figure;references adde

    Microscopic description of the chiral Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid at the fractional quantum Hall edge

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    The effective field theory of the fractional quantum Hall edge is reformulated from microscopic dynamics. Noncommutative Chern-Simons theory is a microscopic description for the quantum Hall fluid. We use it for reference. Considering relabeling symmetry of the electrons and incompressibility of the fluid, we obtain a constraint and derive a chiral Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid theory containing interaction terms. We calculate one-loop corrections to the phonon and electron propagators and get a new tunneling exponent. It agrees with experiments.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figure
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