297 research outputs found

    Internal Josephson-Like Tunneling in Two-Component Bose-Einstein Condensates Affected by Sign of the Atomic Interaction and External Trapping Potential

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    We study the Josephson-like tunneling in two-component Bose-Einstein condensates coupled with microwave field in respond to various attractive and repulsive atomic interaction under the various aspect ratio of trapping potential and the gravitational field. It is very interesting to find that the dynamic of Josephson-like tunneling can be controlled from fast damped oscillations and asymmetric occupation to nondamped oscillation and symmetric occupation.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Antibunching photons in a cavity coupled to an optomechanical system

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    We study the photon statistics of a cavity linearly coupled to an optomechanical system via second order correlation functions. Our calculations show that the cavity can exhibit strong photon antibunching even when optomechanical interaction in the optomechanical system is weak. The cooperation between the weak optomechanical interaction and the destructive interference between different paths for two-photon excitation leads to the efficient antibunching effect. Compared with the standard optomechanical system, the coupling between a cavity and an optomechanical system provides a method to relax the constraints to obtain single photon by optomechanical interaction.Comment: 7 papes, 5 figure

    10KP: A phylodiverse genome sequencing plan.

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    Understanding plant evolution and diversity in a phylogenomic context is an enormous challenge due, in part, to limited availability of genome-scale data across phylodiverse species. The 10KP (10,000 Plants) Genome Sequencing Project will sequence and characterize representative genomes from every major clade of embryophytes, green algae, and protists (excluding fungi) within the next 5 years. By implementing and continuously improving leading-edge sequencing technologies and bioinformatics tools, 10KP will catalogue the genome content of plant and protist diversity and make these data freely available as an enduring foundation for future scientific discoveries and applications. 10KP is structured as an international consortium, open to the global community, including botanical gardens, plant research institutes, universities, and private industry. Our immediate goal is to establish a policy framework for this endeavor, the principles of which are outlined here

    An Updated Search of Steady TeV γ−\gamma-Ray Point Sources in Northern Hemisphere Using the Tibet Air Shower Array

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    Using the data taken from Tibet II High Density (HD) Array (1997 February-1999 September) and Tibet-III array (1999 November-2005 November), our previous northern sky survey for TeV γ−\gamma-ray point sources has now been updated by a factor of 2.8 improved statistics. From 0.0∘0.0^{\circ} to 60.0∘60.0^{\circ} in declination (Dec) range, no new TeV γ−\gamma-ray point sources with sufficiently high significance were identified while the well-known Crab Nebula and Mrk421 remain to be the brightest TeV γ−\gamma-ray sources within the field of view of the Tibet air shower array. Based on the currently available data and at the 90% confidence level (C.L.), the flux upper limits for different power law index assumption are re-derived, which are approximately improved by 1.7 times as compared with our previous reported limits.Comment: This paper has been accepted by hepn

    In Situ Prior Proliferation of CD4+ CCR6+ Regulatory T Cells Facilitated by TGF-β Secreting DCs Is Crucial for Their Enrichment and Suppression in Tumor Immunity

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    BACKGROUND: CD4(+)CD25(+) regulatory T cells (Tregs), a heterogeneous population, were enrichment in tumor mass and played an important role in modulating anti-tumor immunity. Recently, we reported a Treg subset, CCR6(+) Tregs but not CCR6(-)Tregs, were enriched in tumor mass and closely related to poor prognosis of breast cancer patients. However, the underlying mechanism remains elusive. Here, we carefully evaluate the enrichment of CCR6(+)Tregs in tumor mass during progression of breast cancer and explore its possible mechanism. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The frequency of CCR6(+)Tregs in tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs ) was analyzed at early stage and at late stage of tumor in a murine breast cancer model by FACS respectively. The expansion of CCR6(+)Tregs and their CCR6(-) counterpart in tumor mass were determined by BrdU incorporation assay. The effect and its possible mechanism of tumor-resident antigen presenting cells (APCs) on the proliferation of CCR6(+)Tregs also were evaluated. The role of local expansion of CCR6(+)Tregs in their enrichment and suppression in vivo also was evaluated in adoptive cell transfer assay. We found that the prior enrichment of CCR6(+)Tregs but not CCR6(-)Tregs in tumor mass during progression of murine breast cancer, which was dependent on the dominant proliferation of CCR6(+) Tregs in situ. Further study demonstrated that tumor-resident DCs triggered the proliferation of CCR6(+)Treg cells in TGF-β dependent manner. Adoptive transfer of CCR6(+)Tregs was found to potently inhibit the function of CD8(+)T cells in vivo, which was dependent on their proliferation and subsequently enrichment in tumor mass. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our finding suggested that CCR6(+) Tregs, a distinct subset of Tregs, exert its predominant suppressive role in tumor immunity through prior in situ expansion, which might ultimately provide helpful thoughts for the designing of Treg-based immunotherapy for tumor in the future

    Implementation and first-year screening results of an ocular telehealth system for diabetic retinopathy in China

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To describe implementation and first-year screening results of the first Chinese telehealth system for diabetic retinopathy (DR) - the Beixinjing Community Diabetic Retinopathy Telehealth system (BCDRT).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>BCDRT implementation was based on the acquisition of adequate digital retinographs, secure digital transmission, storage and retrieval of participants' data and reader-generated medical reports. Local diabetic residents meeting inclusion criteria were enrolled into the BCDRT system beginning in 2009. Participants recommended for further in-person examination with ophthalmologists were followed, and the consistencies in diagnoses between BCDRT and ophthalmologists for DR or macular edema were calculated.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A total of 471 diabetic residents participated in BCDRT screening in 2009. The proportions of total DR, proliferative DR, and diabetic macular edema were 24.42% (115 patients), 2.12% (10 patients) and 6.47% (24 patients), respectively: 56 patients consulted ophthalmologists for further in-person retinal examination with funduscopy after pupil dilation. High rates of consistency between BCDRT screening and ophthalmologists were observed for macular edema (Kappa = 0.81), moderate or severe non-proliferative DR grade (Kappa = 0.92), and other DR grades (Kappa = 1). A total of 456 (96.82%) patients were willing to participate in the next BCDRT screening.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>BCDRT was a reliable and valid system for DR screening, and offers the potential to increase DR annual screening rates in local residents.</p

    Inhibition of PC cell-derived growth factor (PCDGF)/granulin-epithelin precursor (GEP) decreased cell proliferation and invasion through downregulation of cyclin D and CDK 4 and inactivation of MMP-2

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    BACKGROUND: PC cell-derived growth factor (PCDGF), also called epithelin/granulin precursor (GEP), is an 88-kDa secreted glycoprotein with the ability to stimulate cell proliferation in an autocrine fashion. In addition, some studies indicated that PCDGF participated in invasion, metastasis and survival of cancer cells by regulating cell migration, adhesion and proliferation. Yet the effects of PCDGF on proliferation and invasion of ovarian cancer cells in vitro and the mechanisms by which PCDGF mediates biological behaviors of ovarian cancer have rarely been reported. In the present study we investigated whether and how PCDGF/GEP mediated cell proliferation and invasion in ovarian cancer. METHODS: PCDGF/GEP expression level in three human ovarian cancer cell lines of different invasion potential were detected by RT-PCR and western blot. Effects of inhibition of PCDGF expression on cell proliferation and invasion capability were determined by MTT assay and Boyden chamber assay. Expression levels of cyclin D1 and CDK4 and MMP-2 activity were evaluated in a pilot study. RESULTS: PCDGF mRNA and protein were expressed at a high level in SW626 and A2780 and at a low level in SKOV3. PCDGF expression level correlated well with malignant phenotype including proliferation and invasion in ovarian cancer cell lines. In addition, the proliferation rate and invasion index decreased after inhibition of PCDGF expression by antisense PCDGF cDNA transfection in SW626 and A2780. Furthermore expression of CyclinD1 and CDK4 were downregulated and MMP-2 was inactivated after PCDGF inhibition in the pilot study. CONCLUSION: PCDGF played an important role in stimulating proliferation and promoting invasion in ovarian cancer. Inhibition of PCDGF decreased proliferation and invasion capability through downregulation of cyclin D1 and CDK4 and inactivation of MMP-2. PCDGF could serve as a potential therapeutic target in ovarian cancer

    Functional Evaluation of Genetic and Environmental Regulators of P450 mRNA Levels

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    Variations in the activities of Cytochrome P450s are one of the major factors responsible for inter-individual differences in drug clearance rates, which may cause serious toxicity or inefficacy of therapeutic drugs. Various mRNA level is one of the key factors for different activity of the major P450 genes. Although both genetic and environmental regulators of P450 gene expression have been widely investigated, few studies have evaluated the functional importance of cis- and trans-regulatory factors and environmental factors in the modulation of inter-individual expression variations of the P450 genes. In this study, we measured the mRNA levels of seven major P450 genes (CYP1A1, CYP1A2, CYP2C9, CYP2C19, CYP2D6, CYP3A4 and CYP3A5) in 96 liver biopsy samples from Chinese population. Both trans-acting (mRNA levels and non-synonymous SNPs of putative regulator genes) and cis-acting (gene copy number and functional SNPs) factors were investigated to identify the determinants of the expression variations of these seven P450 genes. We found that expression variations of most P450 genes, regulator genes and housekeeping genes were positively correlated at the mRNA level. After partial correlation analysis using ACTB and GAPDH expression to eliminate the effect of global regulators, a UPGMA (Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Mean) tree was constructed to reveal the effects of specific regulation networks potentially masked by global regulators. Combined with the functional analysis of regulators, our results suggested that expression variation at the mRNA level was mediated by several factors in a gene-specific manner. Cis-acting genetic variants might play key roles in the expression variation of CYP2D6 and CYP3A5, environmental inducers might play key roles in CYP1A1 and CYP1A2 variation and global regulators might play key roles in CYP2C9 variation. In addition, the functions of regulators that play less important roles in controlling expression variation for each P450 gene were determined

    Sciences of the USA 1418 -1421 ͉ PNAS

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    The discovery of the block-like structure of linkage disequilibrium (LD) in human populations holds the promise of delineating the etiology of common diseases. However, understanding the magnitude, mechanism, and utility of between-population LD sharing is critical for future genome-wide association studies. In this study, substantial LD sharing between six non-African populations was observed, although much less between African-American and non-African, based on 20,000 SNPs of chromosome 21. We also demonstrated the respective roles of recombination and demographic events in shaping LD sharing. Furthermore, we showed that the haplotype-tagged SNPs chosen from one population are portable to the others in East Asia. Therefore, we concluded that the magnitude of LD sharing between human populations justifies the use of representative populations for selecting haplotypetagged SNPs in genome-wide association studies of complex diseases. bottleneck ͉ genetic distance ͉ association study ͉ common disease ͉ genetic variant C omprehensive testing of the association between genetic variations in the human genome and common diseases holds the promise of delineating the genetic architecture of these diseases (1-5). Substantial sharing of the boundaries and specific haplotypes of linkage disequilibrium (LD) blocks between populations was observed (6). However, variations of haplotype and LD across populations were also reported, raising concerns on its practical hindrance for genomewide testing of association (7-9). Conflicting observations on the magnitude of LD sharing between human populations, therefore, call for a careful examination of the following three questions, which are fundamental in developing strategies for genomewide testing of association. First, measurement of LD sharing between populations should be made independent of the definition of LD blocks, which introduce inconsistent block boundaries (10). Second, the mechanisms that shape LD sharing between populations are yet to be fully explored although the roles of recombination hotspots and demographic events have been implicated To address the aforementioned questions, we typed Ͼ20,000 SNPs on chromosome 21 in seven populations: three representative continental populations [African-American (AFR), European (EUR), and Han Chinese (HAN)] and four other major East Asian (EA) populations. This design allows a close examination of LD sharing between continental groups as well as those within East Asia. In this report, we measured the LD sharing between populations independent of the definition of LD block; and we showed that bottleneck events play a critical role in shaping the LD sharing between Africans and nonAfricans, but much less so between non-Africans. An important question for applying HapMap results to disease studies is how tagSNPs selected from a HapMap population will be ported to disease studies performed in other populations. In this study, we showed that tagSNPs selected from representative continental populations are indeed portable to the others in the same continent for association studies, at least in East Asia, with reasonable efficiency. In addition, we proposed a simple guideline that allows a quick evaluation of the portability of tagSNPs between populations by typing a small number of SNPs. Results Overall 26,112 SNPs were selected and typed in this study, and the data from 19,060 SNPs passed the quality control criteria and were used for further analyses. The SNPs and quality control criteria for SNP selection are described in Materials and Methods. Seven world populations, including EUR, AFR, and five EA populations, were studied. The five EA populations, i.e., HAN, Miao (HMJ), Zhuang (CCY), Wa (WBM), and Uighur (UIG), represent five major linguistic families spoken in East Asia. Preservation of LD between populations, i.e., LD sharing (S, or S AB when the population A was given as reference), is measured by the proportion of SNP pairs in LD in one population (population A or the reference) that are also in LD in another (population B). In this study, LD sharing was estimated without invoking the inference of haplotype blocks; therefore, the measure is independent of the definition of haplotype blocks. LD between two loci was measured in r 2 (16). Detail for the measure of LD sharing is described in Materials and Methods. LD sharing between EAs ranges from 63-74% for r 2 Ն 0.1 and 70-84% for r 2 Ն 0.5 (se
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