32,114 research outputs found

    Heisenberg Limit Superradiant Superresolving Metrology

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    We propose a superradiant metrology technique to achieve the Heisenberg limit super-resolving displacement measurement by encoding multiple light momenta into a three-level atomic ensemble. We use 2N2N coherent pulses to prepare a single excitation superradiant state in a superposition of two timed Dicke states that are 4N4N light momenta apart in momentum space. The phase difference between these two states induced by a uniform displacement of the atomic ensemble has 1/4N1/4N sensitivity. Experiments are proposed in crystals and in ultracold atoms

    Nonadiabatic quantum transition-state theory in the golden-rule limit. I. Theory and application to model systems

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    We propose a new quantum transition-state theory for calculating Fermi's golden-rule rates in complex multidimensional systems. This method is able to account for the nuclear quantum effects of delocalization, zero-point energy and tunnelling in an electron-transfer reaction. It is related to instanton theory but can be computed by path-integral sampling and is thus applicable to treat molecular reactions in solution. A constraint functional based on energy conservation is introduced which ensures that the dominant paths contributing to the reaction rate are sampled. We prove that the theory gives exact results for a system of crossed linear potentials and also the correct classical limit for any system. In numerical tests, the new method is also seen to be accurate for anharmonic systems, and even gives good predictions for rates in the Marcus inverted regime.Comment: 18 pages and 6 figure

    Electronic states in a magnetic quantum-dot molecule: phase transitions and spontaneous symmetry breaking

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    We show that a double quantum-dot system made of diluted magnetic semiconductor behaves unlike usual molecules. In a semiconductor double quantum dot or in a diatomic molecule, the ground state of a single carrier is described by a symmetric orbital. In a magnetic material molecule, new ground states with broken symmetry can appear due the competition between the tunnelling and magnetic polaron energy. With decreasing temperature, the ground state changes from the normal symmetric state to a state with spontaneously broken symmetry. Interestingly, the symmetry of a magnetic molecule is recovered at very low temperatures. A magnetic double quantum dot with broken-symmetry phases can be used a voltage-controlled nanoscale memory cell.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    High efficiency transfection of thymic epithelial cell lines and primary thymic epithelial cells by Nucleofection

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    Thymic epithelial cells (TECs) are required for the development and differentiation of T cells and are sufficient for the positive and negative selection of developing T cells. Although TECs play a critical role in T cell biology, simple, efficient and readily scalable methods for the transfection of TEC lines and primary TECs have not been described. We tested the efficiency of Nucleofection for the transfection of 4 different mouse thymic epithelial cell lines that had been derived from cortical or medullary epithelium. We also tested primary mouse thymic epithelial cells isolated from fetal and postnatal stages. We found that Nucleofection was highly efficient for the transfection of thymic epithelial cells, with transfection efficiencies of 30-70% for the cell lines and 15-35% for primary TECs with low amounts of cell death. Efficient transfection by Nucleofection can be performed with established cortical and medullary thymic epithelial cell lines as well as primary TECs isolated from E15.5 day fetal thymus or postnatal day 3 or 30 thymus tissue. The high efficiency of Nucleofection for TEC transfection will enable the use of TEC lines in high throughput transfection studies and simplifies the transfection of primary TECs for in vitro or in vivo analysis

    Resource-Constrained Adaptive Search and Tracking for Sparse Dynamic Targets

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    This paper considers the problem of resource-constrained and noise-limited localization and estimation of dynamic targets that are sparsely distributed over a large area. We generalize an existing framework [Bashan et al, 2008] for adaptive allocation of sensing resources to the dynamic case, accounting for time-varying target behavior such as transitions to neighboring cells and varying amplitudes over a potentially long time horizon. The proposed adaptive sensing policy is driven by minimization of a modified version of the previously introduced ARAP objective function, which is a surrogate function for mean squared error within locations containing targets. We provide theoretical upper bounds on the performance of adaptive sensing policies by analyzing solutions with oracle knowledge of target locations, gaining insight into the effect of target motion and amplitude variation as well as sparsity. Exact minimization of the multi-stage objective function is infeasible, but myopic optimization yields a closed-form solution. We propose a simple non-myopic extension, the Dynamic Adaptive Resource Allocation Policy (D-ARAP), that allocates a fraction of resources for exploring all locations rather than solely exploiting the current belief state. Our numerical studies indicate that D-ARAP has the following advantages: (a) it is more robust than the myopic policy to noise, missing data, and model mismatch; (b) it performs comparably to well-known approximate dynamic programming solutions but at significantly lower computational complexity; and (c) it improves greatly upon non-adaptive uniform resource allocation in terms of estimation error and probability of detection.Comment: 49 pages, 1 table, 11 figure
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