159 research outputs found

    Future prospects of mass-degenerate Higgs bosons in the CPCP-conserving two-Higgs-doublet model

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    The scenario of two mass-degenerate Higgs bosons within the general two-Higgs-doublet model (2HDM) is revisited. We focus on the global picture when two CPCP-even Higgs bosons of hh and HH are nearly mass-degenerate. A global fit to the signal strength of the 125 GeV Higgs measured at the LHC is performed. Based on the best-fit result of the 2HDM mixing angles (Ξ±,Ξ²)(\alpha,\beta), theoretical constraints, charged and CPCP-odd Higgs boson direct search constraints and the electroweak precision constraints are imposed to the 2HDM parameter space. We present the signal predictions of the (4b ,2b 2Ξ³)(4b\,, 2b\,2\gamma) channels for the benchmark models at the LHC 14 TeV runs. We also study the direct Higgs boson pair productions at the LHC, and the Z-associated Higgs boson pair production search at the ILC 500 GeV runs, as well as the indirect probes at the CEPC 250 GeV run. We find that the mass-degenerate Higgs boson scenario in the Type-II 2HDM can be fully probed by these future experimental searches.Comment: 31 pages, 9 figures, 5 tables, matches with the PRD published versio

    Electroweak phase transition and Higgs phenomenology in the Georgi-Machacek model

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    In this work, we perform the electroweak phase transition study with the Georgi-Machacek model. We investigate both the one-step and two-step strong first order electroweak phase transition (SFOEWPT). The SFOEWPT viable parameter spaces could be tested by the future 14 TeV LHC, HL-LHC, and ILC. The LHC Higgs signal strength measurements severely bound the SFOEWPT valid parameter spaces, a tinny region of the mixing angle between the neutral fields of the isospin-doublet and isospin-triplet scalars around α∼0\alpha\sim 0 can allow the two-step SFOEWPT to occur. The triplet vacuum expectation value (VEV) is crucial for both SFOEWPT and related Higgs phenomenology. The two-step SFOEWPT can be distinguished from the one-step SFOEWPT through the triple Higgs coupling searches and the low mass doubly charged Higgs searches at colliders.Comment: 28 pages, 12 figures, comments welcom

    Blockwise Rank Decoding Problem and LRPC Codes: Cryptosystems with Smaller Sizes

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    In this paper, we initiate the study of the Rank Decoding (RD) problem and LRPC codes with blockwise structures in rank-based cryptosystems. First, we introduce the blockwise errors (β„“\ell-errors) where each error consists of β„“\ell blocks of coordinates with disjoint supports, and define the blockwise RD (β„“\ell-RD) problem as a natural generalization of the RD problem whose solutions are β„“\ell-errors (note that the standard RD problem is actually a special β„“\ell-RD problem with β„“=1\ell=1). We adapt the typical attacks on the RD problem to the β„“\ell-RD problem, and find that the blockwise structures do not ease the problem too much: the β„“\ell-RD problem is still exponentially hard for appropriate choices of β„“>1\ell>1. Second, we introduce blockwise LRPC (β„“\ell-LRPC) codes as generalizations of the standard LPRC codes whose parity-check matrices can be divided into β„“\ell sub-matrices with disjoint supports, i.e., the intersection of two subspaces generated by the entries of any two sub-matrices is a null space, and investigate the decoding algorithms for β„“\ell-errors. We find that the gain of using β„“\ell-errors in decoding capacity outweighs the complexity loss in solving the β„“\ell-RD problem, which makes it possible to design more efficient rank-based cryptosystems with flexible choices of parameters. As an application, we show that the two rank-based cryptosystems submitted to the NIST PQC competition, namely, RQC and ROLLO, can be greatly improved by using the ideal variants of the β„“\ell-RD problem and β„“\ell-LRPC codes. Concretely, for 128-bit security, our RQC has total public key and ciphertext sizes of 2.5 KB, which is not only about 50% more compact than the original RQC, but also smaller than the NIST Round 4 code-based submissions HQC, BIKE, and Classic McEliece

    Type-II 2HDM under the precision measurements at the Z-pole and a Higgs factory

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    Future precision measurements of the Standard Model (SM) parameters at the proposed Z-factories and Higgs factories may have significant impacts on new physics beyond the Standard Model in the electroweak sector. We illustrate this by focusing on the Type-II two Higgs doublet model (Type-II 2HDM). The contributions from the heavy Higgs bosons at the tree-level and at the one-loop level are included in a full model parameter space. We perform a multiple variable global fit and study the extent to which the parameters of non-alignment and non-degenerate masses can be probed by the precision measurements. We find that the allowed parameter ranges are tightly constrained by the future Higgs precision measurements, especially for small and large values of tan . Indirect limits on the masses of heavy Higgs can be obtained, which can be complementary to the direct searches of the heavy Higgs bosons at hadron colliders. We also find that the expected accuracies at the Z-pole and at a Higgs factory are quite complementary in constraining mass splittings of heavy Higgs bosons. The typical results are | cos( - )| < 0.008, |m(phi)| < 200 GeV, and tan approximate to 0.2 - 5. The reaches from CEPC, FCC-ee and ILC are also compared, for both Higgs and Z-pole precision measurements.National Natural Science Foundation of China [11575176]; Center for Future High Energy Physics (CFHEP); U.S. Department of Energy [DE-FG02-95ER40896]; PITT PACC; Department of Energy [DE-FG02-13ER41976/DE-SC0009913]; National Natural Science Foundation of China (NNSFC) [11675242]; Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC); National Science Foundation [PHY-1607611]Open access journalThis item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected]
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