158 research outputs found

    A Fast Integrated Planning and Control Framework for Autonomous Driving via Imitation Learning

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    For safe and efficient planning and control in autonomous driving, we need a driving policy which can achieve desirable driving quality in long-term horizon with guaranteed safety and feasibility. Optimization-based approaches, such as Model Predictive Control (MPC), can provide such optimal policies, but their computational complexity is generally unacceptable for real-time implementation. To address this problem, we propose a fast integrated planning and control framework that combines learning- and optimization-based approaches in a two-layer hierarchical structure. The first layer, defined as the "policy layer", is established by a neural network which learns the long-term optimal driving policy generated by MPC. The second layer, called the "execution layer", is a short-term optimization-based controller that tracks the reference trajecotries given by the "policy layer" with guaranteed short-term safety and feasibility. Moreover, with efficient and highly-representative features, a small-size neural network is sufficient in the "policy layer" to handle many complicated driving scenarios. This renders online imitation learning with Dataset Aggregation (DAgger) so that the performance of the "policy layer" can be improved rapidly and continuously online. Several exampled driving scenarios are demonstrated to verify the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed framework

    Socially-Compatible Behavior Design of Autonomous Vehicles with Verification on Real Human Data

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    As more and more autonomous vehicles (AVs) are being deployed on public roads, designing socially compatible behaviors for them is becoming increasingly important. In order to generate safe and efficient actions, AVs need to not only predict the future behaviors of other traffic participants, but also be aware of the uncertainties associated with such behavior prediction. In this paper, we propose an uncertain-aware integrated prediction and planning (UAPP) framework. It allows the AVs to infer the characteristics of other road users online and generate behaviors optimizing not only their own rewards, but also their courtesy to others, and their confidence regarding the prediction uncertainties. We first propose the definitions for courtesy and confidence. Based on that, their influences on the behaviors of AVs in interactive driving scenarios are explored. Moreover, we evaluate the proposed algorithm on naturalistic human driving data by comparing the generated behavior against ground truth. Results show that the online inference can significantly improve the human-likeness of the generated behaviors. Furthermore, we find that human drivers show great courtesy to others, even for those without right-of-way. We also find that such driving preferences vary significantly in different cultures.Comment: Accepted by IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. January 202

    Courteous Autonomous Cars

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    Typically, autonomous cars optimize for a combination of safety, efficiency, and driving quality. But as we get better at this optimization, we start seeing behavior go from too conservative to too aggressive. The car's behavior exposes the incentives we provide in its cost function. In this work, we argue for cars that are not optimizing a purely selfish cost, but also try to be courteous to other interactive drivers. We formalize courtesy as a term in the objective that measures the increase in another driver's cost induced by the autonomous car's behavior. Such a courtesy term enables the robot car to be aware of possible irrationality of the human behavior, and plan accordingly. We analyze the effect of courtesy in a variety of scenarios. We find, for example, that courteous robot cars leave more space when merging in front of a human driver. Moreover, we find that such a courtesy term can help explain real human driver behavior on the NGSIM dataset.Comment: International Conference on Intelligent Robots (IROS) 201
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