15,499 research outputs found

    Electron multipacting in long-bunch beam

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    The electron multipacting is an important factor for the development of the electron cloud. There is a trailing-edge multipacting in the tail of the long-bunch beam. It can be described by the energy gain and motion of electrons. The analyses are in agreement with the simulation

    EDA: Easy Data Augmentation Techniques for Boosting Performance on Text Classification Tasks

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    We present EDA: easy data augmentation techniques for boosting performance on text classification tasks. EDA consists of four simple but powerful operations: synonym replacement, random insertion, random swap, and random deletion. On five text classification tasks, we show that EDA improves performance for both convolutional and recurrent neural networks. EDA demonstrates particularly strong results for smaller datasets; on average, across five datasets, training with EDA while using only 50% of the available training set achieved the same accuracy as normal training with all available data. We also performed extensive ablation studies and suggest parameters for practical use.Comment: EMNLP-IJCNLP 2019 short pape

    A finite element method of the self-consistent field theory on general curved surfaces

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    Block copolymers provide a wonderful platform in studying the soft condensed matter systems. Many fascinating ordered structures have been discovered in bulk and confined systems. Among various theories, the self-consistent field theory (SCFT) has been proven to be a powerful tool for studying the equilibrium ordered structures. Many numerical methods have been developed to solve the SCFT model. However, most of these focus on the bulk systems, and little work on the confined systems, especially on general curved surfaces. In this work, we developed a linear surface finite element method, which has a rigorous mathematical theory to guarantee numerical precsion, to study the self-assembled phases of block copolymers on general curved surfaces based on the SCFT. Furthermore, to capture the consistent surface for a given self-assembled pattern, an adaptive approach to optimize the size of the general curved surface has been proposed. To demonstrate the power of this approach, we investigate the self-assembled patterns of diblock copolymers on several distinct curved surfaces, including five closed surfaces and an unclosed surface. Numerical results illustrate the efficiency of the proposed method. The obtained ordered structures are consistent with the previous results on standard surfaces, such as sphere and torus. Certainly, the proposed numerical framework has the capability of studying the phase behaviors on general surfaces precisely

    Topological defects in two-dimensional crystals

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    By using topological current theory, we study the inner topological structure of the topological defects in two-dimensional (2D) crystal. We find that there are two elementary point defects topological current in two-dimensional crystal, one for dislocations and the other for disclinations. The topological quantization and evolution of topological defects in two-dimensional crystals are discussed. Finally, We compare our theory with Brownian-dynamics simulations in 2D Yukawa systems.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Topological dynamics and dynamical scaling behavior of vortices in a two-dimensional XY model

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    By using topological current theory we study the inner topological structure of vortices a two-dimensional (2D) XY model and find the topological current relating to the order parameter field. A scalar field, ψ\psi, is introduced through the topological current theory. By solving the scalar field, the interaction energy of vortices in a 2D XY model is revisited. We study the dynamical evolution of vortices and present the branch conditions for generating, annihilating, crossing, splitting and merging of vortices. During the growth or annihilation of vortices, the dynamical scaling law of relevant length in a 2D XY model, ξ(t)(tt)1/z\xi(t)\propto(t-t^*)^{1/z}, is obtained in the neighborhood of the limit point, given the dynamic exponent z=2z=2. This dynamical scaling behavior is consistent with renormalization group theory, numerical simulations, and experimental results. Furthermore, it is found that during the crossing, splitting and merging of vortices, the dynamical scaling law of relevant length is ξ(t)(tt)\xi(t)\propto(t-t^*). However, if vortices are at rest during splitting or merging, the dynamical scaling law of relevant length is a constat.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures. any comments are favore

    Testing the Cosmic Anisotropy with Supernovae Data: Hemisphere Comparison and Dipole Fitting

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    The cosmological principle is one of the cornerstones in modern cosmology. It assumes that the universe is homogeneous and isotropic on cosmic scales. Both the homogeneity and the isotropy of the universe should be tested carefully. In the present work, we are interested in probing the possible preferred direction in the distribution of type Ia supernovae (SNIa). To our best knowledge, two main methods have been used in almost all of the relevant works in the literature, namely the hemisphere comparison (HC) method and the dipole fitting (DF) method. However, the results from these two methods are not always approximately coincident with each other. In this work, we test the cosmic anisotropy by using these two methods with the Joint Light-Curve Analysis (JLA) and simulated SNIa datasets. In many cases, both methods work well, and their results are consistent with each other. However, in the cases with two (or even more) preferred directions, the DF method fails while the HC method still works well. This might shed new light on our understanding of these two methods.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures, 1 table, revtex4; v2: title changed, discussions added, Phys. Rev. D in press; v3: published versio

    Distributed Block-diagonal Approximation Methods for Regularized Empirical Risk Minimization

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    In recent years, there is a growing need to train machine learning models on a huge volume of data. Designing efficient distributed optimization algorithms for empirical risk minimization (ERM) has therefore become an active and challenging research topic. In this paper, we propose a flexible framework for distributed ERM training through solving the dual problem, which provides a unified description and comparison of existing methods. Our approach requires only approximate solutions of the sub-problems involved in the optimization process, and is versatile to be applied on many large-scale machine learning problems including classification, regression, and structured prediction. We show that our approach enjoys global linear convergence for a broader class of problems, and achieves faster empirical performance, compared with existing works

    The anomalous antiferromagnetic topological phase in pressurized SmB6

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    Antiferromagnetic materials, whose time-reversal symmetry is broken, can be classified into the Z2 topology if they respect some specific symmetry. Since the theoretical proposal, however, no materials have been found to host the antiferromagnetic topological (AFT) phase to date. Here, for the first time, we demonstrate that the topological Kondo insulator SmB6 can be an AFT system when pressurized to undergo an antiferromagnetic phase transition. In addition to propose the possible candidate for an AFT material, in this work we also illustrate the anomalous topological surface states of the AFT phase which has not been discussed before. Originating from the interplay between the topological properties and the antiferromagnetic surface magnetization, the topological surface states of the AFT phase behave differently as compared with those of a topological insulator. Besides, the AFT insulators are also found promising in the generation of tunable spin currents, which is an important application in spintronics

    Continuous-Scale Kinetic Fluid Simulation

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    Kinetic approaches, i.e., methods based on the lattice Boltzmann equations, have long been recognized as an appealing alternative for solving incompressible Navier-Stokes equations in computational fluid dynamics. However, such approaches have not been widely adopted in graphics mainly due to the underlying inaccuracy, instability and inflexibility. In this paper, we try to tackle these problems in order to make kinetic approaches practical for graphical applications. To achieve more accurate and stable simulations, we propose to employ the non-orthogonal central-moment-relaxation model, where we develop a novel adaptive relaxation method to retain both stability and accuracy in turbulent flows. To achieve flexibility, we propose a novel continuous-scale formulation that enables samples at arbitrary resolutions to easily communicate with each other in a more continuous sense and with loose geometrical constraints, which allows efficient and adaptive sample construction to better match the physical scale. Such a capability directly leads to an automatic sample construction which generates static and dynamic scales at initialization and during simulation, respectively. This effectively makes our method suitable for simulating turbulent flows with arbitrary geometrical boundaries. Our simulation results with applications to smoke animations show the benefits of our method, with comparisons for justification and verification.Comment: 17 pages, 17 figures, accepted by IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphic

    Optimal Puncturing of Polar Codes With a Fixed Information Set

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    For a given polar code construction, the existing literature on puncturing for polar codes focuses in finding the optimal puncturing pattern, and then re-selecting the information set. This paper devotes itself to find the optimal puncturing pattern when the information set is fixed. Puncturing the coded bits corresponding to the worst quality bit channels, called the worst quality puncturing (WQP), is proposed, which is analyzed to minimize the bit channel quality loss at the punctured positions. Simulation results show that WQP outperforms the best existing puncturing schemes when the information set is fixed.Comment: Polar codes, puncture, quasi-uniform puncturing,worst quality puncturin