68 research outputs found

    Forum-shoppen in de beleidsvorming

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    In besluitvormingsprocessen zijn twee vragen dominant: de effectiviteitsvraag en de passend-heidsvraag. Bij de eerste vraag gaat het om feiten, terwijl het bij de tweede vraag gaat om normen die aan beleidshandelen ten grondslag liggen. Zowel die feiten als die normen staan veelvuldig ter discussie in het besluitvormingsproces. Om consensus te bereiken worden vor-men van joint fact-finding, respectievelijk alternatieve geschillenbeslechting en interactieve beleidsvorming als remedie gezien. Dit genereert het fenomeen van forumverdichting waar-door het aantal mogelijkheden voor strategische interacties toeneemt. Daarmee worden naast feiten en normen ook besluitvormingsforums tot potentieel onderwerp van onderhandeling. Actoren zoeken een forum dat het beste aansluit bij hun belangen: zij gaan forum-shoppen

    Theoretical Reflections on the Underutilization of Employee Talents in the Workplace and the Consequences

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    This article describes "chronic relative underperformance" (CRU)-a special example of P-E misfit. It investigates literature on giftedness, underachievement, underemployment, workplace boredom, and boreout, and connects these to clinical psychological views on mentalization. The intent is to develop thoughts that are useful in the understanding of why some employees fail to thrive, even though they are performing seemingly well enough as regards to the targets of the employer, and offer a frame of reference that can lead to further understanding of this condition. CRU is an issue that is hardly described within the literature. Recognizing CRU in the workforce and taking steps to counter its effects may lead to a more efficient and elegant way to reach organizational, and personal, goals

    Levels of Fibrinogen Variants Are Altered in Severe COVID-19

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    Background  Fibrinogen variants as a result of alternative messenger RNA splicing or protein degradation can affect fibrin(ogen) functions. The levels of these variants might be altered during coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), potentially affecting disease severity or the thrombosis risk. Aim  To investigate the levels of fibrinogen variants in plasma of patients with COVID-19. Methods  In this case-control study, we measured levels of functional fibrinogen using the Clauss assay. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays were used to measure antigen levels of total, intact (nondegraded Aα chain), extended Aα chain (α E ), and γ' fibrinogen in healthy controls, patients with pneumococcal infection in the intensive care unit (ICU), ward patients with COVID-19, and ICU patients with COVID-19 (with and without thrombosis, two time points). Results  Healthy controls and ward patients with COVID-19 ( n  = 10) showed similar fibrinogen (variant) levels. ICU patients with COVID-19 who later did ( n  = 19) or did not develop thrombosis ( n  = 18) and ICU patients with pneumococcal infection ( n  = 6) had higher absolute levels of functional, total, intact, and α E fibrinogen than healthy controls ( n  = 7). The relative α E fibrinogen levels were higher in ICU patients with COVID-19 than in healthy controls, while relative γ' fibrinogen levels were lower. After diagnosis of thrombosis, only the functional fibrinogen levels were higher in ICU patients with COVID-19 and thrombosis than in those without, while no differences were observed in the other fibrinogen variants. Conclusion  Our results show that severe COVID-19 is associated with increased levels of α E fibrinogen and decreased relative levels of γ' fibrinogen, which may be a cause or consequence of severe disease, but this is not associated with the development of thrombosis.</p

    Levels of Fibrinogen Variants Are Altered in Severe COVID-19

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    Background  Fibrinogen variants as a result of alternative messenger RNA splicing or protein degradation can affect fibrin(ogen) functions. The levels of these variants might be altered during coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), potentially affecting disease severity or the thrombosis risk. Aim  To investigate the levels of fibrinogen variants in plasma of patients with COVID-19. Methods  In this case-control study, we measured levels of functional fibrinogen using the Clauss assay. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays were used to measure antigen levels of total, intact (nondegraded Aα chain), extended Aα chain (α E ), and γ' fibrinogen in healthy controls, patients with pneumococcal infection in the intensive care unit (ICU), ward patients with COVID-19, and ICU patients with COVID-19 (with and without thrombosis, two time points). Results  Healthy controls and ward patients with COVID-19 ( n  = 10) showed similar fibrinogen (variant) levels. ICU patients with COVID-19 who later did ( n  = 19) or did not develop thrombosis ( n  = 18) and ICU patients with pneumococcal infection ( n  = 6) had higher absolute levels of functional, total, intact, and α E fibrinogen than healthy controls ( n  = 7). The relative α E fibrinogen levels were higher in ICU patients with COVID-19 than in healthy controls, while relative γ' fibrinogen levels were lower. After diagnosis of thrombosis, only the functional fibrinogen levels were higher in ICU patients with COVID-19 and thrombosis than in those without, while no differences were observed in the other fibrinogen variants. Conclusion  Our results show that severe COVID-19 is associated with increased levels of α E fibrinogen and decreased relative levels of γ' fibrinogen, which may be a cause or consequence of severe disease, but this is not associated with the development of thrombosis.</p

    Controversiele besluitvorming. Opkomst en functioneren van groen polderoverleg

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