5 research outputs found

    Enabling effective synoptic assessment via algorithmic constitution of review panels

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    This paper presents an algorithmic tool that was used to create panels of experts for the synoptic assessment of a software engineering project course that is targeted towards fostering innovation and creativity in software engineering students. Synoptic assessments succeed with the ability to formulate expert evaluation panels. Yet many industry experts are busy professionals, and hence, the process of constituting appropriately balanced evaluation panels for project demonstrations is a significant challenge. The discussion includes the outcomes of using the algorithm to automate the panel composition and scheduling process for synoptic assessments of project demonstrations for a batch of 100 students following the Bachelor of Engineering (Honors) degree program in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Moratuwa in Sri Lanka. We describe the challenges we faced and our approach towards addressing the issues as well as our encouraging successes

    How to put an elephant in a refrigerator: Architectural concerns of an ESB for lightweight environments

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    With the introduction of IPV6, the address space has increased. Thus in the future, every electronic device can have a unique address. These devices would generate data every day. We can use this data to generate information and create intelligent systems. The concept related to this scenario is known as the Internet of Things (IoT). Interconnecting a multitude of these devices and sharing data and services will eventually become a significant challenge. Enterprise Service Buses (ESB) which are used to integrate enterprise applications can be used to address this challenge by interconnecting every device in a more scalable manner. Even though existing ESBs are suitable for enterprise application integration, they may not be suitable for lightweight hardware environments

    Web browsers on smart mobile devices: A gap analysis on the state of the art

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    In recent years, we have seen an accelerated development of mobile devices in terms of hardware capabilities, navigation techniques and physical design. Today users are gradually shifting towards choosing a smart mobile device as their preferred device. The technologically advanced capabilities that current smart mobile devices possess have spawned a plethora of engaging applications that are attractive and effective in their usefulness and usability. In contrast, the web browser, which can be considered one's personal gateway to the World Wide Web, has not transformed to keep pace with the technology advancements of smart mobile devices in order to create a better experience to the user. All of these browsers are built on top of the same visualization techniques and layouts used by the desktop oriented web browsers. This is not the ideal form of presentation for a smart mobile device. The underlying issue is that the majority of generic websites have not been designed to cater to the relatively smaller mobile device screens. Web browsers for mobile devices have not been able to effectively address this issue. This has created a significant user experience gap between web browsing applications and the smart mobile device capabilities. In this paper, we have presented a gap analysis framework for smart mobile device web browsers in which we have analysed the aforementioned issue from different perspectives. With this framework, we intend to pin down a set of guidelines for a mobile browser that would lead to a better presentation of generic web sites

    Mind reading: a survey and a proof of concept platform for perception analysis

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    This research paper discusses evolution of perception capturing and analytic mechanisms and presents a system for crowdsourced perception analysis. Crowdsourcing has become a buzzword in social computing which can be effectively applied for perception analysis. There are situations in recent past like Arab Spring in which crowdsourcing was heavily affected to increase the interest and motivation of the citizens through a huge crowdsourced news scoop. In mega sporting and entertainment events the members of the crowd can actively participate through handheld mobile devices to convey their perception. Crowdsourced perceptual data can be analyzed in many dimensions which creates diversified opportunities across several sectors. This paper discusses conventional survey mechanisms which have evolved towards real time emotion capturing systems with video processing and image processing. Also we present architecture and a prototype application for crowdsourced perception analysis

    Paving the path to a geoscience gateway

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    Geoscience is one of the most prominent research areas today, involved in modelling and analysing the evolvement of Earth systems for the betterment of mankind. Geoscientists engaged in geoscience research and experiments often use sophisticated software tools such as Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Nevertheless, as computational geoscience is an emerging field, effective management and utilization of available geoscience data remains a major challenge