3 research outputs found

    Biased connectivity of brain-wide inputs to ventral subiculum output neurons

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    The ventral subiculum (vS) of the mouse hippocampus coordinates diverse behaviours through heterogeneous populations of projection neurons. These neurons transmit signals to multiple brain regions by integrating thousands of local and long-range synaptic inputs. However, whether each population is selectively innervated by different afferent input remains unknown. To address this question, we employed projection-specific rabies tracing to study the input-output relationship of vS output neurons. Analysis of brain-wide inputs reveals quantitative input differences that can be explained by the spatial location of postsynaptic neurons along the proximal-distal axis of vS and the identity of the downstream target. Further, the input from nucleus reuniens, an area thought to underlie vS and prefrontal cortex (PFC) reciprocal connectivity, is unexpectedly biased away from PFC-projecting vS neurons. Overall, we reveal prominent heterogeneity in brain-wide inputs to the vS parallel output circuitry, providing a basis for the selective control of individual projections during behaviour

    Two opposing hippocampus to prefrontal cortex pathways for the control of approach and avoidance behaviour

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    The decision to either approach or avoid a potentially threatening environment is thought to rely upon the coordinated activity of heterogeneous neural populations in the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex (PFC). However, how this circuitry is organized to flexibly promote both approach or avoidance at different times has remained elusive. Here, we show that the hippocampal projection to PFC is composed of two parallel circuits located in the superficial or deep pyramidal layers of the CA1/subiculum border. These circuits have unique upstream and downstream connectivity, and are differentially active during approach and avoidance behaviour. The superficial population is preferentially connected to widespread PFC inhibitory interneurons, and its activation promotes exploration; while the deep circuit is connected to PFC pyramidal neurons and fast spiking interneurons, and its activation promotes avoidance. Together this provides a mechanism for regulation of behaviour during approach avoidance conflict: through two specialized, parallel circuits that allow bidirectional hippocampal control of PFC

    Control of parallel hippocampal output pathways by amygdalar long-range inhibition

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    Projections from the basal amygdala (BA) to the ventral hippocampus (vH) are proposed to provide information about the rewarding or threatening nature of learned associations to support appropriate goal-directed and anxiety-like behaviour. Such behaviour occurs via the differential activity of multiple, parallel populations of pyramidal neurons in vH that project to distinct downstream targets, but the nature of BA input and how it connects with these populations is unclear. Using channelrhodopsin-2-assisted circuit mapping in mice, we show that BA input to vH consists of both excitatory and inhibitory projections. Excitatory input specifically targets BA- and nucleus accumbens-projecting vH neurons and avoids prefrontal cortex-projecting vH neurons, while inhibitory input preferentially targets BA-projecting neurons. Through this specific connectivity, BA inhibitory projections gate place-value associations by controlling the activity of nucleus accumbens-projecting vH neurons. Our results define a parallel excitatory and inhibitory projection from BA to vH that can support goal-directed behaviour