744 research outputs found

    Sunspots and Credit Frictions

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    We examine a general equilibrium model with collateral constraints and increasing returns to scale in production. The utility function is nonseparable, with no income effect on the consumer's choice of leisure. Unlike this model without a collateral constraint, we find that indeterminacy of equilibria is possible. Hence, business cycles can be driven by self-fulfilling expectations. This is the case for more realistic parametrizations than in previous, similar models without these features.business cycles, credit markets, collateral constraint, sunspots

    High-Velocity Estimates and Inverse Scattering for Quantum N-Body Systems with Stark Effect

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    In an N-body quantum system with a constant electric field, by inverse scattering, we uniquely reconstruct pair potentials, belonging to the optimal class of short-range potentials and long-range potentials, from the high-velocity limit of the Dollard scattering operator. We give a reconstruction formula with an error term.Comment: In this published version we have added remarks and we have edited the pape

    On Inverse Scattering at a Fixed Energy for Potentials with a Regular Behaviour at Infinity

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    We study the inverse scattering problem for electric potentials and magnetic fields in \ere^d, d\geq 3, that are asymptotic sums of homogeneous terms at infinity. The main result is that all these terms can be uniquely reconstructed from the singularities in the forward direction of the scattering amplitude at some positive energy.Comment: This is a slightly edited version of the previous pape

    L^p boundedness of the wave operator for the one dimensional Schroedinger operator

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    Given a one dimensional perturbed Schroedinger operator H=-(d/dx)^2+V(x) we consider the associated wave operators W_+, W_- defined as the strong L^2 limits as s-> \pm\infty of the operators e^{isH} e^{-isH_0} We prove that the wave operators are bounded operators on L^p for all 1<p<\infty, provided (1+|x|)^2 V(x) is integrable, or else (1+|x|)V(x) is integrable and 0 is not a resonance. For p=\infty we obtain an estimate in terms of the Hilbert transform. Some applications to dispersive estimates for equations with variable rough coefficients are given.Comment: 26 page

    A rigorous analysis of high order electromagnetic invisibility cloaks

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    There is currently a great deal of interest in the invisibility cloaks recently proposed by Pendry et al. that are based in the transformation approach. They obtained their results using first order transformations. In recent papers Hendi et al. and Cai et al. considered invisibility cloaks with high order transformations. In this paper we study high order electromagnetic invisibility cloaks in transformation media obtained by high order transformations from general anisotropic media. We consider the case where there is a finite number of spherical cloaks located in different points in space. We prove that for any incident plane wave, at any frequency, the scattered wave is identically zero. We also consider the scattering of finite energy wave packets. We prove that the scattering matrix is the identity, i.e., that for any incoming wave packet the outgoing wave packet is the same as the incoming one. This proves that the invisibility cloaks can not be detected in any scattering experiment with electromagnetic waves in high order transformation media, and in particular in the first order transformation media of Pendry et al. We also prove that the high order invisibility cloaks, as well as the first order ones, cloak passive and active devices. The cloaked objects completely decouple from the exterior. Actually, the cloaking outside is independent of what is inside the cloaked objects. The electromagnetic waves inside the cloaked objects can not leave the concealed regions and viceversa, the electromagnetic waves outside the cloaked objects can not go inside the concealed regions. As we prove our results for media that are obtained by transformation from general anisotropic materials, we prove that it is possible to cloak objects inside general crystals.Comment: The final version is now published in Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, vol 41 (2008) 065207 (21 pp). Included in IOP-Selec

    Inverse Scattering at a Fixed Quasi-Energy for Potentials Periodic in Time

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    We prove that the scattering matrix at a fixed quasi--energy determines uniquely a time--periodic potential that decays exponentially at infinity. We consider potentials that for each fixed time belong to L3/2L^{3/2} in space. The exponent 3/2 is critical for the singularities of the potential in space. For this singular class of potentials the result is new even in the time--independent case, where it was only known for bounded exponentially decreasing potentials.Comment: In this revised version I give a more detailed motivation of the class of potentials that I consider and I have corrected some typo

    Inverse scattering at fixed energy on surfaces with Euclidean ends

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    On a fixed Riemann surface (M0,g0)(M_0,g_0) with NN Euclidean ends and genus gg, we show that, under a topological condition, the scattering matrix S_V(\la) at frequency \la > 0 for the operator Δ+V\Delta+V determines the potential VV if VC1,α(M0)eγd(,z0)jL(M0)V\in C^{1,\alpha}(M_0)\cap e^{-\gamma d(\cdot,z_0)^j}L^\infty(M_0) for all γ>0\gamma>0 and for some j{1,2}j\in\{1,2\}, where d(z,z0)d(z,z_0) denotes the distance from zz to a fixed point z0M0z_0\in M_0. The topological condition is given by Nmax(2g+1,2)N\geq\max(2g+1,2) for j=1j=1 and by Ng+1N\geq g+1 if j=2j=2. In \rr^2 this implies that the operator S_V(\la) determines any C1,αC^{1,\alpha} potential VV such that V(z)=O(eγz2)V(z)=O(e^{-\gamma|z|^2}) for all γ>0\gamma>0.Comment: 21 page

    Formulas and equations for finding scattering data from the Dirichlet-to-Neumann map with nonzero background potential

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    For the Schrodinger equation at fixed energy with a potential supported in a bounded domain we give formulas and equations for finding scattering data from the Dirichlet-to-Neumann map with nonzero background potential. For the case of zero background potential these results were obtained in [R.G.Novikov, Multidimensional inverse spectral problem for the equation -\Delta\psi+(v(x)-Eu(x))\psi=0, Funkt. Anal. i Ego Prilozhen 22(4), pp.11-22, (1988)]

    Multidimensional Borg-Levinson Theorem

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    We consider the inverse problem of the reconstruction of a Schr\"odinger operator on a unknown Riemannian manifold or a domain of Euclidean space. The data used is a part of the boundary Γ\Gamma and the eigenvalues corresponding to a set of impedances in the Robin boundary condition which vary on Γ\Gamma. The proof is based on the analysis of the behaviour of the eigenfunctions on the boundary as well as in perturbation theory of eigenvalues. This reduces the problem to an inverse boundary spectral problem solved by the boundary control method