1 research outputs found

    Cultural Practice Considerations: The Coming Out Process for Mexican-Americans along the Rural Mexico-US Border

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    As the nation’s Latino and Mexican-American population continues to rise, social workers must consider the unique experiences of these groups. The decision to reveal a lesbian, gay, or bisexual (LGB) identity is often difficult and painful. This decision can be compounded for Mexican-American individuals as Latino heterosexual attitudes about sexuality continue to act as a barrier for Mexican-American LGB individuals and their families who live along the rural Mexico-United States (US) border. This article reviews the implications of lesbian, gay, or bisexual disclosure within Mexican-American families residing in rural communities along the Mexico-US border. The authors review the traditional Mexican-American family and the role of acculturation in the disclosure process. Implications for culturally competent social work practice, recommendations for clinical practice, and recommendations for future research are discussed