13 research outputs found

    Investigating the risky behavior of international tourists riding motorcycles in Bali

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    Motorcycle accidents and injuries in Bali have been highly occurred as to a cause of their predominance in urban transportation structures. While riding a motorcycle, a tourist eventually is obligated to his/ her own particular safety. Road safety analysts are concerned with accident risk faced by tourists because of a great possibility to be associated with a road accident while on vacation. This research investigated motorcycle riding behaviors and combined with a scope of psychosocial factors for example, sensation seeking, risky riding intentions and attitudes using international tourists riding motorcycles whilst on vacation in Bali as the respondents. Two models are constructed comprising of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Structural Equation Model (SEM). Predictors employed socio-demographic variables consisting exposure and years licensed, gender, age, education levels, and estimates of distance travelled. International tourists revealed a scope of purposes behind riding motorcycles in Bali, for example, for fun and feelings of freedom. This research discovered that male international tourists with sensation seeking will probably be taking part in traffic and speeding infringement in contrast with females. These study outcomes alongside the suggestions for tourists training and road safety campaign while on holiday in Bali are examined

    Analysing local motorcyclists’ perception towards road safety

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    This study sought to investigate differences in local motorcyclists’ perception towards road safety in Bali. The independent variables consisted of socio-demographic characteristics containing gender, age, marital status, education levels, riding license ownerships, exposure measured by estimates of distance travelled, future riding purposes in the next year, self estimation in riding skill and in being safer motorcyclists, experiences of minor motorcycle crashes, and casualties in the last three years. Two models were developed which consisted of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Structural Equation Model (SEM). This study found that sensation seeking significantly influences on attitudes towards risky riding indicating motorcyclists in Bali are more likely to undertake risky riding behaviours on the road as long as they believe there is some degree of control. Interestingly, female motorcyclists involving local residents have low perceptions towards road safety. Further studies on the gender of motorcyclists therefore, are required to provide more information for more target specific and effective road safety campaign

    Analyzing the influence of age groups of motorcycle riders on traffic violations and accidents in small city using a structural equation model

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    Over the last three years, there has been a tremendous increase in the amount of road accidents in Mataram City-Lombok with majority of the victims being motorcycle riders between the ages of 16-40 years. The age difference may have an impact on the rider’s behavior which in turn leads to road accidents. This study aims at investigating the influence of age groups on motorcycle riders resulting to traffic violations and road accidents in Mataram City. Data was collected using questionnaire survey for which 600 respondents participated covering 6 sub-districts in Mataram City. A Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) using AMOS V.22.0 was constructed to analyze the motorcycle rider behavior. The developed model was made up of behavioral, violation and accident latent variables, with four variables of behavior, three variables of violation, and two observed variables of accident. Three age groups were used in this study with three categories consists of 15-24 years, 25-44 years, and 45-64 years old. This study found that these riders behaviors varied significantly with regards to traffic violations. The age groups of riders between 15-24 years and 45-64 years has a 65% influence on traffic violation compared to those between the ages of 25-44 years. Traffic violations with regards to road accidents was however, found to be less significant for all age group. Traffic violations committed by riders between ages of 45-64 years were found to be 14% less than those between the ages of 15-44 years. The analysis obtained from the data indicates that there are differences among the three listed age groups

    The relationship between urban land use and non motorised transport accidents and casualties

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    EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Analysing local motorcyclists’ perception towards road safety

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    This study sought to investigate differences in local motorcyclists’ perception towards road safety in Bali. The independent variables consisted of socio-demographic characteristics containing gender, age, marital status, education levels, riding license ownerships, exposure measured by estimates of distance travelled, future riding purposes in the next year, self estimation in riding skill and in being safer motorcyclists, experiences of minor motorcycle crashes, and casualties in the last three years. Two models were developed which consisted of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Structural Equation Model (SEM). This study found that sensation seeking significantly influences on attitudes towards risky riding indicating motorcyclists in Bali are more likely to undertake risky riding behaviours on the road as long as they believe there is some degree of control. Interestingly, female motorcyclists involving local residents have low perceptions towards road safety. Further studies on the gender of motorcyclists therefore, are required to provide more information for more target specific and effective road safety campaign

    Investigating the risky behavior of international tourists riding motorcycles in Bali

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    Motorcycle accidents and injuries in Bali have been highly occurred as to a cause of their predominance in urban transportation structures. While riding a motorcycle, a tourist eventually is obligated to his/ her own particular safety. Road safety analysts are concerned with accident risk faced by tourists because of a great possibility to be associated with a road accident while on vacation. This research investigated motorcycle riding behaviors and combined with a scope of psychosocial factors for example, sensation seeking, risky riding intentions and attitudes using international tourists riding motorcycles whilst on vacation in Bali as the respondents. Two models are constructed comprising of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Structural Equation Model (SEM). Predictors employed socio-demographic variables consisting exposure and years licensed, gender, age, education levels, and estimates of distance travelled. International tourists revealed a scope of purposes behind riding motorcycles in Bali, for example, for fun and feelings of freedom. This research discovered that male international tourists with sensation seeking will probably be taking part in traffic and speeding infringement in contrast with females. These study outcomes alongside the suggestions for tourists training and road safety campaign while on holiday in Bali are examined

    Perancangan Sistem Pengukuran Kinerja Terintegrasi Pada Program Studi Teknik Mesin Universitas Udayana

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    Jurusan Teknik Mesin merupakan salah satu jurusan yang terakreditasi A. Jurusan Teknik Mesin Universitas Udayana pada tahun 2016 telah berhasil mempertahankan akreditasi A yang diperoleh sejak tahun 2011. Salah satu penunjang keberhasilan tersebut adalah karena telah dimilikinya sistem pengukuran kinerja yang dihasilkan penulis pada tahun 2015 dimana sistem tersebut telah mampu memantau kinerja jurusan secara berkesinambungan. Walaupun sistem pengukuran kinerja tersebut telah digunakan, tetapi pada implementasinya masih banyak kekurangan yang dimiliki oleh sistem tersebut terutama karena sistem tersebut masih berbentuk manual.  Kekurangan lain juga  dapat dilihat dari hasil penelitian penulis tahun 2016 yang menunjukkan bahwa dari Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) rata-rata persepsi dari mahasiswa sebesar 2,91 masih dibawah rata-rata ekspektasi mereka yaitu 3,14. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan perancangan kembali  sistem pengukuran kinerja yang terintegrasi berdasarkan hasil-hasil penelitian di tahun 2015 dan 2016 dengan metode Performance Prism dimana metode tersebut diintegrasikan dengan beberapa metode yaitu Integrated Performance Measurement Systems (IPMS) di dalam penentuan Key Performande Indicator (KPI) yang menjadi indikator penentu kinerja yang kemudian dibantu menggunakan metode Analytical Hierarcy Process (AHP) di dalam pemberian bobot masing-masing KPI. Setelah KPI memiliki bobot kemudian dilakukan scoring secara menyeluruh dengan Metode Objectives Matrix (OMAX) sehingga dihasilkan angka indeks per periode yang menjadi acuan tingkat kinerja jurusan, serta Traffic Light System (TLS) untuk mengetahui KPI mana yang memerlukan perbaikan berdasarkan warna. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan hasil Performance Indicator dari periode 1 sebesar 322,8 dan mengalami peningkatan 7,6% dibanding Performance Indicator rata-rata 300. Performance Indicator dari periode 2 sebesar 352,50 dan mengalami peningkatan 9,2% dibanding periode 1. Performance Indicator dari periode 3 sebesar 354,66 dan mengalami sedikit peningkatan 0,61% dibanding periode 2. Performance Indicator dari periode 4 sebesar 354,52 dan mengalami sedikit penurunan 0,04% dibanding periode 3. Performance Indicator dari periode 5 sebesar 573,35 dan mengalami peningkatan 61,73% dibanding periode 4. Performance Indicator dari periode 6 sebesar 606,68 dan mengalami peningkatan 5,81% dibanding periode 5 dan merupakan periode dengan Performance Indicator tertinggi dalam sistem pengukuran ini. Department of Mechanical Engineering Udayana University in 2016 has managed to maintain the A accreditation obtained since 2011. One of the supporting success is because it has owned performance measurement system generated by the author in 2015 where the system has been able to monitor the performance of majors on an ongoing basis. Although the performance measurement system has been used, but in its implementation there are still many shortcomings possessed by the system mainly because the system is still in the form of manual. Another disadvantage can also be seen from the results of research authors of 2016 which shows that from the Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) average perception of students of 2.91 is still below the average of their expectations of 3.14. In this research, re-design of integrated performance measurement system based on the results of research in 2015 and 2016 with Performance Prism method where the method is integrated with several methods of Integrated Performance Measurement Systems (IPMS) in the determination of Key Performande Indicator (KPI) a performance indicator that is then assisted using the Analytical Hierarcy Process (AHP) method in the weighting of each KPI. After KPI has weight then scoring thoroughly with Objectives Matrix (OMAX) method so that the result of index number per period become reference of department performance level, and Traffic Light System (TLS) to know which KPI need improvement based on color. From the research results obtained Performance Indicator from period 1 of 322.8 and increased 7.6% compared to Performance Indicator average 300. Performance Indicator from period 2 amounted to 352.50 and increased 9.2% compared to period 1. Performance Indicator from period 3 was 354.66 and slightly increased by 0.61% compared to period 2. Performance Indicator from period 4 was 354.52 and decreased slightly 0.04% compared to period 3. Performance Indicator from period 5 was 573.35 and an increase of 61.73% compared to period 4. Performance Indicator from period 6 of 606.68 and increased 5.81% compared to period 5 and is the period with the highest Performance Indicator in this measurement system

    Analyzing Pedestrian Perceptions towards Traffic Safety Using Discrete Choice Models

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    Policymakers and national, regional, and local authorities will require to cater to growing demands for public services and facilities, including the implementation of better and safer infrastructure. This should be conducted focusing on the urban poor and other vulnerable groups for their basic needs for transportation, housing, education, health care, and, more importantly, a safe and liveable urban environment. Meanwhile, pedestrians are often the most vulnerable road users in society, so investigating pedestrian accidents' causes and consequences is essential. Like neighboring countries in Asia, Indonesia experiences a high pedestrian fatality rate. This study investigates pedestrian perceptions toward traffic safety and identifies novel measures to improve pedestrian safety, with a particular focus on developing cities. Data collection involved self-reporting using questionnaires by respondents based in Denpasar, the capital city of Bali Province. Binary and multinomial logit models were estimated using pedestrian perception data to identify the factors that influence pedestrian accidents. This study found that reckless or careless driving/riding contributed significantly to pedestrian accidents at both night and day times. Besides, junctions and pedestrian crossings were perceived to be dangerous for pedestrians compared to other road infrastructure such as footpaths. The outcome of the study also reveals that motorcycles will be more influential for pedestrian accidents than cars. To reflect upon the findings, some countermeasures for enhancing pedestrian safety in Denpasar were discussed with attention to engineering, policy, enforcement, and education perspectives