14,503 research outputs found

    Urban Regeneration of Industrial Areas: Affordable Housing for Low Income Populations in Cities

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    The UK-China Sustainable Development Dialogue (SDD) is a partnership between the UK and Chinese Governments to promote collaboration and good practice on sustainable development. It is framed by a 2004 joint Prime Ministerial declaration and was formally established in 2005 by an agreement signed by UK Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott and State Councillor Tang. The SDD was founded on the recognition that, in an interdependent world, international co-operation is needed to ensure that learning is shared and efforts are made collectively towards achieving common goals. This report is the 13th and Final Paper in the SDD (Urban Strand. It draws together the core conclusions from the previous twelve papers and offers recommendations for taking the dialogue forward

    Scape Goats, Silver Bullets, and Other Pitfalls in the Path to Sustainability

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    This paper draws from The Lathe of Heaven by Ursula Le Guin to highlight some of the most likely pitfalls on the political road to a sustainable planet. Through the literary device of dreams that can change the world, Le Guin explores how the individualā€™s egoistic desire to save humanity can be twisted by the limitations of our psyche and our society, turning an already uncomfortable future Earth into a devastated planet. It is a stinging critique of answers handed down from above, and a call to action for those of us who just get by here below. Her story warns of the ancient ā€œroad to hellā€, paved and trodden by would be saviors with the best intentions but also points to the license that public apathy provides to the powerful when the costs of environmental harm are borne by the powerless. These disconnects, combined with cycles of rationalization, silver bullet mentalities, and the tendency to scapegoat others for negative side effects, can all derail sustainability transitions. Lathe provides an allegorical assessment of this process, but much more study is needed to fully understand and regulate the resulting governance treadmill

    The Action Cycle/Structural Context Framework: A Fisheries Application

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    There is a growing consensus that environmental governance is a wicked problem that requires understanding of the many linkages and feedbacks between human and natural systems. Here, I propose an action cycle/structural context (AC/SC) framework that is based on the concept of responsive governance, in which individuals and decision makers respond to problems rather than working to prevent them. By linking agency and structure, the AC/SC framework points out two key problems in the realm of environmental governance: the profit disconnect, whereby economic signals of environmental harm are dampened by endogenous or exogenous forces, and the power disconnect, whereby those who feel the costs of harm are politically marginalized and so have little influence to effect solutions. I apply this framework to fisheries to develop hypotheses regarding exclusionary and conservation-oriented responses under different power/profit dynamics. These expectations are tested in a historical case study of management of the lobster fishery in Maine. The analysis confirms the importance of profit/power dynamics and reveals that governance tends to go through effective and ineffective cycles in a management treadmill that can be driven by internal or external forces. The latter in particular are generally ignored in fisheries management but could ultimately undermine sustainability even in previously well-managed systems

    Geology of the Canon City-Twin Mountain area, Fremont County, Colorado

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    M.S. University of Kansas, Geology 1959 Maps from pocket are included at the end of the file.The Canon City-Twin Mountain area lies along the western edge of the Canon City Embayment. Ā· Precambrian crystallines of the Wet Mountains and the Front Range bound the area on the west and northeast respectively. Sedimentary rocks of every geologic age except Cambrian, Silurian, Mississippian, and Triassic crop out in the area. Two periods of strong deformation are recognized in the area,Ā· the Pennsylvanian Ancestral Rocky Mountain orogeny and the Cretaceous-Tertiary Laramide orogeny. Uplift and minor faulting are the principal features of the Ancestral RockyĀ·Mountain orogeny; folding and high-angle thrust faulting are the common features developed during the Laramide orogeny. Tertiary and Quaternary-terraces record epeirogenic uplift which occurred after the end of the Laramide revolution. Economic mineral products of the area include oil, coal, refractory sand, ornamental stone, flux lime, fire clay, and sand and gravel

    High-fidelity readout of trapped-ion qubits

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    We demonstrate single-shot qubit readout with fidelity sufficient for fault-tolerant quantum computation, for two types of qubit stored in single trapped calcium ions. For an optical qubit stored in the (4S_1/2, 3D_5/2) levels of 40Ca+ we achieve 99.991(1)% average readout fidelity in one million trials, using time-resolved photon counting. An adaptive measurement technique allows 99.99% fidelity to be reached in 145us average detection time. For a hyperfine qubit stored in the long-lived 4S_1/2 (F=3, F=4) sub-levels of 43Ca+ we propose and implement a simple and robust optical pumping scheme to transfer the hyperfine qubit to the optical qubit, capable of a theoretical fidelity 99.95% in 10us. Experimentally we achieve 99.77(3)% net readout fidelity, inferring at least 99.87(4)% fidelity for the transfer operation.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; improved readout fidelity (numerical results changed

    Additional Permian crinoids from southern Nevada

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    32 p., 8 pl., 4 fig.http://paleo.ku.edu/contributions.htm

    Symmetry planes of Paleozoic crinoids

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    2 p., 1 fig.http://paleo.ku.edu/contributions.htm

    Pharmacological activation of endogenous protective pathways against oxidative stress under conditions of sepsis

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    Funding The study was funded entirely by institutional funds.Peer reviewedPostprin
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