4,387 research outputs found

    Inheritance and interrelation of some agronomic and chemical characters in an interspecific cross in soybeans, Glycine max x G. ussuriensis

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    Since the acceptance of Mendelism there has been an ever increasing and universal interest in quantitatively inherited characters in organisms. Environmental influences together with polygenic complexes have challenged research into an attempt to separate environmental and genetic variances. With this information, the plant breeder may make more rapid advances toward .desired goals. Genetic investigations relative to breeding behavior of quantitatively inherited characters in soybeans are limited. This study is an attempt to add new information relative to the segregation, mode of inheritance, manner of gene action and the interrelations among five commercially important characters: seed size, maturity date, protein percentage, oil percentage and iodine number of the oil

    Clark - A New Soybrean for Southern Iowa

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    Clark is the new soybean variety adapted for growth in southern Iowa and five other states. It\u27s high yielding and high in oil content. It has been tested experimentally, increased and distributed to growers for planting in 1954. Iowa\u27s testing reveals

    A New Slant on Weedy Beans

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    The direct cash loss from weeds is in lowered crop yields. Weeds rob the crop of moisture, nutrients and sometimes light. And they usually mean more trouble and indirect losses- in combining, later weed infestations, etc

    Harvest Losses in Soybeans

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    If your soybeans don\u27t grow and if your stand is poor, it may be that the seed beans were injured in harvesting or during handling operations

    Pre-harvest sampling of soybeans for yield and quality

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    The route-sampling method of estimating crop production has been extended to soybeans in a preliminary survey which is reported here. In 1941, just prior to harvest, 67 fields in eight east central Illinois counties were sampled for yield, percent protein, percent oil and iodine number of the oil. Protein percent, oil percent and iodine number of the oil can be estimated satisfactorily, but estimating yield is more uncertain pending the accumulation of information on adjusting for harvesting losses and other factors which cause the sample average yield to be too large. The yield of seed per acre differed with the method of planting (width of rows), indicating for the season studied that soybeans should have been planted in rows about 2 feet apart. The iodine number of the oil was lower for fields with wide rows than for drilled fields. This was attributed to difference in date of planting rather than method of planting. It was concluded that two subsampling units should be taken per field and that the optimum size of subsampling unit is approximately 7 square feet. Other investigations have shown that after the pods are fully distended there is little or no change in yield or chemical composition, indicating that production and quality can be estimated well in advance of harvest

    Integrable and Nonintegrable Classical Spin Clusters: Trajectories and Geometric Structure of Invariants

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    This study investigates the nonlinear dynamics of a pair of exchange-coupled spins with biaxial exchange and single-site anisotropy. It represents a Hamiltonian system with 2 degrees of freedom for which we have already established the (nontrivial) integrability criteria and constructed the integrals of the motion provided they exist. Here we present a comparative study of the phase-space trajectories for two specific models with the same symmetry properties, one of which (the XY model with exchange anisotropy) is integrable, and the other (the XY model with single-site anisotropy) nonintegrable. In the integrable model, the integrals of the motion (analytic invariants) can be reconstructed numerically by means of time averages of dynamical variables over all trajectories. In the nonintegrable model, such time averages over trajectories define nonanalytic invariants, where the nonanalyticities are associated with the presence of chaotic trajectories. A prominent feature in the nonintegrable model is the occurrence of very long time scales caused by the presence of low- ux cantori, which form sticky coats on the boundary between chaotic regions and regular islands or leaky walls between dierent chaotic regions. These cantori dominate the convergence properties of time averages and presumably determine the long-time asymptotic properties of dynamic correlation functions. Finally, we present a special class of integrable systems containing arbitrarily many spins coupled by general biaxial exchange anisotropy

    Regular and Chaotic Dynamics of Classical Spin Systems

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    An international workshop on Elementary Excitations and Fluctuations in Magnetic Systems was held in Turin for five days beginning 25 May, 1987. The workshop followed much the same format as the one with the same title held in San Miniato in 1984 (proceedings: Springer Series in-Solid-State Sciences, Vol. 54), that most participants contributed talks and provided papers for the proceedings. While many of the participants had attended the first workshop, 15 of the 40 invited review papers were presented by scientists who had not. The majority of the talks reported theoretical work concerned with the introduction of new techniques. However, experimental work was also well represented, not least because many of the reported theoretical studies were motivated by experimental findings, and a highlight of the workshop was an extremely stimulating session devoted to recent neutron scattering measurements, on various systems, that exploited polarization analysis. The fine venue of the workshop, Villa Gualino, with its excellent facilities and spacious accommodation, helped to produce a delightful relaxed and friendly atmosphere. For the use of Villa Gualino and significant financial support we are indebted to our host organization, the Institute for Scientific Interchange (lSI). Additional financial support came from the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Centro Interuniversitario di Struttura della Material del Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione (CISM-MPI) and Gruppo Nazionale di Struttura della Materia (GNSM-CNR)

    Results of the Cooperative Uniform Soybean Nurseries

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    United States Department of Agriculture Bureau of Plant Industry, Cooperating with Bureau of Agricultural Chemistry and Engineering, and the State Agricultural Experiment Stations Of The North Central Region
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