1,894 research outputs found

    Evaluating the New Automatic Method for the Analysis of Absorption Spectra Using Synthetic Spectra

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    We recently presented a new "artificial intelligence" method for the analysis of high-resolution absorption spectra (Bainbridge and Webb, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 2017, 468,1639-1670). This new method unifies three established numerical methods: a genetic algorithm (GVPFIT); non-linear least-squares optimisation with parameter constraints (VPFIT); and Bayesian Model Averaging (BMA). In this work, we investigate the performance of GVPFIT and BMA over a broad range of velocity structures using synthetic spectra. We found that this new method recovers the velocity structures of the absorption systems and accurately estimates variation in the fine structure constant. Studies such as this one are required to evaluate this new method before it can be applied to the analysis of large sets of absorption spectra. This is the first time that a sample of synthetic spectra has been utilised to investigate the analysis of absorption spectra. Probing the variation of nature's fundamental constants (such as the fine structure constant), through the analysis of absorption spectra, is one of the most direct ways of testing the universality of physical laws. This "artificial intelligence" method provides a way to avoid the main limiting factor, i.e., human interaction, in the analysis of absorption spectra.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, published on 5 April 2017 in Univers

    Keck constraints on a varying fine-structure constant: wavelength calibration errors

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    The Keck telescope's HIRES spectrograph has previously provided evidence for a smaller fine-structure constant, alpha, compared to the current laboratory value, in a sample of 143 quasar absorption systems: da/a=(-0.57+/-0.11)x10^{-5}. This was based on a variety of metal-ion transitions which, if alpha varies, experience different relative velocity shifts. This result is yet to be robustly contradicted, or confirmed, by measurements on other telescopes and spectrographs; it remains crucial to do so. It is also important to consider new possible instrumental systematic effects which may explain the Keck/HIRES results. Griest et al. (2009, arXiv:0904.4725v1) recently identified distortions in the echelle order wavelength scales of HIRES with typical amplitudes +/-250m/s. Here we investigate the effect such distortions may have had on the Keck/HIRES varying alpha results. We demonstrate that they cause a random effect on da/a from absorber to absorber because the systems are at different redshifts, placing the relevant absorption lines at different positions in different echelle orders. The typical magnitude of the effect on da/a is ~0.4x10^{-5} per absorber which, compared to the median error on da/a in the sample, ~1.9x10^{-5}, is relatively small. Consequently, the weighted mean value changes by less than 0.05x10^{-5} if the corrections we calculate are applied. Nevertheless, we urge caution, particularly for analyses aiming to achieve high precision da/a measurements on individual systems or small samples, that a much more detailed understanding of such intra-order distortions and their dependence on observational parameters is important if they are to be avoided or modelled reliably. [Abridged]Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, 2 tables. Invited contribution to Proc. IAU XXVIIth General Assembly, Joint Discussion 9, "Are the fundamental constants varying with time?". To appear in P. Molaro, E. Vangioni-Flam, eds, Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana (MmSAIt), Vol. 80. Complete version of Table 1 available at http://astronomy.swin.edu.au/~mmurphy/pub.htm

    Solutions to the tethered galaxy problem in an expanding universe and the observation of receding blueshifted objects

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    We use the dynamics of a galaxy, set up initially at a constant proper distance from an observer, to derive and illustrate two counter-intuitive general relativistic results. Although the galaxy does gradually join the expansion of the universe (Hubble flow), it does not necessarily recede from us. In particular, in the currently favored cosmological model, which includes a cosmological constant, the galaxy recedes from the observer as it joins the Hubble flow, but in the previously favored cold dark matter model, the galaxy approaches, passes through the observer, and joins the Hubble flow on the opposite side of the sky. We show that this behavior is consistent with the general relativistic idea that space is expanding and is determined by the acceleration of the expansion of the universe -- not a force or drag associated with the expansion itself. We also show that objects at a constant proper distance will have a nonzero redshift; receding galaxies can be blueshifted and approaching galaxies can be redshifted.Comment: 8 pages including 6 figures, to appear in Am. J. Phys., 2003. Reference added in postscrip

    Development of group accounting in the United Kingdom to 1933

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    The publication of consolidated accounts is an early example of innovative financial reporting procedures being introduced by U.S. companies before they were adopted in the U.K., where Nobel Industries (1922) is generally cited as the first holding company to prepare economic entity based financial reports. This paper produces evidence which shows that the publication of consolidated accounts, by British companies, began at least as early as 1910. Our research nevertheless confirms the generally held view that U.S. developments occurred earlier, and we explore a range of possible explanations for this phenomenon

    Convergence properties of fine structure constant measurements using quasar absorption systems

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    Searches for spacetime variations of fundamental constants have entered an era of unprecedented precision. New, high quality quasar spectra require increasingly refined analytic methods. In this article, a continuation in a series to establish robust and unbiased methodologies, we explore how convergence criteria in non-linear least squares optimisation impact on quasar absorption system measurements of the fine structure constant alpha. Given previous claims for high-precision constraints, we critically examine the veracity of a so-called ``blinding'' approach, in which alpha is fixed at the terrestrial value during the model building process, releasing it as a free parameter only after the ``final'' absorption system kinematic structure has been obtained. We show that this approach results in an extended flat canyon in chi squared-alpha space, such that convergence is unlikely to be reached, even after as many as 1000 iterations. The fix is straightforward: alpha must be treated as a free parameter from the earliest possible stages of absorption system model building. The implication of the results presented here is that all previous measurements that have used initially-fixed alpha should be reworked.Comment: 10 pages, 13 figures. Submitted for publicatio

    The Origin of C IV Absorption Systems at Redshifts z<1---Discovery of Extended C IV Envelopes Around Galaxies

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    (Abridged) We report the discovery of extended CIV gaseous envelopes around galaxies of a wide range of luminosity and morphological type. First, we show that CIV absorption systems are strongly clustered around galaxies on velocity scales of v < 250 km/s and impact parameter scales of rho < 100 h^{-1} kpc but not on larger velocity or impact parameter scales. Next, adopting measurements of galaxy properties presented in previous papers, we examine how properties of the CIV absorption systems depend on properties of the galaxies. On the basis of 14 galaxy and absorber pairs and 36 galaxies that do not produce corresponding CIV absorption lines to within sensitive upper limits, we find that: (1) Galaxies of a range of morphological type and luminosity appear to possess extended CIV gaseous envelopes of radius R ~ 100 h^{-1} kpc, with abrupt boundaries between the CIV absorbing and non-absorbing regions. (2) The extent of CIV-absorbing gas around galaxies scales with galaxy B-band luminosity as R \propto L_B^{0.5 +/- 0.1} but does not depend strongly on galaxy surface brightness, redshift, or morphological type. And (3) the covering factor of CIV clouds within ~ 100 h^{-1} kpc of galaxies is nearly unity, but there is a large scatter in the mean number of clouds encountered along the line of sight. The most significant implication of the study is that galaxies of a wide range of luminosity and morphological type are surrounded by chemically enriched gas that extends for at least ~ 100 h^{-1} kpc. We consider various scenarios that may have produced metals at large galactic distance and conclude that accreting satellites are most likely to be responsible for chemically enriched gas at large galactic distances to regular looking galaxies.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figures, to appear in ApJ, July 20 200
