2,651 research outputs found

    GeV Photons from Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays accelerated in Gamma Ray Bursts

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    Gamma-ray bursts are produced by the dissipation of the kinetic energy of a highly relativistic fireball, via the formation of a collisionless shock. When this happens, Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays up to 10^20 eV are produced. I show in this paper that these particles produce, via synchrotron emission as they cross the acceleration region, photons up to 300 GeV which carry away a small, ~0.01, but non-negligible fraction of the total burst energy. I show that, when the shock occurs with the interstellar medium, the optical depth to photon-photon scattering, which might cause energy degradation of the photons, is small. The burst thusly produced would be detected at Earth simultaneoulsy with the parent gamma-ray burst, although its duration may differ significantly from that of the lower energy photons. The expected fluences, ~10^{-5}-10^{-6} erg/cm^2 are well within the range of planned detectors. A new explanation for the exceptional burst GRB 940217 is discussed.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Physical Review Letters. 4 pages, RevTeX needed, no figure

    Extra galactic sources of high energy neutrinos

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    The main goal of the construction of large volume, high energy neutrino telescopes is the detection of extra-Galactic neutrino sources. The existence of such sources is implied by observations of ultra-high energy, >10^{19} eV, cosmic-rays (UHECRs), the origin of which is a mystery. The observed UHECR flux sets an upper bound to the extra-Galactic high energy neutrino intensity, which implies that the detector size required to detect the signal in the energy range of 1 TeV to 1 PeV is >=1 giga-ton, and much larger at higher energy. Optical Cerenkov neutrino detectors, currently being constructed under ice and water, are expected to achieve 1 giga-ton effective volume for 1 TeV to 1 PeV neutrinos. Coherent radio Cerenkov detectors (and possibly large air-shower detectors) will provide the >> 1 giga-ton effective volume required for detection at ~10^{19} eV. Detection of high energy neutrinos associated with electromagnetically identified sources will allow to identify the sources of UHECRs, will provide a unique probe of the sources, which may allow to resolve open questions related to the underlying physics of models describing these powerful accelerators, and will provide information on fundamental neutrino properties.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures; Summary of talk presented at the Nobel Symposium 129: Neutrino Physics, Sweden 200

    High Energy Neutrinos from Astrophysical Sources: An Upper Bound

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    We show that cosmic-ray observations set a model-independent upper bound to the flux of high-energy, > 10^14 eV, neutrinos produced by photo-meson (or p-p) interactions in sources of size not much larger than the proton photo-meson (or pp) mean-free-path. The bound applies, in particular, to neutrino production by either AGN jets or GRBs. This upper limit is two orders of magnitude below the flux predicted in some popular AGN jet models, but is consistent with our predictions from GRB models. We discuss the implications of these results for future km^2 high-energy neutrino detectors.Comment: Added discussion showing bound cannot be evaded by invoking magnetic fields. Accepted Phys Rev

    High energy cosmic-rays: puzzles, models, and giga-ton neutrino telescopes

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    The existence of cosmic rays of energies exceeding 10^20 eV is one of the mysteries of high energy astrophysics. The spectrum and the high energy to which it extends rule out almost all suggested source models. The challenges posed by observations to models for the origin of high energy cosmic rays are reviewed, and the implications of recent new experimental results are discussed. Large area high energy cosmic ray detectors and large volume high energy neutrino detectors currently under construction may resolve the high energy cosmic ray puzzle, and shed light on the identity and physics of the most powerful accelerators in the universe.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures; Summary of review talk, PASCOS 03 (Mumbai, India

    Statistics of clustering of ultra-high energy cosmic rays and the number of their sources

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    Observation of clustering of ultra-high energy cosmic rays (UHECR) suggests that they are emitted by compact sources. Assuming small deflection of UHECR during the propagation, the statistical analysis of clustering allows to estimate the spatial density of the sources, h, including those which have not yet been observed directly. When applied to astrophysical models involving extra-galactic sources, the estimate based on 14 events with energy E>10^{20} eV gives h ~ 6 X 10^{-3} Mps^{-3}. With increasing statistics, this estimate may lead to exclusion of the models which associate the production of UHECR with exceptional galaxies such as AGN, powerful radio-galaxies, dead quasars, and models based on gamma ray bursts.Comment: The version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Lett. Notations changed to conventional ones. The estimate of the effective GZK radius replaced by the result of numerical simulatio

    Galactic Anisotropy as Signature of ``Top-Down'' Mechanisms of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays

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    We show that ``top-down'' mechanisms of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays which involve heavy relic particle-like objects predict Galactic anisotropy of highest energy cosmic rays at the level of minimum 20\sim 20%. This anisotropy is large enough to be either observed or ruled out in the next generation of experiments.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure, LaTeX. Final version appeared in Pisma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fi

    A Search for Correlation of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays with IRAS-PSCz and 2MASS-6dF Galaxies

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    We study the arrival directions of 69 ultra-high energy cosmic rays (UHECRs) observed at the Pierre Auger Observatory (PAO) with energies exceeding 55 EeV. We investigate whether the UHECRs exhibit the anisotropy signal expected if the primary particles are protons that originate in galaxies in the local universe, or in sources correlated with these galaxies. We cross-correlate the UHECR arrival directions with the positions of IRAS-PSCz and 2MASS-6dF galaxies taking into account particle energy losses during propagation. This is the first time that the 6dF survey is used in a search for the sources of UHECRs and the first time that the PSCz survey is used with the full 69 PAO events. The observed cross-correlation signal is larger for the PAO UHECRs than for 94% (98%) of realisations from an isotropic distribution when cross-correlated with the PSCz (6dF). On the other hand the observed cross-correlation signal is lower than that expected from 85% of realisations, had the UHECRs originated in galaxies in either survey. The observed cross-correlation signal does exceed that expected by 50% of the realisations if the UHECRs are randomly deflected by intervening magnetic fields by 5 degrees or more. We propose a new method of analysing the expected anisotropy signal, by dividing the predicted UHECR source distribution into equal predicted flux radial shells, which can help localise and constrain the properties of UHECR sources. We find that the 69 PAO events are consistent with isotropy in the nearest of three shells we define, whereas there is weak evidence for correlation with the predicted source distribution in the two more distant shells in which the galaxy distribution is less anisotropic.Comment: 23 pages, version published in JCA

    Implications of the γ\gamma-ray Polarization of GRB 021206

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    We compare two possible scenarios for the producing of high level of polarization within the prompt emission of a GRB: synchrotron emission from a relativistic jet with a uniform (in space and time) magnetic field and synchrotron emission from a jet with a random magnetic field in the plane of the shock. Somewhat surprisingly we find that both scenarios can produce a comparable level of polarization (4550\sim 45-50% for the uniform field and 3035\sim 30-35% for a random field). Uniform time independent field most naturally arises by expansion of the field from the compact object. It requires a 101210^{12}G field at the source and a transport of the field as R1\propto R^{-1}. It {\it does not} imply Poynting flux domination of the energy of the wind. There is a serious difficulty however, within this scenario, accounting for particle acceleration (which requires random magnetic fields) both for Poynting flux and non-Poynting flux domination. Significant polarization can also arise from a random field provided that the observer is located within 1/Γ1/\Gamma orientation from a narrow (θj1/Γ\theta_j \sim 1/\Gamma) jet. While most jets are wider, the jet of GRB 021206 from which strong polarization was recently observed, was most likely very narrow. GRB 021206 is among the strongest bursts ever. Adopting the energy-angle relation we find an estimated angle of <1/40<1/40rad or even smaller. Thus, for this particular burst the required geometry is not unusual. We conclude that the RHESSI observations suggest that the prompt emission results from synchrotron radiation. However, in view of the comparable levels of polarizations predicted by both the random field and the homogeneous field scenarios these observations are insufficient to rule out or confirm either one.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Safety and Efficacy of Erythropoietin in Traumatic Brain Injury Patients: A Pilot Randomized Trial

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    Background. Erythropoietin (EPO) is a neuroprotective agent utilized in stroke patients. This pilot study represents the first randomized trial of EPO in traumatic brain injury (TBI) patients. Methods. Adult, blunt trauma patients with evidence of TBI were randomized to EPO or placebo within 6 hours of injury. Baseline and daily serum S-100B and Neuron Specific Enolase (NSE) levels were measured. Results. TBI was worse in the EPO (n = 11) group compared to placebo patients (n = 5). The use of EPO did not impact NSE (P = .89) or S100 B (P = .53) levels compared to placebo. Conclusions. At the dose used, EPO did not reduce neuronal cell death compared to placebo; however, TBI severity was worse in the EPO group while levels of NSE and S100-B were similar to the less injured placebo group making it difficult to rule out a treatment effect. A larger, balanced study is necessary to confirm a potential treatment effect

    High Energy Neutrinos from Cosmological Gamma-Ray Burst Fireballs

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    Observations suggest that γ\gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are produced by the dissipation of the kinetic energy of a relativistic fireball. We show that a large fraction, 10\ge 10%, of the fireball energy is expected to be converted by photo-meson production to a burst of 1014eV\sim10^{14} eV neutrinos. A km^2 neutrino detector would observe at least several tens of events per year correlated with GRBs, and test for neutrino properties (e.g. flavor oscillations, for which upward moving τ\tau's would be a unique signature, and coupling to gravity) with an accuracy many orders of magnitude better than is currently possible.Comment: Submitted to PRL (4 pages, LaTeX