6,693 research outputs found

    Systematic review of SGLT2 receptor inhibitors in dual or triple therapy in type 2 diabetes

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    Background Despite the number of medications for type 2 diabetes, many people with the condition do not achieve good glycaemic control. Some existing glucose-lowering agents have adverse effects such as weight gain or hypoglycaemia. Type 2 diabetes tends to be a progressive disease, and most patients require treatment with combinations of glucose-lowering agents. The sodium glucose co-transporter 2 (SGLT2) receptor inhibitors are a new class of glucose-lowering agents. Objective To assess the clinical effectiveness and safety of the SGLT2 receptor inhibitors in dual or triple therapy in type 2 diabetes. Data sources MEDLINE, Embase, Cochrane Library (all sections); Science Citation Index; trial registries; conference abstracts; drug regulatory authorities; bibliographies of retrieved papers. Inclusion criteria Randomised controlled trials of SGLT2 receptor inhibitors compared with placebo or active comparator in type 2 diabetes in dual or combination therapy. Methods Systematic review. Quality assessment used the Cochrane risk of bias score. Results Seven trials, published in full, assessed dapagliflozin and one assessed canagliflozin. Trial quality appeared good. Dapagliflozin 10 mg reduced HbA1c by −0.54% (weighted mean differences (WMD), 95% CI −0.67 to −0.40) compared to placebo, but there was no difference compared to glipizide. Canagliflozin reduced HbA1c slightly more than sitagliptin (up to −0.21% vs sitagliptin). Both dapagliflozin and canagliflozin led to weight loss (dapagliflozin WMD −1.81 kg (95% CI −2.04 to −1.57), canagliflozin up to −2.3 kg compared to placebo). Limitations Long-term trial extensions suggested that effects were maintained over time. Data on canagliflozin are currently available from only one paper. Costs of the drugs are not known so cost-effectiveness cannot be assessed. More data on safety are needed, with the Food and Drug Administration having concerns about breast and bladder cancers. Conclusions Dapagliflozin appears effective in reducing HbA1c and weight in type 2 diabetes, although more safety data are needed

    HepData and JetWeb: HEP data archiving and model validation

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    The CEDAR collaboration is extending and combining the JetWeb and HepData systems to provide a single service for tuning and validating models of high-energy physics processes. The centrepiece of this activity is the fitting by JetWeb of observables computed from Monte Carlo event generator events against their experimentally determined distributions, as stored in HepData. Caching the results of the JetWeb simulation and comparison stages provides a single cumulative database of event generator tunings, fitted against a wide range of experimental quantities. An important feature of this integration is a family of XML data formats, called HepML.Comment: 4 pages, 0 figures. To be published in proceedings of CHEP0

    HepForge: A lightweight development environment for HEP software

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    Setting up the infrastructure to manage a software project can become a task as significant writing the software itself. A variety of useful open source tools are available, such as Web-based viewers for version control systems, "wikis" for collaborative discussions and bug-tracking systems, but their use in high-energy physics, outside large collaborations, is insubstantial. Understandably, physicists would rather do physics than configure project management tools. We introduce the CEDAR HepForge system, which provides a lightweight development environment for HEP software. Services available as part of HepForge include the above-mentioned tools as well as mailing lists, shell accounts, archiving of releases and low-maintenance Web space. HepForge also exists to promote best-practice software development methods and to provide a central repository for re-usable HEP software and phenomenology codes.Comment: 3 pages, 0 figures. To be published in proceedings of CHEP06. Refers to the HepForge facility at http://hepforge.cedar.ac.u

    The Variable-Atmosphere Wave Tank

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    A facility was constructed for the study of water-entry, water-exit, and underwater trajectory behavior of small momentum-propelled missiles for varied trajectory launching angles, missile accelerations and velocities, wave fields and conditions of cavitation. A unique feature is the electromagnetic missile propulsion system. The facility is made principally of non-magnetic and electrically non-conducting materials to permit the determination of missile accelerating force from the reactive force on the launching coil

    Fluid Free Surface Proximity Effect on a Sphere Vertically Accelerated from Rest

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    Theory is developed to estimate the effect of free surface proximity on the initial added mass of a sphere accelerated vertically upward from rest in an ideal fluid. It is assumed that the acceleration regime is sufficiently brief that inertial forces predominate and gravitational effects may be neglected. Results of tests in water indicate that while there are slight viscous and gravitational effects over the acceleration regime, the agreement between theory and experiment is good. It is concluded that over briefer acceleration regimes these effects would decrease and the agreement would improve

    Reducing Constraints on Quantum Computer Design by Encoded Selective Recoupling

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    The requirement of performing both single-qubit and two-qubit operations in the implementation of universal quantum logic often leads to very demanding constraints on quantum computer design. We show here how to eliminate the need for single-qubit operations in a large subset of quantum computer proposals: those governed by isotropic and XXZ,XY-type anisotropic exchange interactions. Our method employs an encoding of one logical qubit into two physical qubits, while logic operations are performed using an analogue of the NMR selective recoupling method.Comment: 5 pages, 1 table, no figures. Published versio

    Bath generated work extraction and inversion-free gain in two-level systems

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    The spin-boson model, often used in NMR and ESR physics, quantum optics and spintronics, is considered in a solvable limit to model a spin one-half particle interacting with a bosonic thermal bath. By applying external pulses to a non-equilibrium initial state of the spin, work can be extracted from the thermalized bath. It occurs on the timescale \T_2 inherent to transversal (`quantum') fluctuations. The work (partly) arises from heat given off by the surrounding bath, while the spin entropy remains constant during a pulse. This presents a violation of the Clausius inequality and the Thomson formulation of the second law (cycles cost work) for the two-level system. Starting from a fully disordered state, coherence can be induced by employing the bath. Due to this, a gain from a positive-temperature (inversion-free) two-level system is shown to be possible.Comment: 4 pages revte
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