36,491 research outputs found

    Probing Unquenching Effects in the Gluon Polarisation in Light Mesons

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    We introduce an extension to the ladder truncated Bethe-Salpeter equation for mesons and the rainbow truncated quark Dyson-Schwinger equations which includes quark-loop corrections to the gluon propagator. This truncation scheme obeys the axialvector Ward-Takahashi identity relating the quark self-energy and the Bethe-Salpeter kernel. Two different approximations to the Yang-Mills sector are used as input: the first is a sophisticated truncation of the full Yang-Mills Dyson-Schwinger equations, the second is a phenomenologically motivated form. We find that the spectra and decay constants of pseudoscalar and vector mesons are overall described well for either approach. Meson mass results for charge eigenstate vector and pseudoscalar meson masses are compared to lattice data. The effects of unquenching the system are small but not negligible.Comment: 26 pages, 13 figure

    The shape of primordial non-Gaussianity and the CMB bispectrum

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    We present a set of formalisms for comparing, evolving and constraining primordial non-Gaussian models through the CMB bispectrum. We describe improved methods for efficient computation of the full CMB bispectrum for any general (non-separable) primordial bispectrum, incorporating a flat sky approximation and a new cubic interpolation. We review all the primordial non-Gaussian models in the present literature and calculate the CMB bispectrum up to l <2000 for each different model. This allows us to determine the observational independence of these models by calculating the cross-correlation of their CMB bispectra. We are able to identify several distinct classes of primordial shapes - including equilateral, local, warm, flat and feature (non-scale invariant) - which should be distinguishable given a significant detection of CMB non-Gaussianity. We demonstrate that a simple shape correlator provides a fast and reliable method for determining whether or not CMB shapes are well correlated. We use an eigenmode decomposition of the primordial shape to characterise and understand model independence. Finally, we advocate a standardised normalisation method for fNLf_{NL} based on the shape autocorrelator, so that observational limits and errors can be consistently compared for different models.Comment: 32 pages, 20 figure

    Primordial non-Gaussianity and the CMB bispectrum

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    We present a new formalism, together with efficient numerical methods, to directly calculate the CMB bispectrum today from a given primordial bispectrum using the full linear radiation transfer functions. Unlike previous analyses which have assumed simple separable ansatze for the bispectrum, this work applies to a primordial bispectrum of almost arbitrary functional form, for which there may have been both horizon-crossing and superhorizon contributions. We employ adaptive methods on a hierarchical triangular grid and we establish their accuracy by direct comparison with an exact analytic solution, valid on large angular scales. We demonstrate that we can calculate the full CMB bispectrum to greater than 1% precision out to multipoles l<1800 on reasonable computational timescales. We plot the bispectrum for both the superhorizon ('local') and horizon-crossing ('equilateral') asymptotic limits, illustrating its oscillatory nature which is analogous to the CMB power spectrum

    Data Driven Surrogate Based Optimization in the Problem Solving Environment WBCSim

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    Large scale, multidisciplinary, engineering designs are always difficult due to the complexity and dimensionality of these problems. Direct coupling between the analysis codes and the optimization routines can be prohibitively time consuming due to the complexity of the underlying simulation codes. One way of tackling this problem is by constructing computationally cheap(er) approximations of the expensive simulations, that mimic the behavior of the simulation model as closely as possible. This paper presents a data driven, surrogate based optimization algorithm that uses a trust region based sequential approximate optimization (SAO) framework and a statistical sampling approach based on design of experiment (DOE) arrays. The algorithm is implemented using techniques from two packages—SURFPACK and SHEPPACK that provide a collection of approximation algorithms to build the surrogates and three different DOE techniques—full factorial (FF), Latin hypercube sampling (LHS), and central composite design (CCD)—are used to train the surrogates. The results are compared with the optimization results obtained by directly coupling an optimizer with the simulation code. The biggest concern in using the SAO framework based on statistical sampling is the generation of the required database. As the number of design variables grows, the computational cost of generating the required database grows rapidly. A data driven approach is proposed to tackle this situation, where the trick is to run the expensive simulation if and only if a nearby data point does not exist in the cumulatively growing database. Over time the database matures and is enriched as more and more optimizations are performed. Results show that the proposed methodology dramatically reduces the total number of calls to the expensive simulation runs during the optimization process

    Germanium:gallium photoconductors for far infrared heterodyne detection

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    Highly compensated Ge:Ga photoconductors have been fabricated and evaluated for high bandwidth heterodyne detection. Bandwidths up to 60 MHz have been obtained with corresponding current responsivity of 0.01 A/W

    FearNot! An Anti-Bullying Intervention: Evaluation of an Interactive Virtual Learning Environment

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    Original paper can be found at: http://www.aisb.org.uk/publications/proceedings.shtm

    Hadronic unquenching effects in the quark propagator

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    We investigate hadronic unquenching effects in light quarks and mesons. Within the non-perturbative continuum framework of Schwinger-Dyson and Bethe-Salpeter equations we quantify the strength of the back reaction of the pion onto the quark-gluon interaction. To this end we add a Yang-Mills part of the interaction such that unquenched lattice results for various current quark masses are reproduced. We find considerable effects in the quark mass function at low momenta as well as for the chiral condensate. The quark wave function is less affected. The Gell--Mann-Oakes-Renner relation is valid to good accuracy up to pion masses of 400-500 MeV. As a byproduct of our investigation we verify the Coleman theorem, that chiral symmetry cannot be broken spontaneously when QCD is reduced to 1+1 dimensions.Comment: 27 pages, 15 figures, minor corrections and clarifications; version to appear in PR

    Three-dimensional theory of stimulated Raman scattering

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    We present a three-dimensional theory of stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) or superradiance. In particular we address how the spatial and temporal properties of the generated SRS beam, or Stokes beam, of radiation depends on the spatial properties of the gain medium. Maxwell equations for the Stokes field operators and of the atomic operators are solved analytically and a correlation function for the Stokes field is derived. In the analysis we identify a superradiating part of the Stokes radiation that exhibit beam characteristics. We show how the intensity in this beam builds up in time and at some point largely dominates the total Stokes radiation of the gain medium. We show how the SRS depends on geometric factors such as the Fresnel number and the optical depth, and that in fact these two factors are the only factors describing the coherent radiation.Comment: 21 pages 14 figure

    String Gas Cosmology

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    We present a critical review and summary of String Gas Cosmology. We include a pedagogical derivation of the effective action starting from string theory, emphasizing the necessary approximations that must be invoked. Working in the effective theory, we demonstrate that at late-times it is not possible to stabilize the extra dimensions by a gas of massive string winding modes. We then consider additional string gases that contain so-called enhanced symmetry states. These string gases are very heavy initially, but drive the moduli to locations that minimize the energy and pressure of the gas. We consider both classical and quantum gas dynamics, where in the former the validity of the theory is questionable and some fine-tuning is required, but in the latter we find a consistent and promising stabilization mechanism that is valid at late-times. In addition, we find that string gases provide a framework to explore dark matter, presenting alternatives to Λ\LambdaCDM as recently considered by Gubser and Peebles. We also discuss quantum trapping with string gases as a method for including dynamics on the string landscape.Comment: 55 pages, 1 figure, minor corrections, version to appear in Reviews of Modern Physic

    String windings in the early universe

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    We study string dynamics in the early universe. Our motivation is the proposal of Brandenberger and Vafa, that string winding modes may play a key role in decompactifying three spatial dimensions. We model the universe as a homogeneous but anisotropic 9-torus filled with a gas of excited strings. We adopt initial conditions which fix the dilaton and the volume of the torus, but otherwise assume all states are equally likely. We study the evolution of the system both analytically and numerically to determine the late-time behavior. We find that, although dynamical evolution can indeed lead to three large spatial dimensions, such an outcome is not statistically favored.Comment: 26 pages, LaTeX, 4 eps figure