1,566 research outputs found

    Progression of neurovisceral storage disease with supranuclear ophthalmoplegia following orthotopic liver transplantation

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    A 7-year-old girl with progressive ataxia, spasticity, supranuclear ophthalmoplegia, and sea-blue histiocytes in her bone marrow underwent orthotopic liver transplantation for hepatocellular carcinoma. After an initial period of stabilization, she has shown progression of neurologic symptoms with recurrence of storage material in the transplanted liver

    Comparison of cellular responses to TGF-β1 and BMP-2 between healthy and torn tendons

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    Background: Tendons heal by fibrotic repair, increasing the likelihood of reinjury. Animal tendon injury and overuse models have identified transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β) and bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) as growth factors actively involved in the development of fibrosis, by mediating extracellular matrix synthesis and cell differentiation. Purpose: To understand how TGF-β and BMPs contribute to fibrotic processes using tendon-derived cells isolated from healthy and diseased human tendons. Study Design: Controlled laboratory study. Methods: Tendon-derived cells were isolated from patients with a chronic rotator cuff tendon tear (large to massive, diseased) and healthy hamstring tendons of patients undergoing anterior cruciate ligament repair. Isolated cells were incubated with TGF-β1 (10 ng/mL) or BMP-2 (100 ng/mL) for 3 days. Gene expression was measured by real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction. Cell signaling pathway activation was determined by Western blotting. Results: TGF-β1 treatment induced ACAN mRNA expression in both cell types but less in the diseased compared with healthy cells (P < .05). BMP-2 treatment induced BGN mRNA expression in healthy but not diseased cells (P < .01). In the diseased cells, TGF-β1 treatment induced increased ACTA2 mRNA expression (P < .01) and increased small mothers against decapentaplegic (SMAD) signaling (P < .05) compared with those of healthy cells. Moreover, BMP-2 treatment induced ACTA2 mRNA expression in the diseased cells only (P < .05). Conclusion: Diseased tendon–derived cells show reduced expression of the proteoglycans aggrecan and biglycan in response to TGF-β1 and BMP-2 treatments. These same treatments induced enhanced fibrotic differentiation and canonical SMAD cell signaling in diseased compared with healthy cells. Clinical Relevance: Findings from this study suggest that diseased tendon–derived cells respond differently than healthy cells in the presence of TGF-β1 and BMP-2. The altered responses of diseased cells may influence fibrotic repair processes during tendon healing

    A Genome-Wide Association Study of Pulmonary Function Measures in the Framingham Heart Study

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    The ratio of forced expiratory volume in one second to forced vital capacity (FEV1/FVC) is a measure used to diagnose airflow obstruction and is highly heritable. We performed a genome-wide association study in 7,691 Framingham Heart Study participants to identify single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with the FEV1/FVC ratio, analyzed as a percent of the predicted value. Identified SNPs were examined in an independent set of 835 Family Heart Study participants enriched for airflow obstruction. Four SNPs in tight linkage disequilibrium on chromosome 4q31 were associated with the percent predicted FEV1/FVC ratio with p-values of genome-wide significance in the Framingham sample (best p-value = 3.6e-09). One of the four chromosome 4q31 SNPs (rs13147758; p-value 2.3e-08 in Framingham) was genotyped in the Family Heart Study and produced evidence of association with the same phenotype, percent predicted FEV1/FVC (p-value = 2.0e-04). The effect estimates for association in the Framingham and Family Heart studies were in the same direction, with the minor allele (G) associated with higher FEV1/FVC ratio levels. Results from the Family Heart Study demonstrated that the association extended to FEV1 and dichotomous airflow obstruction phenotypes, particularly among smokers. The SNP rs13147758 was associated with the percent predicted FEV1/FVC ratio in independent samples from the Framingham and Family Heart Studies producing a combined p-value of 8.3e-11, and this region of chromosome 4 around 145.68 megabases was associated with COPD in three additional populations reported in the accompanying manuscript. The associated SNPs do not lie within a gene transcript but are near the hedgehog-interacting protein (HHIP) gene and several expressed sequence tags cloned from fetal lung. Though it is unclear what gene or regulatory effect explains the association, the region warrants further investigation

    Characterization of patients with idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus using natural language processing within an electronic healthcare record system

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    OBJECTIVE: Idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus (iNPH) is an underdiagnosed, progressive, and disabling condition. Early treatment is associated with better outcomes and improved quality of life. In this paper, the authors aimed to identify features associated with patients with iNPH using natural language processing (NLP) to characterize this cohort, with the intention to later target the development of artificial intelligence–driven tools for early detection. / METHODS: The electronic health records of patients with shunt-responsive iNPH were retrospectively reviewed using an NLP algorithm. Participants were selected from a prospectively maintained single-center database of patients undergoing CSF diversion for probable iNPH (March 2008–July 2020). Analysis was conducted on preoperative health records including clinic letters, referrals, and radiology reports accessed through CogStack. Clinical features were extracted from these records as SNOMED CT (Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine Clinical Terms) concepts using a named entity recognition machine learning model. In the first phase, a base model was generated using unsupervised training on 1 million electronic health records and supervised training with 500 double-annotated documents. The model was fine-tuned to improve accuracy using 300 records from patients with iNPH double annotated by two blinded assessors. Thematic analysis of the concepts identified by the machine learning algorithm was performed, and the frequency and timing of terms were analyzed to describe this patient group. / RESULTS: In total, 293 eligible patients responsive to CSF diversion were identified. The median age at CSF diversion was 75 years, with a male predominance (69% male). The algorithm performed with a high degree of precision and recall (F1 score 0.92). Thematic analysis revealed the most frequently documented symptoms related to mobility, cognitive impairment, and falls or balance. The most frequent comorbidities were related to cardiovascular and hematological problems. / CONCLUSIONS: This model demonstrates accurate, automated recognition of iNPH features from medical records. Opportunities for translation include detecting patients with undiagnosed iNPH from primary care records, with the aim to ultimately improve outcomes for these patients through artificial intelligence–driven early detection of iNPH and prompt treatment

    Predicting the start week of respiratory syncytial virus outbreaks using real time weather variables

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), a major cause of bronchiolitis, has a large impact on the census of pediatric hospitals during outbreak seasons. Reliable prediction of the week these outbreaks will start, based on readily available data, could help pediatric hospitals better prepare for large outbreaks.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Naïve Bayes (NB) classifier models were constructed using weather data from 1985-2008 considering only variables that are available in real time and that could be used to forecast the week in which an RSV outbreak will occur in Salt Lake County, Utah. Outbreak start dates were determined by a panel of experts using 32,509 records with ICD-9 coded RSV and bronchiolitis diagnoses from Intermountain Healthcare hospitals and clinics for the RSV seasons from 1985 to 2008.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>NB models predicted RSV outbreaks up to 3 weeks in advance with an estimated sensitivity of up to 67% and estimated specificities as high as 94% to 100%. Temperature and wind speed were the best overall predictors, but other weather variables also showed relevance depending on how far in advance the predictions were made. The weather conditions predictive of an RSV outbreak in our study were similar to those that lead to temperature inversions in the Salt Lake Valley.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We demonstrate that Naïve Bayes (NB) classifier models based on weather data available in real time have the potential to be used as effective predictive models. These models may be able to predict the week that an RSV outbreak will occur with clinical relevance. Their clinical usefulness will be field tested during the next five years.</p


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    A ergonomia é a ciência que estuda a adaptação do trabalho ao homem, tendo como objetivo a melhoria das condições de saúde, segurança e bem estar do trabalhador. Apesar de existirem diversos estudos de ergonomia em vários setores, ao que tange atividades extrativistas, ainda são poucas as informações obtidas. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar e compreender as condições de trabalho, saúde e segurança das atividades na coleta e transporte de castanha e açaí na Reserva Extrativista Cazumbá - Iracema no Estado do Acre, a fim de propor sugestões à referida categoria a partir da análise dos fatores ergonômicos. As variáveis analisadas foram os fatores humanos, ambientais (clima e iluminação), carga física, posturas adotadas e o manuseio de cargas. Foram avaliados ao total 40 trabalhadores. De acordo com os resultados, os trabalhadores tinham idade média de 35 anos, peso médio de 69 kg, baixo índice de analfabetismo (2,3%), de origem predominantemente rural (94,1%), tendo um consumo alto de bebidas alcoólicas (49%) e tabaco (15%). A maioria dos trabalhadores já tiveram acidentes em suas atividades. A exposição ao calor e a iluminância foram considerados elevados e inadequados entre os horários de 12 e 13:30 horas. A carga física foi considerada moderadamente pesada na maioria das operações, destacando-se o transporte de castanha e a coleta do açai, sendo considerados pesados. As posturas mais prejudiciais foram observadas na coleta do açaí e no transporte de castanha. O manuseio de cargas apresentou alto risco de lesão nas atividades de transporte de castanha. Para melhoria das condições de trabalho, saúde, bem estar e segurança, deve haver uma conscientização a fim de diminuir os vícios e fiscalização para que haja o uso devido dos equipamentos de proteção individual. Ainda assim, os trabalhadores devem ser treinados e conscientizados para utilizar medidas adequadas de controle onde os níveis de exposição a iluminância são elevados. Também necessita-se de adoção de tempo de repouso por hora efetiva de trabalho nas atividades de coleta do açaí e transporte de castanha. A fim de evitar danos a coluna do trabalhador, é necessário a adoção de pausas durante as atividades de coleta e transporte de ambas as cadeias analisadas. E com relação ao manuseio de cargas é necessária uma reorganização ergonômica a fim de reduzir o peso manuseado para execução da atividade de transporte de castanha. Palavra - chave: Processo Produtivo, Unidades de Conservação, Condições de Trabalho

    The propensity to adopt evidence-based practice among physical therapists

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Many authors, as well as the American Physical Therapy Association, advocate that physical therapists adopt practice patterns based on research evidence, known as evidence-based practice (EBP). At the same time, physical therapists should be capable of integrating EBP within the day-to-day practice of physical therapy. The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which personal characteristics and the characteristics of the social system in the workplace influence the propensity of physical therapists to adopt EBP.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The study used a 69 item mailed self-completion questionnaire. The questionnaire had four major sections. The first three sections were each drawn from a different theoretical framework and from different authors' work. The instrument was developed to capture the propensity of physical therapists to adopt EBP, characteristics of the social system in the workplace of physical therapists, personal characteristics of physical therapists, and selected demographic variables of physical therapists. The eligible population consisted of 3,897 physical therapists licensed by the state of Georgia in the United States of America. A random sample of 1320 potential participants was drawn.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>939 questionnaires were returned for a response rate of 73%. 831 of the participants' questionnaires were useable and became the basis for the study. There was a moderate association between desire for learning (<it>r </it>= .36, <it>r</it><sup>2 </sup>= .13), highest degree held (<it>r </it>= .29, <it>r</it><sup>2 </sup>= .08), practicality (<it>r </it>= .27, <it>r</it><sup>2 </sup>= .07) and nonconformity (<it>r </it>= .24, <it>r</it><sup>2 </sup>= .06) and the propensity to adopt EBP. A negative correlation was found between age, years licensed and percentage of time in direct patient care. The findings demonstrated that the best three variables for predicting the propensity to adopt EBP in physical therapy were: desire for learning, highest degree held, and practicality.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The study confirms there is no single factor to facilitate research evidence into day-to-day practice. Multiple practice change strategies will be needed to facilitate change in practice.</p

    The CAG repeat at the Huntington disease gene in the Portuguese population : insights into its dynamics and to the origin of the mutation

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    Huntington disease (HD) is caused by an expansion of a CAG repeat. This repeat is a dynamic mutation that tends to undergo intergenerational instability. We report the analysis of the CAG repeat in a large population sample (2,000 chromosomes) covering all regions of Portugal, and a haplotype study of (CAG)n and (CCG)n repeats in 140 HD Portuguese families. Intermediate class 2 alleles represented 3.0% of the population; and two expanded alleles (36 and 40 repeats, 0.11%) were found. There was no evidence for geographical clustering of the intermediate or expanded alleles. The Portuguese families showed three different HD founder haplotypes associated with 7-, 9- or 10-CCG repeats, suggesting the possibility of different origins for theHDmutation among this population. The haplotype carrying the 7-CCG repeat was the most frequent, both in normal and in expanded alleles. In general, we propose that three mechanisms, occurring at different times,may lead to the evolution from normal CAGs to full expansion: first, a mutation bias towards larger alleles; then, a stepwise process that could explain the CAGdistributions observed in themore recent haplotypes; and, finally, a pool of intermediate (class 2) alleles more prone to give rise to expanded HD alleles.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - SFRH/BD/9759/ 2003.Instituto de Genética Médica Jacinto Magalhães

    Therapeutic and prophylactic effect of intermittent preventive anti-malarial treatment in infants (IPTi) from Ghana and Gabon

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Intermittent preventive treatment in infants (IPTi) with sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) reduces the incidence of malaria episodes in young children. The exact mechanism by which the protective effect is mediated needs to be defined. This study aimed to investigate therapeutic, prophylactic, and possible exceeding effects of SP-based IPTi in two clinical trials.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Protective efficacies from two IPTi trials performed in Kumasi, Ghana, and Lambaréné, Gabon, were assessed for overlapping time series of 61 days. For six-months periods after each of three IPTi doses a multivariate Poisson regression model with the respective cohort as co-variate was generated and effect modification of protective efficacy with time strata was evaluated by log-likelihood tests.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Protective efficacies were not significantly different between the two study cohorts. Study-cohort corrected protective efficacy was highest for the first 61 days after each IPTi application and decreased continuously. For the first 61 days after IPTi-1, IPTi-2, and IPTi-3 the protective efficacy was 71%, 44%, and 43%, respectively. A reduction of the malaria incidence rate was detectable for the first 60, 30 and 40 days after IPTi-1, IPTi-2 and IPTi-3 drug application, respectively. After IPTi-3 a higher risk for malaria could be seen after day 60. This effect was mainly based on the overwhelming influence of the Kumasi cohort.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results suggest that SP-based IPTi mainly works through a therapeutic and prophylactic effect over 30 to 60 days after drug application and that a sustained effect beyond post-treatment prophylaxis might be very low.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>Data analysis from clinical trials NCT ID # 00206739 (Kumasi Trial) and NCT ID # 00167843 (Lambaréné Trial), <url>http://www.clinicaltrials.gov</url>.</p

    A top-down systems biology view of microbiome-mammalian metabolic interactions in a mouse model

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    Symbiotic gut microorganisms (microbiome) interact closely with the mammalian host's metabolism and are important determinants of human health. Here, we decipher the complex metabolic effects of microbial manipulation, by comparing germfree mice colonized by a human baby flora (HBF) or a normal flora to conventional mice. We perform parallel microbiological profiling, metabolic profiling by 1H nuclear magnetic resonance of liver, plasma, urine and ileal flushes, and targeted profiling of bile acids by ultra performance liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry and short-chain fatty acids in cecum by GC-FID. Top-down multivariate analysis of metabolic profiles reveals a significant association of specific metabotypes with the resident microbiome. We derive a transgenomic graph model showing that HBF flora has a remarkably simple microbiome/metabolome correlation network, impacting directly on the host's ability to metabolize lipids: HBF mice present higher ileal concentrations of tauro-conjugated bile acids, reduced plasma levels of lipoproteins but higher hepatic triglyceride content associated with depletion of glutathione. These data indicate that the microbiome modulates absorption, storage and the energy harvest from the diet at the systems level