1,487 research outputs found
Stochastic and Deterministic Inversion Methods for History Matching of Production and Time-Lapse Seismic Data
Automatic history matching methods utilize various kinds of inverse modeling techniques. In this dissertation, we examine ensemble Kalman filter as a stochastic approach for assimilating different types of production data and streamline-based inversion methods as a deterministic approach for integrating both production and time-lapse seismic data into high resolution reservoir models.
For the ensemble Kalman filter, we develope a physically motivated phase streamline-based covariance localization method to improve data assimilation performance while capturing geologic continuities that affect the flow dynamics and preserving model variability among the ensemble of models.
For the streamline-based inversion method, we derived saturation and pressure drop sensitivities with respect to reservoir properties along streamline trajectories and integrated time-lapse seismic derived saturation and pressure changes along with production data using a synthetic model and the Brugge field model. Our results show the importance of accounting for both saturation and pressure changes in the reservoir responses in order to constrain the history matching solutions.
Finally we demonstrated the practical feasibility of a proposed structured work- flow for time-lapse seismic and production data integration through the Norne field application. Our proposed method follows a two-step approach: global and local model calibrations. In the global step, we reparameterize the field permeability het- erogeneity with a Grid Connectivity-based Transformation with the basis coefficient as parameters and use a Pareto-based multi-objective evolutionary algorithm to integrate field cumulative production and time-lapse seismic derived acoustic impedance change data. The method generates a suite of trade-off solutions while fitting production and seismic data. In the local step, first the time-lapse seismic data is integrated using the streamline-derived sensitivities of acoustic impedance with respect to reservoir permeability incorporating pressure and saturation effects in-between time-lapse seismic surveys. Next, well production data is integrated by using a generalized travel time inversion method to resolve fine-scale permeability variations between well locations.
After model calibration, we use the ensemble of history matched models in an optimal rate control strategy to maximize sweep and injection efficiency by equalizing flood front arrival times at all producers while accounting for geologic uncertainty. Our results show incremental improvement of ultimate recovery and NPV values
Effect of snow-albedo feedback on future strong warming in boreal forest region of northern Eurasia in MIROC-ESM
第6回極域科学シンポジウム分野横断セッション:[IA] 急変する北極気候システム及びその全球的な影響の総合的解明―GRENE北極気候変動研究事業研究成果報告2015―11月19日(木) 国立極地研究所1階交流アトリウ
Multilayer graphene shows intrinsic resistance peaks in the carrier density dependence
Since the advent of graphene, a variety of studies have been performed to
elucidate its fundamental physics, or to explore its practical applications.
Gate-tunable resistance is one of the most important properties of graphene and
has been studied in 1-3 layer graphene in a number of efforts to control the
band gap to obtain a large on-off ratio. On the other hand, the transport
property of multilayer graphene with more than three layers is less well
understood. Here we show a new aspect of multilayer graphene. We found that
four-layer graphene shows intrinsic peak structures in the gate voltage
dependence of its resistance at zero magnetic field. Measurement of quantum
oscillations in magnetic field confirmed that the peaks originate from the
specific band structure of graphene and appear at the carrier density for the
bottoms of conduction bands and valence bands. The intrinsic peak structures
should generally be observed in AB-stacked multilayer graphene. The present
results would be significant for understanding the physics of graphene and
making graphene FET devices
A Hybrid Ensemble Kalman Filter for Nonlinear Dynamics
In this thesis, we propose two novel approaches for hybrid Ensemble Kalman
Filter (EnKF) to overcome limitations of the traditional EnKF. The first approach is to
swap the ensemble mean for the ensemble mode estimation to improve the covariance
calculation in EnKF. The second approach is a coarse scale permeability constraint while
updating in EnKF. Both hybrid EnKF approaches are coupled with the streamline based
Generalized Travel Time Inversion (GTTI) algorithm for periodic updating of the mean
of the ensemble and to sequentially update the ensemble in a hybrid fashion.
Through the development of the hybrid EnKF algorithm, the characteristics of
the EnKF are also investigated. We found that the limits of the updated values constrain
the assimilation results significantly and it is important to assess the measurement error
variance to have a proper balance between preserving the prior information and the
observation data misfit. Overshooting problems can be mitigated with the streamline
based covariance localizations and normal score transformation of the parameters to
support the Gaussian error statistics.
The swapping mean and mode estimation approach can give us a better matching
of the data as long as the mode solution of the inversion process is satisfactory in terms
of matching the observation trajectory.
The coarse scale permeability constrained hybrid approach gives us better
parameter estimation in terms of capturing the main trend of the permeability field and
each ensemble member is driven to the posterior mode solution from the inversion
process. However the WWCT responses and pressure responses need to be captured
through the inversion process to generate physically plausible coarse scale permeability
data to constrain hybrid EnKF updating.
Uncertainty quantification methods for EnKF were developed to verify the
performance of the proposed hybrid EnKF compared to the traditional EnKF. The results
show better assimilation quality through a sequence of updating and a stable solution is
The potential of the proposed hybrid approaches are promising through the
synthetic examples and a field scale application
Magnetization dependent current rectification in (Ga,Mn)As magnetic tunnel junctions
We have found that the current rectification effect in triple layer (double
barrier) (Ga,Mn)As magnetic tunnel junctions strongly depends on the
magnetization alignment. The direction as well as the amplitude of the
rectification changes with the alignment, which can be switched by
bi-directional spin-injection with very small threshold currents. A possible
origin of the rectification is energy dependence of the density of states
around the Fermi level. Tunneling density of states in (Ga,Mn)As shows
characteristic dip around zero-bias indicating formation of correlation gap,
the asymmetry of which would be a potential source of the energy dependent
density of states
Observation of Electronic Structure Modification in the Hidden Order Phase of CeCoSi
CeCoSi with no local inversion symmetric crystal structure ()
exhibits a phase transition of unknown origin (Hidden Order: HO) at about 12 K
() above the antiferromagnetic transition temperature ( K).
The electronic structure change across was investigated with
high-precision optical reflection spectroscopy. The optical spectrum changed
from a typical metallic behavior above to a gap-like structure at around
15 meV below . The gap-like structure was unchanged across
except for the narrowing of the Drude component of carriers due to the
suppression of magnetic fluctuations. This result suggests a slight change from
the typical metallic electronic structure above to that with an energy
gap near the Fermi level in the HO phase. The change in electronic structure in
the HO phase was concluded to be due to electron/valence instability.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure
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