902 research outputs found

    The Central Gas Systems of Early-Type Galaxies Traced by Dust Feature: Based on the HST WFPC2 Archival Images

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    We investigated the central gas systems of E/S0 galaxies by making use of the WFPC2 images of the Hubble Space Telescope archive. We searched the gas systems that were traced by the dust with a new method of making color excess images in F555W - F814W (V-I). Out of 25 sample galaxies, we detected gas system in 14 galaxies. The dust was newly detected in two galaxies that were thought to contain no dust based on single band, pre-refurbishment data. The full extents of the gas systems are 0.1 to 3.5 kpc, and the masses of the gas, log M(gas) [M(solar)], are 4.2 to 7.2. The AGN activity is well correlated with existence of the gas systems. None of galaxies without the gas systems show the AGN activity. On the other hand, some galaxies with the gas systems show the AGN activity; optical AGN activities are shown in 5 out of 11 galaxies of which AGNs are optically studied, and radio activities are shown in 6 out of 14 galaxies. This shows that the AGN activity is driven with the gas system.Comment: gzipped tarred file containing 7 files: Tomita.tex (main text, needs aaspp4.sty), Tomita.tab[1,2].tex (tables, need aj_pt4.sty), Tomita.fig [1a,1b,1c,2].ps (PS figures). To be appeared in AJ, Vol.120, No.1 (July 2000

    Efficient method for simulating quantum electron dynamics under the time dependent Kohn-Sham equation

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    A numerical scheme for solving the time-evolution of wave functions under the time dependent Kohn-Sham equation has been developed. Since the effective Hamiltonian depends on the wave functions, the wave functions and the effective Hamiltonian should evolve consistently with each other. For this purpose, a self-consistent loop is required at every time-step for solving the time-evolution numerically, which is computationally expensive. However, in this paper, we develop a different approach expressing a formal solution of the TD-KS equation, and prove that it is possible to solve the TD-KS equation efficiently and accurately by means of a simple numerical scheme without the use of any self-consistent loops.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. Physical Review E, 2002, in pres

    A One-Message Question in a Structured Interview: Investigating Psychological Needs of Children and Adolescents with Eating Disorders Directed toward Their Mothers

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the psychological needs of children and adolescents with eating disorders (ED) directed toward their mothers. Patients with ED have low self-assertion and various abnormal eating behaviors. Therefore, mothers face difficulty in understanding their children's psychological needs, and the mother-child relationship is sometimes strained. We developed a One-Message Question (OMQ)-structured interview. The OMQ was easy to answer, and it helped the patients with ED. We examined the relationship between psychological needs and illness phase of the children and adolescents, and we discuss the viability of implementing the OMQ in clinical settings. The subjects were 23 patients and their parents. Their parents were just asked about the patients' background. The mean age of the patients was 15.8 years, and the average age of ED onset was 13.5 years. The EDs were anorexia nervosa (n=20) and bulimia nervosa (n=3). The phases of patients' illness were identified as anorexic (n=5), bulimic (n=7), chronic (n=3), and stable (n=8). All subjects provided specific responses to the OMQ-structured interview. Data analyses revealed the following seven categories of patients' psychological needs directed toward their mothers:attachment, cooperation in meeting their goals, longing for love, changing attitude toward family members, respect for self-reliance, expression of apology, and expression of appreciation. These findings suggested that the OMQ-structured interview may prove useful for mothers to understand their children's psychological needs and may encourage positive interactions as a foundation for future recovery

    Severe macular edema induced by pioglitazone in a patient with diabetic retinopathy: a case study

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    We report a case of severe diabetic macular edema (DME) that developed after pioglitazone was used by a patient with proliferative diabetic retinopathy. A 30-year-old woman with poorly controlled type 2 diabetes mellitus visited our clinic in 2004. She had moderate pre-proliferative diabetic retinopathy OU. Because of the rapid progression of the diabetic retinopathy, she received pan-retinal photocoagulation in both eyes. Two weeks before using pioglitazone, her visual acuity was 0.9 OD and 0.7 OS. On October 2007, pioglitazone was prescribed by her internist because of poorly controlled blood glucose level. Two weeks later, her body weight increased, and her face became edematous. Her visual acuity decreased to 0.5 OU, and ophthlamoscopy showed severe DME in both eyes. Two weeks after stopping pioglitazone, her visual acuity improved to 0.8 OD and 0.5 OS, but the DME was still severe in the optical coherence tomographic images. Then, one half the usual dose (25 mg) of spironolactone, a diuretic, was given and her macular edema was resolved. Her final visual acuity improved to 0.9 OD and 0.7 OS. We recommend that when a patient taking pioglitazone complains of decreased vision, the physician should promptly consult an ophthalmologist