51 research outputs found
Akal dalam Perspektif Pendidikan Islam (Telaah Reflektif Filsafat Pendidikan Islam terhadap Ayat-ayat Alquran)
The search of a divine messages understanding should be sought in the newest formulation, so that the Scripture can provide a brilliant and glorious answer or it will be soothing the truth's seeker in all problem forms, which is from the past, the present, and the future. The exclamation in the language of The Qur'an was revealed in various words forms: afala ta'qiluun, afala tatadabbarun, afala tubshirun and etcetera. Those words are a series of bids for people to constanly explore, make a review, and also do research through of education as the Caliphate task. The mind of this educational philosophy perspective is like two sets of the coin that cannot be separated from one another. If philosophy was crowned as “The Mother of Science” or The Mother of all Science kind, then of course mind will be the sun of science and the main media in the world of education
Religious Moderation-Based Islamic Education Model by Nahdlatul Ulama at Islamic Boarding Schools in Lampung Province
Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) has made a substantial contribution to Islamic education, especially in the world of Islamic boarding schools. Islamic boarding schools have a significant influence in creating intelligent and great young generations. The focus of this study is to analyze the implementation and the results of Islamic education based on religious moderation in Islamic boarding schools in Lampung province. The Islamic boarding schools that served as objects of study are Islamic boarding schools in Lampung province that have implemented religious moderation, namely the Ushuluddin Islamic Boarding School in South Lampung, Al-Hikmah Islamic Boarding School Bandar Lampung, Al-Hidayat Islamic Boarding School Pesawaran, and Raudhatu Sholihin Islamic Boarding School Central Lampung. This study applied the field research design with a qualitative descriptive approach. The data were collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. The study results show that Islamic boarding schools in Lampung province have implemented Islamic education based on religious moderation. Islamic boarding schools in Lampung province have similarities in terms of application, namely Tawasuth (taking the middle way) and Tsamuh (tolerance). They also integrate the general curriculum and religious curriculum by studying the Kitab Kuning (Kitab Turath), yasinan, Tabligh Akbar, room placement based on ethnic background, and Bahtsul Masail activities. As a result, the students have a strong base of thought and character by openly responding to differences and thinking
The search of a divine messages understanding should be sought in the newest formulation, so that the Scripture can provide a brilliant and glorious answer or it will be soothing the truth’s seeker in all problem forms, which is from the past, the present, and the future. The exclamation in the language of The Qur’an was revealed in various words forms: afala ta’qiluun, afala tatadabbarun, afala tubshirun and etcetera. Those words are a series of bids for people to constanly explore, make a review, and also do research through of education as the Caliphate task. The mind of this educational philosophy perspective is like two sets of the coin that cannot be separated from one another. If philosophy was crowned as “The Mother of Science” or The Mother of all Science kind, then of course mind will be the sun of science and the main media in the world of education
Penelitian ini terbangun dari adanya anggapan banhwa produk hukum hanya sekedar untuk dilaksanakan atau ditinggalkan akan tetapi semangat dari nilai-nilai produk hukum tidak akan luput dari nilai-nilai pendidikan; begitu juga dengan maqasid al-syariah yang telah digagas oleh Imam Al- Syatibi dengan maqasid al-syariáhnya. Kompleksitas berbagai bentuk maupun keragamannya, hendaknya dicarikan antivirussebagai bentuk antibodi agar segala persoalan dan permasalahan bukan berlalu tanpa kepastian hukum (fatratun ‘ani al-hukmi) namun harus dicarikan formulasi-religi yang dijadikan sebagai obat penawar yang bertujuan untukmencapai kesuksesan keber-agamaan seseorang dalam paradigma pendidikan. Syariat Islam tidak akan pernah basi sepanjang waktu dan tidak akan usam ditelan oleh ganasnya virus kehidupan, jika tatanan hukum yang akan dijadikan sebagai pijakan tetap berdimensikan keshalehan sosial (sholih likulli zaman wamakan), bangunan hukum yang termaktub dalam maqasid al-syariáh bukan semata dalam tinjauan hukum secara an sich, melainkan dapat digali dari sisi-sisi positip dalam perspektif pendidikan. Oleh karenanya reaktualisasi paradigma pendidikan Humanis dapat digali dalam maqasid al-syariáh itu sendiri, hal ini bertujuan agar realitas Islam sebagai agama rahmatan li-al’alamin akan menjadi kenyataan bagaimana memelihara jiwa (hifdhu al-nafs), memelihara akal (hifdhu al-aqli), memelihara agama (hifdhu al-diin), memelihara harta (hifdhu al-maal), dan juga memelihara keturunan (hifdhu al-nasl) banyak mengandung nilai-nilai pendidikan (edukatif) berkearifan (humanis), karena segala bentuk sumber tatanan kehidupan akan bermuara pada Yang Maha Satu Sang Pemberi Kedamaian dan Kebaikan
This research aims at how Zoom Meeting and Google Classroom media are used as technology media that could be a learning solution in this Covid-19 era. The method used in this study was based on qualitative research based on case studies, where the authors analyzed the collected data to be used as primary data sources in further research. The problem faced by institutions during the pandemic was that there were still most students who did not have adequate communication tools and internet network access. The ineffectiveness of using Zoom Meeting and Google Classroom learning media at the One Roof Middle School in Lontar was caused by the economic level of the parents of students, most of whom rely financially on seafood, so that most of the students found it difficult to provide supporting infrastructure for online learning. In addition, there were still many students who were clueless in the field of information technology (IT), making it difficult for them to operate the two online learning platforms
This study aims to determine the application of the articulation learning model at SMP Negeri 1 Pontang, especially in the subject of Islamic Religious Education. The method used is a qualitative method using SWOT analysis. The approach in this study is presented descriptively. This research was conducted at SMP Negeri 1 Pontang, Pontang District, Serang Regency, Banten Province. This research explains in detail the flow of articulation learning and also presents about Strenght, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. The results of this study show that the articulation learning model on the strength aspect can train students' absorption and train students' readiness. On the aspect of weakness, this learning model can only be used by certain subjects. The opportunity aspect of this learning model, students are trained in speaking, can speak loudly and clearly. Meanwhile, on the threat aspect, this learning model can not be completed if a teacher is not able to manage learning time, because the articulation learning model requires a lot of time. With the implementation of the articulation learning model in PAI subjects, there are no longer students who think that PAI subjects are boring subjects
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the education paradigm around the world, including in Indonesia. The focus of this journal is to investigate post-pandemic Islamic religious education learning policies in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah and Primary Schools. This study aims to analyse the strategies and policies adopted by these educational institutions in facing the challenges of distance learning and the implementation of health protocols. The research methods used were case studies and in-depth interviews with key stakeholders such as school principals, teachers, parents and students themselves. Data was analysed using a qualitative approach to describe the changes in learning strategies, the role of technology in teaching Islam, and the challenges and opportunities faced in the adaptation process. The results show variations in the implementation of learning policies, depending on technological infrastructure, availability of human resources and parental support. Nonetheless, Islamic religious education remains a top priority with an emphasis on religious and moral values amid the global health crisis. The implications of this study are the need for improved technological infrastructure, more intensive teacher training in online learning and the important role of families in supporting religious education at home
Penggunaan Media Sosial dalam Membangun Moderasi Beragama di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 di Kota Tangerang
This article reflects diversity during the Covid-19 pandemic in Tangerang City. The Covid-19 Pandemic period requires all activities to be carried out online. This makes the use of social media unavoidable. This study used a descriptive qualitative method with observation and interviews as a technique used for data collection. The results of the study reveal that the active and massive use of social media to exchange information causes a wise attitude in dealing with the information received is needed. An attitude of wisdom, moderation, tolerance, and fairness is a reflection of moderation. The widespread use of social media and used as the main tool for activities, has made social media an educational tool for religious moderation. Parties such as religious leaders, educators, public figures, or even the public can spread the notion of religious moderation to the public through their respective activities, some of which include studies and lectures, millennial educational content, and educational comics on social media. This study recommends that parties involved in the world of education and propagation can instill an understanding of religious moderation with various media, including social media
This study aims to describe Islamic education during the Islamic kingdom in Nusantara. This study uses a literature review approach to explore Islamic education during the Islamic kingdom in the Nusantara. The formation of a Muslim community in a place is not a small matter, it involves a long process, that ultimately led to the birth of Islamic kingdoms such as Demak, Samudera Pasai, Pajang, Mataram, and so on. With the formation of Islamic kingdoms, it cannot be separated from the process of Islamic education in them by focusing on the growth and development of Islamic kingdoms, it cannot be separated from the role of education, the education system, and educational institutions in Islamic kingdoms in Nusantar
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