12 research outputs found

    Pelaksanaan protokol kesehatan, masalah, dan solusinya dalam perawatan pasien ortodonti di Kota Bandung selama masa pandemi COVID-19

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    Wabah pandemi Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) menempatkan ortodontis menjadi salah satu profesi dengan risiko tinggi untuk tertular dan menularkan infeksi COVID-19. Oleh sebab itu, diperlukan penerapan protokol kesehatan yang berdasar pada upaya pencegahan dan pengendalian infeksi agar dapat menekan risiko terjadinya infeksi silang. Penelitianini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana gambaran pelaksanaan protokol kesehatan, masalah yang dihadapi dan solusinya dalam perawatan pasien ortodonti di Kota Bandung selama masa pandemi COVID-19. Penelitian ini merupakan deskriptif kuantitatif untuk mengetahui gambaran pelaksanaan protokol kesehatan, masalah yang dihadapi dan solusinya dalam perawatan pasien ortodonti di Kota Bandung selama masa pandemi COVID-19. Metode dan teknik pengambilansampel menggunakan metode sampling jenuh dan non-probability sampling dari 32 ortodontis yang melakukan praktik pribadi di Kota Bandung selama masa pandemi COVID-19. Analisis statistik dengan uji validitas product moment Pearson dan uji reliabilitas Alpha Cronbach. Hasil penelitian diperoleh dokter gigi spesialis ortodonti di Kota Bandung selalu (66,67%) dan sering (28,125%) melaksanakan protokol kesehatan sebelum pandemic COVID-19, selalu (54,083%)dan sering (12,583%) menghadapi masalah protokol kesehatan terhadap perawatan pasien ortodonti disertai komitmen untuk selalu (87,946%) dan sering (11,38%) melaksanakan protokol kesehatan, selalu (66,295%) dan sering (33,04%) menerapkan protokol kesehatan selama masa pandemi COVID-19 sebagai solusi atas masalah tersebut. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan lebih dari setengah populasi ortodontis menyatakan selalu melaksanakan protokol kesehatan sebelum pandemi COVID-19, sadar akan masalah yang dihadapi dan selalu menerapkan peningkatan protokol kesehatan sebagai solusi untuk mencegah potensi terjadinya infeksi silang selama masa pandemi COVID-19. Masih ada sebagian kecil responden lain menyatakan sering melaksanakan protokol kesehatan sesuai yang sudah ditetapkan

    Kebersihan Gigi Tiruan pada Lansia, Suatu Tinjauan Metode dan Bahan

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    The use of removable dentures is one of the main approach to oral rehabilitation of partially or completely edentulous patient. Denture hygiene is an important things for the elderly as a vulnerable people. The purpose is to discribe both of the literature or recent study that related to denture hygiene in elderly. Removable denture got special attention  cause accumulate food residue, bacterial biofilm, and calculus at the mucosa or denture interface. Recently, the presence of bacterial bioflim on denture was considered a risk factor for aspiration pneumonia in frail older people. In general, removable denture that is used acrylic based denture.The microporous surfaces of an acrylic denture provide a wide range of environments to support microorganisms that can threaten the health of patient. Knowing denture cleanser as apart of  denture hygiene in elderly is an important things

    Denture adhesive antifungal potency towards the growth of Candida Albicans

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    Denture adhesive is a device that applied to the base of a denture before the denture is inserted into the mouth. The device used to improve denture retention and stabilization. It was thought that added antifungal agent to denture adhesive might be an effective way to inhibit the growth of Candida albicans and prevent denture stomatitis.The study was performed as an experimental laboratory study by an observed antifungal test of denture adhesive against Candida albicans growth using Kirby Bauer diffusion agar method with 5 samples and 3-time repetitions. The conclusion of this study was that the antifungal agent in denture adhesive containing poly (methylvinylether/maleic acid), sodium-calcium mixed partial salt and propyl hydroxybenzoate and denture adhesive containing sodium carboxymethylcellulose couldn't inhibit the growth of Candida albicans

    Pelaksanaan teknik aseptik oleh dokter gigi di RSGM Universitas Padjadjaran sebagai upaya preventif infeksi silang pada masa pandemi COVID-19

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    Kedokteran gigi merupakan bidang yang rawan terhadap terjadinya infeksi silang. Munculnya wabah penyakit infeksi COVID-19 meningkatkan kekhawatiran tenaga medis maupun pasien dalam penyebaran infeksi. Dokter gigi merupakan profesi yang berisiko tinggi terhadap penularan COVID-19 karena selama perawatan menghasilkan banyak aerosol maupun droplet yang infeksius. Teknik aseptik merupakan semua prosedur yang dilakukan untukmencegah atau meminimalisir risiko infeksi oleh mikroorganisme patogen pada pasien maupun tenaga medis selama prosedur klinis. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui gambaran pelaksanaan teknik aseptik oleh dokter gigi di RSGM Unpad sebagai upaya preventif infeksi silang pada masa pandemi COVID-19. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif. Sampel diambil menggunakan teknik accidental sampling pada bulan Agustus-November 2022 yangterdiri dari 51 dokter gigi di RSGM Unpad yang memenuhi syarat untuk menjadi responden. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode survey menggunakan kuesioner yang berisi 32 pertanyaan mengenai tindakan teknik aseptik yang harus dilakukan oleh dokter gigi di fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan gigi dan mulut saat sebelum dan selama masa pandemi COVID-19. Penggunaan masker bedah (92,2%), surgical scrub (86,3%), masker N95 (82,4%) termasuk kategori baik. Penerapan lima momen kebersihan tangan (70,6%), skrining COVID-19 (62,7%), desinfeksi seluruh permukaan dental unit dan benda di meja dental (60,8%), penggunaan goggle/faceshield (70,6%), hazmat (68,6%), dan shoe cover/sepatu boots (60,8%) termasuk kategori cukup baik. Penggunaan rubber dam (7,8%), sarung tangandouble (43,1%), dan penerapan flushing DUWL dan handpiece setiap pergantian pasien (45,1%) termasuk kategori kurang. Pelaksanaan teknik aseptik standar maupun teknik aseptik tambahan pada masa pandemi COVID-19 secara keseluruhan telah dilakukan dengan baik oleh sebagian besar dokter gigi di RSGM Unpad

    Minimum inhibition concentration and anti-fungal contact time of quaternary ammonium and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) mixture towards Candida Albicans isolate

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    The aim of this study is to determine the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) and the exposure time of the combination of quaternary ammonium compound with EDTA towards Candida albicans isolates from the 5 upper acrylic removable complete dentures. This experimental laboratory study was conducted based on a serial dilution of the combination of quaternary ammonium compound with EDTA towards Candida albicans in 3 replications and statistically analyzed according to Kruskal-Wallis method. The result showed that the MIC of the combination of quaternary ammonium compound with EDTA towards Candida albicans was in 1/8000 concentration with minimum 8 hours exposure time. This study concluded that the combination of quaternary ammonium compound with EDTA had an antifungal activity towards Candida albicans at 1/8000 concentration in 8 hours exposure time

    <p>Pemanfaatan ekstrak etil asetat buah merah sebagai zat warna primer pada teknik pengecatan negatif kapsul bakteri</p><p>Utilization of ethyl acetate extract of red fruit as primary negative staining substance for bacterial capsule</p>

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    Pendahuluan: Bakteri memiliki salah satu struktur sel yang penting untuk diamati dan dipelajari, yaitu kapsul. Kapsul merupakan salah satu struktur bakteri yang berkaitan erat dengan virulensinya pada manusia dan sel inang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan bahwa ekstrak etil asetat buah merah dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif pengganti zat warna primer pada teknik pengecatan negatif kapsul. Metode: Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan efektif atau tidaknya ekstrak etil asetat buah merah jika digunakan sebagai zat warna primer pada teknik pengecatan negatif kapsul. Hasil: Pewarnaan berhasil dilakukan. Hasil pewarnaan yang diperoleh selanjutnya disesuaikan dengan lembar degradasi warna berdasarkan RHS Colour Chart. Simpulan: Berdasarkan pengamatan diketahui bahwa penggunaan ekstrak etil asetat buah merah dapat mewarnai struktur bakteri dengan warna yang beragam dan mampu mendekati zat warna karbol fuksin. Kata kunci: Ekstrak etil asetat buah merah, teknik pengecatan negatif, kapsul bakteri, zat warna primer   ABSTRACT Introduction: Bacteria have one of the important cell structures to be observed and studied, namely capsules. The capsule is a bacterial structure that is closely related to its virulence in humans and host cells. This study aims to prove that the red fruit ethyl acetate extract can be used as an alternative to primary dyes in the capsule negative staining technique. Methods: This study describes the effectiveness of the red fruit ethyl acetate extract if it is used as a primary dye in the capsule negative staining technique. Result: Coloring is successful. The coloring results obtained are then adjusted to the color degradation sheet based on the RHS Color Chart. Conclusion: Based on the observations it is known that the use of red fruit ethyl acetate extract can color the structure of bacteria with a variety of colors and is able to approach the fusion carbolic dye. Keywords: Ethyl acetate extract of red fruit, negative staining technique, bacterial capsule, primary staining substanc

    Anti-fungal capacity of Saga leaf (Abrus Precatorius L) towards Candida Albicans testing

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the antifungal effect, by determining the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) of saga leave extract against Candida albicans, as a causal of oral candidiasis. The saga left was extracted following maceration method. Candida albicans, as a tested fungal was isolated from patients at the Oral and Dental Hospital Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Padjadjaran. They were cultured on Sabouraud Agar plate, incubated at 37°C for 18-24 hours. The isolation and the identification of Candida albicans were based on colonial morphology and the fermentation of glucose, maltose, saccharose, dan lactose at the Microbiology Laboratory. This experimental laboratory study was conducted according to a serial dilution method from 16 mg/ml up to 0,25 mg/ml of saga leave extract with two-fold dilution in three repetitions. The result showed that the Saga leaves extract to be able to inhibit Candida albicans at minimum 2 mg/ml concentration. As a conclusion, the concentration of 2 mg/ml or more of saga leave extract has antifungal effect against Candida albicans

    <p>Pemanfaatan ekstrak etil asetat buah merah sebagai zat pengganti pewarna primer pada teknik pengecatan tunggal bakteri gram negatif batang</p><p>Utilization of ethyl acetate extract of Pandanus conoideus lam. as substitution for simple staining techniques of gram-negative rods bacteria</p>

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    Pendahuluan: Buah merah merupakan salah satu buah yang banyak terdapat di Indonesia, terutama di daerah Papua. Buah merah (Pandanus conoideus Lam) mengandung karoten dan betakaroten yang menyebabkan warna merah yang sangat pekat pada buah merah. Tujuan penelitian untuk memanfaatkan ekstrak etil asetat buah merah sebagai pengganti zat pewarna primer bakteri gram negatif batang pada teknik pengecatan tunggal. Metode: Penelitian dilakukan secara deskripstif dengan cara melakukan teknik pengecatan tunggal. Pertama, dibuat biofilm tipis Escherichia coli sebagai objek penelitian pada kaca preparat, kemudian ekstrak etil asetat buah merah diteteskan diatasnya sebagai penganti zat warna karbol fuchsin (pewarna primer). Hasil: Hasil pengecatan tunggal dilihat di bawah mikroskop dan data hasil pengecatan di tabulasikan atau dicatat pada tabel. Ekstrak etil asetat buah merah tidak dapat mewarnai bakteri gram negatif batang. Simpulan: Ekstrak etil asetat buah merah tidak dapat digunakan sebagai zat warna pengganti pewarna primer pada proses pengecatan tunggal bakteri gram negatif batang. Kata kunci: Pandanus conoideus Lam, Escherichia coli, pengecatan tunggal.   ABSTRACT Introduction: Red fruit is one of fruits in Indonesia, especially in the Papua region. Red fruit (Pandanus conoideus Lam) contains carotene and betacarotene which causes a very thick red color on the red fruit. The purpose of this study was to utilize ethyl acetate extract of red fruit as primary dye substitute for simple staining techniques of Gram-negative rod bacteria. Methods: The study was carried out descriptively by doing a simple staining technique. First, a thin biofilm of Escherichia coli as a study object was made on a object glass, then the ethyl acetate extract of red fruit was dripped over it as a substitute for fuchsin carbolic dye (primary dye). Results: The results of a simple staining are seen under a microscope and the results are tabulated or recorded in the table. Ethyl acetate extract of Red fruit cannot stain gram-negative rod bacteria. Conclusion: Ethyl acetate extract of red fruit cannot be used as a dye substitute for primary dye in the process of simple staining gram-negative rod bacteria. Keywords: Pandanus conoideus Lam, Escherichia coli, simple staining

    The decreased of Streptococcus Mutans growth after topical application of phosphopeptide amorphous calcium phosphate paste

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    Casein Phosphopeptide-Amorphous Calcium Phosphate (CPP-ACP) paste is a topical application substance that consisted of a series of milk derivative peptide as a result of phosphorylation and has an antibacterial activity. The objective of this research was to find out the difference of Streptococcus mutans growth before and after CPP-ACP paste given topically to child's teeth. The method of the research was a quasi-experiment. Research samples were 10 students of MI Al Falah Islamic Boarding School, Jatinangor, West Jawa Indonesia and collected with purposive sampling technique. This research used dental plaque from child's teeth before and after applicated by CPP-ACP paste. The plaque was cultivated in selective media Tryptone Yeast Cysteine Sucrose Bacitracin (TYCSB) with repeated twice. Streptococcus mutans colony in TYCSB were counted by Stuart colony counter and statistically analyzed based on paired t-test. The results showed the average of Streptococcus mutans growth before applicated CPP-ACP paste was 57.05, whereas after applicated CPP-ACP paste for 1 days was 9.4; for 3 days was 2.85, and for 14 days was 1.7 colony. The research concluded that there was a decrease of Streptococcus mutans growth in isolate plaque after CPP-ACP paste topically given to child's teeth