45 research outputs found
Analisis Kemitraan Dalam Pengembangan Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) Di Kota Semarang
Green open space is very important to note. Green open space is needed in particular to balance the urban region urban air to keep them fresh. When the current green open spaces were available yet is developed and managed properly. Contributing factor is the lack of budget, lack of human resources, and a shortage of land for development. These problems can be overcome by establishing partnerships among the actors involved in the development of green open space. Therefore, this study aims to determine the role of each actor, determine the degree of partnership in the development of green open space, and efforts to be made in improving the partnership. Green open space is very important to note. Green open space is needed, especially in the region This study used a descriptive qualitative research motode documentation and interview as data collection techniques. The target in this research is the government, society, and the private sector participated in the development of green open space in the city of Semarang. The Partnership is a joint venture form of cooperation between two or more parties that aims to improve the ability of an organization in achieving its objectives. Based on the results of the overall study the problems encountered in relation to partnerships Semarang city government is not the implementation of partnerships with the private sector because of the difference between government and private interests. So far the government is trying to establish partnerships with the private sector
Analisis Peran Stakeholders dalam Pengembangan Objek Wisata Pantai Karang Jahe di Kabupaten Rembang
Tourism development aims to increase local revenue. One of the areas that conduct tourism development activities are Punjulharjo village. The potential Punjulharjo village is Karang Jahe beach that has its own uniqueness compared to other beaches in Rembang, therefore the development of tourism involves the role of stakeholders, including governments, local communities and the private sector. The purpose of this study to identify and analyze the role of stakeholders in developing the tourism Karang Jahe beach, the factors that inhibit the role of stakeholders in an effort to developing the tourism of Karang Jahe beach, and formulate efforts to solve the inhibit factors of stakeholders' role in developing the tourism of Karang Jahe beach in rembang district. The method is used qualitative descriptive. The results shows that tourism development Karang Jahe beach involves the role of Dinbudparpora, local communities, and businessmen. The roles ran by each of the stakeholders include policy creator, coordinators, facilitators, implementers and accelerator.The role of stakeholders in tourism development more emphasis on the role of facilitator in physical form. Factors that inhibit the role of stakeholders in tourism development of Karang Jahe Beach are limited land, limited budgets, limited human resources, mindset, regulatory, promotional activities, and cooperation among stakeholders. Efforts are being made to overcome the inhibit factors, namely make cooperation between the managers of Karang Jahe Beach with landowners, build the tourism awareness through the tourism awareness group, and empower villagers to utilize the waste into commercial product, sanctions are regulated in the village in terms of tourism business establishment, improvement Dinbudparpora website related to promotional activities attractions Karang Jahe Beach, as well as the need to do a binding cooperation between stakeholders support through a memorandum of agreement on cooperation
Analisis Pelaksanaan Program Pengelolaan Teknologi Tepat Guna (Ttg) Oleh Badan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Dan Desa (Bapermades) Provinsi Jawa Tengah
This research was arranged to analyze the implementation of TTG managerial program from Bapermades of Central Java Province and the constraints that may affect the TTG's program implementation. Bapermades of Central Java province has not implement guidance and facilitation of optimal thus giving rise to problems in implementation. This research is kind of descriptive- qualitative research where the data was collected through interviews, observation, and literature study. Informants were taken by author is the head of SDA and TTG sub division, TTG's sub division staff, Posyantek officials, and representatives of community groups. The Author used the indicators of TTG's program implementation guides from Minister of Home Affairs Regulation and Central Java Governor Regulation then it compared accordingly with problems in the field. Based on the research, the results obtained that needs mapping of TTG are still in manual. Socialization, information media, IT knowledge and training are still in deficiency. Posyantek formation is still uneven and regulatory in Regents Regulation level as well as a special institution for TTG has not yet been established. The Number of human resources and budget limitation is the kind of obstacles for conducting the program. Based on the results, this study concludes that the implementation of TTG managial program have conducted in accordingly with the applicable guidelines of regulation, but it still encountered some obstacles so it can't be implemented to the fullest. The advice given by the author is this program needs to be socialized and assisted to the community,it needs to improve the information media, training and developing in the IT field as well as increasing the cooperation with various stakeholders
Analisis Inovasi Pelayanan Publk pada Dinas Komunikasi, Informasi, Statistik, dan Persandian Kota Semarang ( Pusat Informasi Publik sebagai Top 99 Inovasi Pelayanan Publik Tahun 2016)
Public service innovation is a breakthrough type of public service that is an original creative idea or adaptation that give benefits for society directly or indirectly. Public service innovation competition is anually designed by Ministry of State Apparatus Utilization and Bureaucratic Reform. This competition is a form One Agency program, One Innovation (OAOI) that requires each agency, ministry, institute, provincial government, city create innovation every year. This study is conducted at Communication, Information, Statistic and Encryption Service in Semarang City. Public Information Center is a form of service innovation created by Diskominfo in cooperation with several related parties. This study based on achievement that achieved by PIP in Semarang City that is β3 in 1β Public Service, Public Information Center Semarang City as Top 99 Public Service Innovation 2016. Based on study, there are still some obstacles in implementation of innovation in Diskominfo Semarang city. Therefore, a recommendation that can be given is addition of technology information units (computer) that filled by data information so that society can access directly and addition of facilities that ease the society
Evaluasi Kinerja Program Rehabilitasi Rumah Tidak Layak Huni Di Kabupaten Purbalingga
This study was prepared for evaluating program performance of Unliveable Rehabilitation Home Program in Purbalingga using indicators based on AKIP which are the input, output, outome, benefit and impact. As in this program there are gaps or constraints that may affect the results of program performance of Unliveable Rehabilitation Home Program in Purbalingga derived from the input, output, outcome, benefit, and impact The results obtained are that the human resources lacking in terms of quantity, although the existing human resources are appropriate and optimal, overall target number of uninhabitable houses in the district Purbalinga are 27.533 homes, but new in rehab just 100 houses in accordance with appropriate housing ie roof pedestal and wall, this program can not be said to alleviate poverty, overall, the benefits are felt only to the 100 beneficiaries of rehabilitation home, this assistance has not been felt for alleviating poverty because the aid was stimulated and only include one measure, namely board. So, we may conclude that the performance of unliveable rehabilitation home program in Purbalinggawas good, based on the gains that have been achieved. This program was not the final solution to overcome poverty because it only resolve section of the board. Advice can be given by researcher are that the implementation of the program conducted during dry season, helping each other when collecting document, creating more leaders in society or making certain committee to do implementation on the field outside of the instrument