2 research outputs found
Experiences with Holistic Health Practices among Adults with Spinal Cord Injury
- Author
- Adams M.M.
- Campbell F.A.
- Carlson M.J.
- Croxford J.L.
- Dryden D.M.
- Esmail N.
- Furlan J.C.
- George M.
- Goldstein M.S.
- Gould A.
- Harris P.E.
- Hirschkorn K.A.
- Honda K.
- Hsu C.
- Krauss H.H.
- Kroll T.
- Lee G.B.
- McCaffrey A.M.
- Milden S.P.
- Millar W.J.
- Millar W.J.
- Nayak S.
- Noreau L.
- Norrbrink Budh C.
- Ogborne A.C.
- Ogborne A.C.
- Park C.L.
- Park J.
- Pawluch D.
- Pickett G.E.
- Pickett W.
- Pirouzmand F.
- Quinn Patton M.
- Richardson J.
- Sasagawa M.
- Shroff M.
- Sollner W.
- Vohra S.
- Warms C.A.
- Widerstrom-Noga E.G.
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Understanding paradigms used for nursing research
- Author
- Allen D.
- Allen D.
- Allen M.N.
- Appleton J.V.
- Barrett E.A.
- Benner P.
- Berger P.L.
- Bermann H.
- Blummer H.
- Bunkers S.S.
- Burns N.
- Campbell J.
- Cheek J.
- Chinn P.
- Cull-Wilby B.L.
- Dickoff J.
- Donaldson D.M.
- Drew B.J.
- Drew N.
- Dzurec L.C.
- Ellefsen B.
- Faye G.
- Feyerabend P.
- Ford-Gilboe M.
- Foster R.L.
- Ganong L.H.
- Georges J.M.
- Gillis A.
- Gould S.J.
- Guba E.C.
- Guba E.C.
- Hamilton D.
- Hanchett M.
- Hinshaw A.S.
- Horsfall J.M.
- Im E.
- Jacob E.
- James W.
- Kleynhaus A.M.
- Kuhn T.S.
- Labonte R.
- Laudan L.
- Leininger M.M.
- Lincoln Y.
- Ludz K.F.
- Lutz K.
- Maguire P.
- Meleis A.I.
- Mill J.E.
- Moccia P.
- Monti E.J.
- Morse J.
- Morse J.M.
- Morse J.M.
- Morse J.M.
- Nagle L.
- Norbeck J.
- Northrup D.T.
- Parse R.R.
- Pearson A.
- Playle J.F.
- Reed P.G.
- Rolfe G.
- Schumaker K.L.
- Suppe F.
- Thompson J.L.
- Walusimbi M.
- Warms C.A.
- Wuest J.
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study