21 research outputs found

    Agriculture in International Economic Relations

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    The systematic study of international economic relations has commanded increased attention in recent years amongst both economists and political scientists as the economic relations between nation states and groups of countries have intensified, changed in character, and generated a weighty set of new and complex problems. Matters pertaining to food- stuffs and other primary commodities are the subject of both unparalleled cooperation and dangerous frictions between members of the international community. Those involved in the conduct and the study of international affairs attach great weight to commodity policy issues in international economic relationships. Equally, a range of "external" considerations have been elevated in importance in national policy formulation for the agricultural and food sector. Thus it is appropriate and timely that this Association address the subject of agriculture in international economic relations

    Echanges commerciaux de produits agricoles : conflits et compromis

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    [fre] Le système mondial, ouvert et organisé, d'échanges agricoles est en voie de détérioration. La crise économique et les propres faiblesses du système en sont la cause. La structure des échanges est influencée par les politiques agricoles nationales, et les Négociations du Kennedy et du Tokyo Rounds n'ont pas réussi à libéraliser le commerce agricole. Les secrétariats du GATT et de l'OCDE conduisent des travaux sur le protectionnisme qui pourraient clarifier les enjeux de futures négociations. . Ce sont les Etats-Unis qui poussent le plus aux réformes ; mécontents de l'état de leurs exportations, ils en reportent la responsabilité sur la PAC. Des suggestions sont avancées sur des mesures susceptibles d'aplanir les désaccords et de résoudre certains problèmes de l'organisation actuelle des échanges. La profession des Economistes Ruraux doit contribuer à clarifier les débats en conduisant les travaux théoriques et appliqués nécessaires. Les Politiques nationales étant prédominantes dans la détermination des échanges, leur réforme mérite un examen particulier. [eng] The open and rule-oriented world agricultural trading system is deteriorating due to the recession and its embodied weaknesses. The patterns of trade flows are mainly influenced by state policies and the Kennedy Round and Tokyo Round Negotiations have failed to make agricultural trade more liberal. Both GATT and OECD Secretariats are carrying studies that may clarify the issues for future negotiations. The current pressure for change comes from US discontent with its world agricultural trade and the EC policy is caught under fire. The types of measure able to alleviate the disputes and help solving some of the Agricultural trade problems are reviewed. The agricultural economics profession should feel concerned with developping analyses, theoretical and empirical, so that negotiators are better informed. National policies are most important for agricultural trade and domestic farm programs need to be scrutinized.