5 research outputs found
Lanskap Budaya Wisata Budaya Betawi
. Jakarta has been regarded as a big city in Indonesia and has various potency, such as city tourism. By looking at this potency, Local Government of DKI Jakarta is planning to deliver city tour line, which consist some cultural tour. There are so many cultural tourism potencies that could be promoted as a point of interest of Jakarta cultural tourism. Therefore, it should be needed to identify the potential of Betawi cultural area which could be promoted as an object of cultural tourism. Research study and planning will be needed to support the activities of Betawi cultural tourism in Jakarta. This research is aimed to identify the area as Betawi cultural landscape, to analyze the potency of Betawi cultural tourism in Jakarta and to deliver recommendation of Betawi cultural spatial as a Betawi cultural tourism resources in Jakarta. Research method that has been used is an identification of area as cultural landscape and analysis of the quality of rareness parameter and comfort of environtment, tourism object, achievement, as well as facilities and tourism infrastructures. The result of this research has shown that there are 2 significant areas which have been designated as high classification and potential to be developed as tourism area. There are Kota Tua area and Setu Babakan area which each of them has their own potency to be developed and planned
Perencanaan Lanskap Agrowisata Berkelanjutan Kawasan Gunung Leutik Bogor
. Perencanaan Lanskap Agrowisata Berkelanjutan Kawasan Gunung Leutik Bogor (Budiarjono dan Sitti Wardiningsih) PERENCANAAN LANSKAP AGROWISATA BERKELANJUTAN KAWASAN GUNUNG LEUTIK BOGOR Budiarjono Program Studi Arsitektur Fakultas Teknik Universitas Bung Karno. Sitti Wardiningsih Program Studi Arsitektur Lanskap Fakultas Teknik Dan Perencanaan ISTN [email protected] Indonesia as an archipelagic country has a natural potential to be developed as a tourism attraction development.One of the tourism potential that can be developed is agro- tourism. Bogor region has an agricultural land managed by the unit of society and agriculture corporate. Gunung Leutik Area Tourism has 41.4 hectares . The existence of cultivation areas with interesting scenery, residential area and Islamic education area are potential landscape to develop as tourism object and attractions. General aim is to planning a sustainable landscape area of agro- tourism in Gunung Leutik region, that support agriculture tourism activities and environmental education. This research uses descriptive quantitative method. to create sustainable landscape by developing agro-tourism based to maintain its quality and increasing local communities welfare. The main concept is on physical environment Gunung through tourism activities that involve all stakeholders make landscape ecologically and economically sustainable
Nilai Penting Lanskap Budaya Minapadi Desa Bunisari
Sebagai salah satu bagian lanskap budaya, lanskap pertanian selama ini masih belum banyak mendapatperhatian untuk dikaji maupun didokumentasikan. Banyak lanskap budaya pertanian yang semakin tertekan olehpeningkatan kebutuhan hidup manusia. Padahal lanskap budaya pertanian memiliki kearifan lokal yang takternilai sebagai wujud perkembangan akal manusia dalam mempelajari alam sekitar. Belakangan ini pertanianramah lingkungan seperti sistem pertanian terpadu ramai diperbincangkan. Namun tidak banyak yangmengetahui bahwa sistem tersebut ada yang sudah dijalankan sejak lama oleh komunitas lokal. Misalnya konsepminapadi atau membudidayakan padi sawah dengan ikan. Konsep ini sebetulnya telah lama dipraktikan olehmasyarakat Jawa Barat namun karena kurangnya dokumentasi maka keberadaanya sedikit demi sedikitterlupakan. Salah satu yang masih bertahan yaitu masyarakat desa Bunisari. Meskipun telah terjadi beberapaperubahan prinsip, namun masyarakat masih tetap menjalankannya karena memiliki nilai penting sejarah, ilmupengetahuan, budaya, dan agama. Mengingat hal tersebut maka lanskap budaya minapadi Bunisari memilikipeluang untuk dikembangkan secara kreatif untuk mendukung upaya pelestarian sekaligus meningkatkanekonomi masyarakat lokal
. Orientation of the development of Jakarta is by creating Jakarta as global and modern city which could compete with other cities in the world. This process will get through by optimilizing urban land as a productive space. This condition for sure cannot be avoided. The paradigm of sustainable city development is by providing future which is balance between the need of present generation and future generation. The consequency of this development process should be able to maintain the values of socio-culture justification and the ability to create togetherness life within city. This paper has been conducted from the vission of kampung's community to survive in the middle of the development of modern district in Indonesia, particularly Segitiga Emas Kuningan. There is a dualism condition of development thinking and approach between a process of physical quality enhancement and economical condition of the city, as well as the process of development which is regarded will vanishthe socio-culture potency within urban community. Is there any way out for this probles? This paper will remind the obligation of all parties including urban planners, architects and stakeholders to integrate all the global-local values in the process of city development. This paper is a basic idea of the design development of kampung which has a cultural and historical potency in the term to conserve and preserve the cultural and historical values of global area of Kuningan