15 research outputs found

    An Assessment of Statistical Process Control-Based Approaches for Charting Student Evaluation Scores

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    We compare three control charts for monitoring data from student evaluations of teaching (SET) with the goal of improving student satisfaction with teaching performance. The two charts that we propose are a modified p chart and a z-score chart. We show that these charts overcome some of the shortcomings of the more traditional charts for analyzing SET data. A comparison of three charts (an individual’s chart, the modified p chart, and the z-score chart) reveals that the modified p chart is the best approach for analyzing SET data because it utilizes distributions that are appropriate for categorical data, and its interpretation is more straightforward. We conclude that administrators and faculty alike can benefit by using the modified p chart to monitor and improve teaching performance as measured by student evaluations

    Can Customers Detect Script Usage in Service Encounters? An Experimental Video Analysis

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    Service scripts are predetermined guides for employees to follow when delivering service to customers. Some services require employees to strictly follow a script, whereas others use scripts more flexibly, if at all. Extant research regarding service scripts in the domain of service operations has mainly addressed the topic from more of a process view as a control mechanism for the encounter but minimal research has examined customer perceptions of scripted service. The authors examine a pivotal first question, which is if customers can detect different approaches to script use. To answer the question, the authors conducted a video experiment of face‐to‐face service encounters in the hospitality industry. The results indicate that customers can detect degrees of script use across both standardized and customized encounter types. This work serves as initial empirical evidence that customers are indeed capable of detecting subtleties in scripting approaches in different service situations and supports that script level is an important service design construct for research. Furthermore, the authors highlight the use of a video experiment as an innovative methodology for assessing customer perceptions of intangible aspects to services in a realistic setting. One implication of this study is that managers need to assess the impact that different script levels have on customer perceptions of various service performance measures. Managers should also consider the effect script detection has on customer perceptions of the service experience and service brand to assure their script approach aligns with the organization’s service strategy

    The Impact of Service System Design and Flow Experience on Customer Satisfaction in Online Financial Services

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    Prior research examines customer satisfaction in retailing and e-commerce settings, yet online financial services have received little research attention. To understand customer satisfaction with this fast-growing service, this study investigates the role of flow experience, a sensation that occurs as a result of significant cognitive involvement. The study examines how service system characteristics affect the cognitive states of the flow experience, which determines customer satisfaction. The flow construct and total experience design suggest a structural model that is empirically tested using responses from a large sample of online investors. In support of the model and most of the hypotheses it suggests, the empirical results clarify the important antecedents and consequence of flow experience in online financial services and suggest the viability of using a dual-layer experience construct to investigate customer satisfaction. These findings can help researchers and service providers understand when, where, and how flow experience is formulated in online financial services

    Satisfying The University's Customers Through Total Quality Management Instruction: A Case Study

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    In academics, as well as in industry, we must achieve quality instruction by exceeding the needs of our customers. Perhaps the most important of these customers are the future employers of our students. The majority of these employers are beginning to implement programs of total quality management (TQM) programs. As the suppliers of their human resources, universities must seek to provide graduating students who are well versed in the use of TQM. We describe initial attempts at the University of Idaho's College of Business and Economics to teach our students the principles of TQM. All students in the college are being introduced to the principles through a beginning production/operations management class, and many are gaining greater understanding through a quality management class. Resources such as the Application Guidelines for the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award are used to provide a frame of reference for ensuing course materials. Initial work is also being done to integrate TQM principles into other courses such as services marketing and human resource management. Although we are in the early stages of implementation, preliminary results look promising

    Statistical process control of correlated discrete manufacturing processes

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    Traditional statistical process control (SPC) charts assume data independence; however, many times in practice, data are actually correlated. A time-series model has been developed by Alwan and Roberts (1988) to account for correlation by modeling the process utilizing time-series methodology. We investigate the properties of the Alwan and Roberts procedure, especially of the Special-Cause Control (SCC) chart which is a plot of the residuals obtained after fitting the time-series model. We derive the run length distribution of the SCC chart for a shift in the process mean for any AR(p) model, and approximate run length distributions for the more general ARMA(p,q) model. We also use the run length distribution to obtain the average run length (ARL) and the standard deviation of the run length (SRL). We show that for the ARMA(1,1) model, when the process is negatively autocorrelated, the ARL and SRL are lower than when the process is positively autocorrelated. We also show how the run length distribution found, as well as any other run length distribution, can be used to assess the validity of out-of-control signals. The method is simple, and since false alarms are often costly, the procedure has the potential to save practitioners time and money. Finally, we compare the ARL of the SCC chart to the ARL of more traditional Shewhart and exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) charts when SPC data can be described by ARMA(1,1) models. We also add control limits to the second chart proposed by Alwan and Roberts, the Common-Cause Control (CCC) chart, which is a plot of the fitted or forecasted values of the correlated quality characteristic, in an attempt to predict out of control situations earlier than can be done with the SCC chart alone. We show that no one control chart is dominant in all cases, although the EWMA chart is quite robust, and thus should be considered in cases where processes are correlated, but it is too costly or difficult to set up the SCC and CCC charts

    Estimation of media and liner wear in a grinding mill using the Kalman Filter

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    honors thesisCollege of Mines and Earth SciencesMaterials Science & EngineeringJohn A. HerbstFerron A. OlsonThe problems of corrosion and abrasion of media and liner in a wet grinding mill have been reviewed. The Kalman filter has been suggested as a method for estimating the ball and liner wear within a mill. The principles behind the Kalman filer have been explained, and then the has been implemented with simulated mill data to estimate the rock holdup, the water holdup, the ball holdup, the liner weight, the ball wear rate constant, and the liner wear rate constant within the mill as a function of time. Measurements of power and bearing pressure were used to make the estimates. The filter made fairly accurate estimates of the ball holdup, and even better estimates of the water holdup. The ball holdup and liner weight estimates, however, were off by about 10 tons each; the ball holdup was estimated high and the liner weight was low. This suggested that the filter was unable to distinguish between ball and liner weights. One modification was made in the power model equation to include diameter in hopes that it would help distinguish liner weight (which depends on mill diameter) from ball hold up. The improvement was minimal. Therefore, further suggestions were made for improvement of estimates which can be made in the future. Once good estimates are made, the relative importance of abrasion and corrosion can be made

    Script Usage in Standardized and Customized Service Encounters: Implications for Perceived Service Quality

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    This study examines the effect that verbal scripts have on customer perceived service quality for two distinct service process types. We designed a video experiment that varied the level of verbal scripting for standardized and customized service encounters. We found that in standardized service encounters, an increase in the level of verbal scripting had no effect on perceived service quality. However, for customized encounters, perceived service quality was impacted. More specifically, a predominantly scripted encounter for customized service processes, on average, resulted in the lowest perception of service quality by respondents. Since verbal scripting was shown to impact customer perceptions of service quality, we suggest that a service provider’s decision regarding the degree of verbal scripting is an important service design consideration

    Service Scripting: A Customer’s Perspective of Quality and Performance

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    Many hospitality services are scripted, under the theory that scripts are an efficient method of ensuring a consistent level of service quality. However, few empirical studies have examined how the use of scripts affects the customer’s view of service quality. Using videotape scenarios in an experimental setting, this study tests the effects that scripts have on perceptions of service quality in two types of hotel service interactions—namely, a standardized encounter (in this case, check-in) and a customized encounter (i.e., concierge service). As a starting point, this study found that customers are able to detect when scripts are in use in both kinds of interactions. Moreover, the study points out the value of taking customers’ views into account when designing services. For the standardized interaction, respondents to this study reported no difference in their perceptions of service quality regardless of whether the scenario was highly scripted, moderately scripted, or relaxed (essentially, improvised). In contrast, for the concierge service, respondents perceived that a heavy use of scripting diminished service quality. At the same time, a moderate or relaxed approach to scripting for the customized concierge scenarios had no effect on respondents’ perception of service quality. This study suggests that hotel managers should be circumspect in scripting customized encounters, but may apply scripts to standardized services without diminishing perceptions of service quality

    Control Charts in the Presence of Data Correlation

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    Traditional statistical process control charts assume that observations are independent and normally distributed about some mean. We investigate the robustness of traditional charts to data correlation when the correlation can be described by an ARMA(1,1) model. We compare the performance of the Shewhart chart and the Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (EWMA) chart to the performance of the Special-Cause Control (SCC) chart and the Common-Cause Control (CCC) chart proposed by Alwan and Roberts (1988), which are designed to account for data correlation. We also explore the possibility of putting limits on the CCC chart, in order to predict quality abnormalities. The measure of performance used is the average run length (ARL). The results show that the ability of the EWMA chart to detect shifts in the process mean is quite robust to data correlation, while the corresponding individuals Shewhart chart rarely detects such shifts more quickly than the other charts. The SCC and CCC charts are shown to be preferred in most cases when a shift in the process mean exceeds 2 standard deviations. The experimental results can aid practitioners in deciding which chart would be most effective at detecting specified shifts in the process mean given the nature of their particular correlated environments. Two methodologies are utilized to explain the relative performance of the SPC charts compared: the dynamic step response function, and response surface methodology. Such methods not only facilitate a discussion of our results, but also make it possible to predict the relative performance of the charts when the process can be described by a model which is more complex than the ARMA(1,1) model.statistical process control, time series, average run length

    Can Customers Detect Script Usage in Service Encounters? An Experimental Video Analysis

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    Service scripts are predetermined guides for employees to follow when delivering service to customers. Some services require employees to strictly follow a script, whereas others use scripts more flexibly, if at all. Extant research regarding service scripts in the domain of service operations has mainly addressed the topic from more of a process view as a control mechanism for the encounter but minimal research has examined customer perceptions of scripted service. The authors examine a pivotal first question, which is if customers can detect different approaches to script use. To answer the question, the authors conducted a video experiment of face‐to‐face service encounters in the hospitality industry. The results indicate that customers can detect degrees of script use across both standardized and customized encounter types. This work serves as initial empirical evidence that customers are indeed capable of detecting subtleties in scripting approaches in different service situations and supports that script level is an important service design construct for research. Furthermore, the authors highlight the use of a video experiment as an innovative methodology for assessing customer perceptions of intangible aspects to services in a realistic setting. One implication of this study is that managers need to assess the impact that different script levels have on customer perceptions of various service performance measures. Managers should also consider the effect script detection has on customer perceptions of the service experience and service brand to assure their script approach aligns with the organization’s service strategy.Verma15_Can_Customers_detect_script_usage.pdf: 1196 downloads, before Aug. 1, 2020