5 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Cairan Penyari terhadap Rendemen dan Kadar Tanin Ekstrak Daun Jambu Biji (Psidium guajava L.)

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    The leaves of guava (Psidium guajava L.) has been used and produced by industrial as an antidiarrheal. Active substances that act as an antidiarrheal in the leaves of guava are the tannins. Tannins are phenolic compounds that are soluble in water, ethanol or water-ethanol mixture. This study aims to determine the influence of solvent on yield and tannins content in the guava leaf extract and to determine the most optimal solvent for the manufacture of guava leaf extract with the maximum tannins content. The research was conducted by extracting the leaves of guava by maceration with ethanol 50%, 70%, 90%. Viscous extract obtained is then analyzed yield and tannins content. Quantitative analysis of tannins performed by permanganometry titration method. In this research shows that qualitatively the ethanol extract of guava leaves contain tannins. The results showed that solvent affect the yield and tannins content in the guava leaves extract. The yield of extract for 50%, 70%, 90% ethanolic extracts were 22,07%; 31,87%; 25,13%. Tannins content in the 50%, 70%, 90% ethanolic extract were 23,37%; 14,28%; 10,96%. The most optimal solvent for the manufacture of guava leaf extract with the highest tannin content was ethanol 50%.Daun jambu biji (Psidium guajava L.) telah digunakan masyarakat dan diproduksi oleh industri sebagai antidiare. Zat aktif yang berperan sebagai antidiare dalam daun jambu biji adalah tanin. Tanin merupakan senyawa fenol yang larut dalam air, etanol atau campuran air-etanol. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh cairan penyari terhadap rendemen dan kadar tanin dalam ekstrak pada daun jambu biji dan untuk mengetahui cairan penyari yang paling optimal untuk pembuatan ekstrak daun jambu biji dengan kadar tanin yang paling maksimal. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mengekstraksi daun jambu biji (Psidium guajava L.) secara maserasi dengan cairan penyari etanol 50%, 70%, 90%. Ekstrak kental yang diperoleh kemudian dihitung rendemennya dan dianalisis kandungan taninnya. Analisis kuantitatif tanin dilakukan dengan metode titrasi permanganometri. Pada penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa secara kualitatif ekstrak etanol daun jambu biji mengandung tanin. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa cairan penyari mempengaruhi rendemen dan kadar tanin ekstrak daun jambu biji. Rendemen ekstrak untuk masing-masing ekstrak etanol 50%, 70%, 90% adalah 22,07%; 31,87%; 25,13%. Kadar tanin dalam ekstrak yang diperoleh dari masingmasing ekstrak etanol 50%, 70%, 90% adalah 23,37%; 14,28%; 10,96%. Cairan penyari yang paling optimal untuk pembuatan ekstrak daun jambu biji dengan kadar tanin paling banyak adalah etanol 50%

    Uji Toksisitas Akut Nanoinsektisida Tembakau (Nicotiana tabacum L.) terhadap Mencit

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    Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) is a plant that can be used as a natural insecticide. Tobacco extracts can be made as alternative nanoinsecticides to be used as Aedes aegypti control. This study aims to obtain information on the toxicity of tobacco nanoinsecticides and obtain the LD50 of tobacco nanoinsecticides in mice. The research was conducted at the Center for Disease Vector and Reservoir Research and Development (B2P2VRP) with a pure experimental method. The results showed that the particle size ranged from 26.9; 53.7 and 89nm. The results of the metal content test with an Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) showed the presence of Ag content in the nanoinsecticide solution made. Spectrophotometry measurements showed a peak at a wavelength of 420 nm and functional group bonds were formed. The characteristic SEM photo shows the particle morphology in the form of round-face crystals. The results of the toxicity test using the OECD 423 LD50 method at 2500mg/kg BB showed that tobacco nanoinsecticides were in the slightly toxic category. Administration of tobacco nanoinsecticides causes toxic symptoms in the form of decreased cardiac activity, convulsions, and decreased movement activity, while from the histopathological test results, the number of kidney injuries is in the range of 10 to 25%


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    Malaria masih menjadi masalah kesehatan masyarakat di negara yang beriklim tropis seperti Indonesia. Pencegahan dan pengendalian vektor malaria salah satunya  dengan menggunakan larvasida hayati yaitu Bacillus thuringiensis H-14 isolat Salatiga. B2P2VRP Salatiga membuat sediaan B. thuringiensis H-14 dalam bentuk serbuk untuk pengendalian jentik Anopheles spp. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kondisi lingkungan terhadap efektivitas serbuk B. thuringiensis H-14 isolat Salatiga. Penelitian dilakukan dengan membuat B. thuringiensis H-14 isolat Salatiga sediaan bubuk kemudian diuji di laboratorium untuk menentukan nilai LC95. B. thuringiensis H-14 Isolat Salatiga dilakukan pengujian lapangan di Kabupaten Kulon Progo dan ditentukan efektivitasnya. Pengukuran kondisi lingkungan di lapangan meliputi pH air, suhu air, intensitas cahaya, suhu udara, kelembaban udara. Kematian jentik dianalisis menggunakan probit, penurunan kematian menggunakan rumus Mulla, dan analisis faktor lingkungan menggunakan regresi linier. Hasil penelitian didapat nilai LC95 laboratorium sebesar 58,44 mg/m2. Pengamatan di lapangan menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata nilai Inhibiton Emergence (IE) terjadi penurunan efektivitas dari pengamatan hari pertama sebesar 92,94%, hari kedua sebesar 80,95%, dan  hari ketiga sebesar 52,75%. Hasil uji statistik menunjukkan kondisi lingkungan yaitu  pH air, suhu air, intensitas cahaya, suhu udara, kelembaban udara pada waktu pengujian tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan pada efektivitas serbuk B. thuringiensis H-14 isolat Salatiga dalam pengendalian jentik Anopheles spp. &nbsp

    Efektivitas Stabilitas Bacillus thuringiensis H-14 Isolat Salatiga Sediaan Bubuk Terhadap Jentik Anopheles SPP. di Kabupaten Purworejo

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    Abstract Malaria is a vector-borne disease that is still a health problem in Indonesia. Control of vector mosquito larvae using Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt H-14) is an alternative biolarvicide. B2P2VRP has developed Salatiga Bt H-14 isolate in powder preparation which need to be tested for effectiveness stability. This study aims to determine the effectiveness stability of Salatiga powder Bt H-14 isolate against larvae of Anopheles spp. Preparation of Salatiga powder Bt H-14 isolate and its bioassay test against larvae of Anopheles aconitus were carried out at laboratory of the B2P2VRP. The stability test was carried out at the laboratory of UII Yogyakarta. The stability effectiveness test was carried out in the field in Purworejo using Anopheles spp. larvae taken in the field. The bioassay test (LC90 ) at initial and after stored at 54 o C ± 2 o C for two weeks were 6.485 ppm and 13.009 ppm, respectively. The study showed the effectiveness of stability decreased on days 2 and 3 (<70%) at dose of 26,018 ppm because of rain. Statistical test showed a difference in the effectiveness of reducing larvae mortality at days 2 and 3. The study confirmed the reduction of effectiveness of Salatiga powder Bt H-14 Isolate after stability test. Keywords: Anopheles larvae, Bacillus thuringiensis, effectiveness, Purworejo, stability Abstrak Malaria merupakan salah satu penyakit tular vektor yang masih menjadi masalah kesehatan di Indonesia. Pengendalian jentik nyamuk vektor menggunakan Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt H-14) merupakan salah satu biolarvisida alternatif. B2P2VRP telah mengembangkan Bt H-14 isolat Salatiga sediaan bubuk maka perlu diuji stabilitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan efektivitas stabilitas Bt H-14 isolat Salatiga sediaan bubuk terhadap jentik Anopheles spp di lapangan. Pembuatan Bt H-14 Isolat Salatiga sediaan bubuk dan uji bioassay terhadap jentik Anopheles aconitus dilakukan di laboratorium B2P2VRP. Uji stabilitas dilakukan di laboratorium UII Yogyakarta. Uji efektivitas stabilitas dilakukan di Purworejo menggunakan jentik Anopheles spp. yang diambil di lapangan. Hasil uji bioassay (LC90 ) sebelum dan setelah penyimpanan suhu 54 o C ± 2 o C selama 2 minggu adalah 6,485 ppm dan 13,009 ppm. Hasil menunjukkan efektivitas stabilitas menurun pada hari ke 2 dan 3 (<70%) pada dosis 26,018 ppm adanya pengaruh hujan. Uji statistik menunjukkan adanya perbedaan efektivitas penurunan kematian jentik saat hari ke 2 dan 3. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya penurunan efektivitas dari Bt H-14 Isolat Salatiga sediaan bubuk setelah dilakukan uji stabilitas. Kata kunci : Anopheles larvae, Bacillus thuringiensis, efektivitas, Purworejo, stabilita

    Efektivitas Tablet Bacillus thuringiensis H-14 Isolat Salatiga terhadap Jentik Aedes aegypti pada Dua Sumber Air yang Berbeda

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    Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is a vector-borne disease that is still a health problem in Indonesia. One of the DHF control effort is to control the larvae of the mosquito vector using Bacillus thuringensis H-14. The weakness of this metode is its short residual effect.  This study aims to determine differences in the effectiveness of B. thuringiensis H-14 tested in two different water sources, namely well water and PDAM water in people's houses and its residual effects in the field. The study used a quasi-​experimental, which include laboratory and field experiments in March to September 2017. The research was carried out by producing B. thuringensis H-14 Salatiga isolates in the form of slow release tablets, testing the efficacy and measuring their effectiveness to Aedes aegypti mosquito larvae in two kinds of water sources. The results showed that the content of B. thuringiensis Salatiga isolate in slow release tablets weighing 125 mg was 5 mg. The efficacy test at laboratory scale showed that the LC50 was 0.436 ppm and the LC90 was 2.440 ppm. The effectiveness test in the field of LC50 (PDAM water) is 0.098 ppm and (well water) is 1.909 ppm, while LC90 (PDAM water) is 0.186 ppm and (well water) is 0.909 ppm. The efficacy assay results showed there was no significant difference in the effect of B. thuringiensis tablet between well water and PDAM water. B. thuringiensis H-14 tablets were effective in controlling Ae. aegypti larvae more than 80% until the 7th day in field testing