1 research outputs found

    Analisa Frekuensi Scaling Pada Redaman Hujan Terhadap Propagasi Gelombang Milimeter

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    In this final project, rain attenuation is predicted in PENS �ITS environment by synthetic storm technique. Wind angle and wind speed are needed as parameters to find rain attenuation beside rainfall rate. Rainfall rate data is measured by rain gauge tipping bucket. Wind data is came from Badan Meteorologi dan Geofisika Juanda Surabaya. Then that data will be processed until we get value of rain attenuation. This rain attenuation become main data to inserted in frequency scaling method, in this case use Simple Power Law Model and ITU-R. From those model we will get value of frequency scaling (n). This value is different each other beside of frequency (10 until 40 Ghz).From that frequency range we get constant n value, its mean that method is good using as rain attenuation predictor for other frequency, which rain attenuation data for that frequency still few or nothing