1,376 research outputs found

    The Nature and Impact of Gendered Patterns of Peer Sexual Communications Among Heterosexual Emerging Adults

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    Although previous research demonstrates that peers serve as top sexual informants and advisers, little is known about how peer sexual communications may be a gendered phenomenon. Do communications about sex and romantic relationships vary according to who is speaking to whom? The current study examined 517 college students' reports of male and female peers' communications of four sexual scripts and the associations between reports of such communications and participants' sexual attitudes and levels of sexual and dating experience. Results suggest that peer messages about sex and relationships vary by the gender of the recipient and the gender of the communicator. Women reported more frequent communications of all sexual scripts from female peers than did men. In terms of male peers' sexual communications, only one gender difference emerged: men reported receiving significantly fewer messages about the relational script than women. Compared to same-sex peer communications, there were more associations between other-sex peer communications and undergraduates' sexual attitudes and levels of sexual and dating experience. Implications for the role of same- and other-sex peers in sexual socialization are discussed

    Quality of Neonatal Health Care: Learning From Health Workers’ Experiences in Critical Care in Kilimanjaro Region, Northeast Tanzania

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    Neonatal deaths are generally attributed to suboptimal standards of health care. Health care worker motivation and adherence to existing guidelines are rarely studied. To assess the performance of health workers for neonatal health care in the hospitals of Kilimanjaro region. A descriptive study using a semi-structured interview for health care workers at a tertiary referral hospital and peripheral health facilities (regional referral, district hospitals and health centres).was used. Health Care Workers (HCW) were asked to recall a scenario of a critically ill neonate admitted in the wards and the treatment that was provided. The WHO Emergency Triage Assessment and Treatment (ETAT) guidelines were used as a standard reference for knowledge of critical care. Birth asphyxia was the most recalled health problem requiring critical care, reported by 27.5% of 120 HCW at both peripheral hospitals and by 46.4% of 28 health workers in tertiary referral centres. Half of the HCW commented on their own performance (47.5%, n=140). HCW presented with low to moderate levels of knowledge for critical care were at 92%. Supplementary training was associated with a higher levels of knowledge of neonatal critical care (p value = 0.05). HCW in peripheral hospital had lower levels of knowledge (only 44.7% at peripheral hospitals had sufficient ratings compared to 82.1% at the referral centre). [Pearson χ2 (2) = 12.10, p value = 0.002]. Guided Practical-Competence Diagnostic Specific neonatal health care training is highly needed in the peripheral facilities of rural Kilimanjaro region

    Antidespressant-Induced Weight Gain

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    Sensitivity of palaeotidal models of the northwest European shelf seas to glacial isostatic adjustment since the Last Glacial Maximum

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    AbstractThe spatial and temporal distribution of relative sea-level change over the northwest European shelf seas has varied considerably since the Last Glacial Maximum, due to eustatic sea-level rise and a complex isostatic response to deglaciation of both near- and far-field ice sheets. Because of the complex pattern of relative sea level changes, the region is an ideal focus for modelling the impact of significant sea-level change on shelf sea tidal dynamics. Changes in tidal dynamics influence tidal range, the location of tidal mixing fronts, dissipation of tidal energy, shelf sea biogeochemistry and sediment transport pathways. Significant advancements in glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) modelling of the region have been made in recent years, and earlier palaeotidal models of the northwest European shelf seas were developed using output from less well-constrained GIA models as input to generate palaeobathymetric grids. We use the most up-to-date and well-constrained GIA model for the region as palaeotopographic input for a new high resolution, three-dimensional tidal model (ROMS) of the northwest European shelf seas. With focus on model output for 1 ka time slices from the Last Glacial Maximum (taken as being 21 ka BP) to present day, we demonstrate that spatial and temporal changes in simulated tidal dynamics are very sensitive to relative sea-level distribution. The new high resolution palaeotidal model is considered a significant improvement on previous depth-averaged palaeotidal models, in particular where the outputs are to be used in sediment transport studies, where consideration of the near-bed stress is critical, and for constraining sea level index points

    Mutation of the cytosolic ribosomal protein-encoding RPS10B gene affects shoot meristematic function in Arabidopsis.

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    BACKGROUND: Plant cytosolic ribosomal proteins are encoded by small gene families. Mutants affecting these genes are often viable, but show growth and developmental defects, suggesting incomplete functional redundancy within the families. Dormancy to growth transitions, such as the activation of axillary buds in the shoot, are characterised by co-ordinated upregulation of ribosomal protein genes. RESULTS: A recessive mutation in RPS10B, one of three Arabidopsis genes encoding the eukaryote-specific cytoplasmic ribosomal protein S10e, was found to suppress the excessive shoot branching mutant max2-1. rps10b-1 mildly affects the formation and separation of shoot lateral organs, including the shoot axillary meristems. Axillary meristem defects are enhanced when rps10b-1 is combined with mutations in REVOLUTA, AUXIN-RESISTANT1, PINOID or another suppressor of max2-1, FAR-RED ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL3. In some of these double mutants, the maintenance of the primary shoot meristem is also affected. In contrast, mutation of ALTERED MERISTEM PROGRAMME1 suppresses the rps10b-1axillary shoot defect. Defects in both axillary shoot formation and organ separation were enhanced by combining rps10b-1 with cuc3, a mutation affecting one of three Arabidopsis NAC transcription factor genes with partially redundant roles in these processes. To assess the effect of rps10b-1 on bud activation independently from bud formation, axillary bud outgrowth on excised cauline nodes was analysed. The outgrowth rate of untreated buds was reduced only slightly by rps10b-1 in both wild-type and max2-1 backgrounds. However, rps10b-1 strongly suppressed the auxin resistant outgrowth of max2-1 buds. A developmental phenotype of rps10b-1, reduced stamen number, was complemented by the cDNA of another family member, RPS10C, under the RPS10B promoter. CONCLUSIONS: RPS10B promotes shoot branching mainly by promoting axillary shoot development. It contributes to organ boundary formation and leaf polarity, and sustains max2-1 bud outgrowth in the presence of auxin. These processes require the auxin response machinery and precise spatial distribution of auxin. The correct dosage of protein(s) involved in auxin-mediated patterning may be RPS10B-dependent. Inability of other RPS10 gene family members to maintain fully S10e levels might cause the rps10b-1 phenotype, as we found no evidence for unique functional specialisation of either RPS10B promoter or RPS10B protein.RIGHTS : This article is licensed under the BioMed Central licence at http://www.biomedcentral.com/about/license which is similar to the 'Creative Commons Attribution Licence'. In brief you may : copy, distribute, and display the work; make derivative works; or make commercial use of the work - under the following conditions: the original author must be given credit; for any reuse or distribution, it must be made clear to others what the license terms of this work are

    Facilitating the link between point-of-production workers and corporate ICT systems in construction

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    Web-based project management systems (WPMS) are becoming more widespread within construction and have shown to be beneficial in improving communications and document transfer between project participants. However, the challenge of integrating point-of-production workers into such systems still remains largely unrealised. This paper describes current applications within construction that are addressing these challenges. The technologies employed vary from tablet PC's, PDA's to RFID tags. The paper examines in detail a web-based data capture and management system for piling works, utilising a site-based web server and wireless network. The system effectively allows for the expansion of existing WPMS to include construction site workers, whilst improving the management and understanding of the project in terms of quality, cost and progress. The paper also agues that improved data reliability and robustness can be achieved by integrating the point-of-production operations into corporate ICT systems

    ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 regulates abscission zone placement in Arabidopsis flowers

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    BACKGROUND: The sepals, petals and stamens of Arabidopsis flowers detach via abscission zones formed at their boundaries with the underlying receptacle. The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 (AS1) MYB transcription factor plays a critical role in setting boundaries between newly formed leaf primordia and the shoot meristem. By repressing expression of a set of KNOTTED1-LIKE HOMEODOMAIN (KNOX) genes from developing leaf primordia, AS1 and its partner ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 allow the patterning and differentiation of leaves to proceed. Here we show a unique role for AS1 in establishing the positions of the sepal and petal abscission zones in Arabidopsis flowers. RESULTS: In as1 mutant flowers, the sepal abscission zones are displaced into inverted V-shaped positions, leaving behind triangular stubs of tissue when the organs abscise. Movement of the petal abscission zones is also apparent. Abscission of the medial sepals is delayed in as1 flowers; loss of chlorophyll in the senescing sepals contrasts with proximal zones that remain green. AS1 has previously been shown to restrict expression of the KNOX gene, BREVIPEDICELLUS (BP), from the sepals. We show here that loss of BP activity in as1 flowers is sufficient to restore the positions of the sepal and petal abscission zones, the sepal-receptacle boundary of the medial sepals and the timing of their abscission. CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate that AS1 activity is critical for the proper placement of the floral organ abscission zones, and influences the timing of organ shedding

    Middle cerebral artery velocity dynamic response profile during exercise is attenuated following multiple ischemic strokes: A case report

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    A grant from the One-University Open Access Fund at the University of Kansas was used to defray the author's publication fees in this Open Access journal. The Open Access Fund, administered by librarians from the KU, KU Law, and KUMC libraries, is made possible by contributions from the offices of KU Provost, KU Vice Chancellor for Research & Graduate Studies, and KUMC Vice Chancellor for Research. For more information about the Open Access Fund, please see http://library.kumc.edu/authors-fund.xml.Blood flow regulation is impaired in people with stroke. However, the time course of change in middle cerebral artery velocity (MCAv) following repeated stroke at rest and during exercise remains unknown. In this case study, we provide novel characterization of the dynamic kinetic MCAv response profile to moderate‐intensity exercise before and after repeated ischemic MCA stroke. The initial stroke occurred in the left MCA. At 3 months poststroke, left MCAv amplitude (Amp) was ~50% lower than the right. At the 6‐month follow‐up visit, MCAv Amp declined in both MCA with the left MCAv Amp ~50% lower than the right MCAv Amp. Following a second right MCA stroke, we report further decline in Amp for the left MCA. At the 3‐ and 6‐month visit following the second stroke, the left MCAv Amp declined further (~10%). The right MCAv Amp dramatically decreased by 81.3% when compared to the initial study visit. The MCAv kinetic analysis revealed a marked impairment in the cerebrovascular response to exercise following stroke. We discuss potential pathophysiological mechanisms contributing to poststroke cerebrovascular dysfunction and the need to test therapeutic interventions (such as exercise) that might attenuate cerebrovascular decline in people following stroke.Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (K01HD067318)CTSA grant from NCATS awarded to the University of Kansas for Frontiers: University of Kansas Clinical and Translational Science Institute (# UL1TR002366)CTSA Award # UL1TR000001 from NCRR and NCATSGeorgia Holland Endowment Fun

    Characteristics associated with US Walk to School programs

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    Participation in Walk to School (WTS) programs has grown substantially in the US since its inception; however, no attempt has been made to systematically describe program use or factors associated with implementation of environment/policy changes