8 research outputs found

    Vaginal Microorganism Pattern in Premature Rupture of Membrane: Pola Mikroorganisme Vagina pada Ketuban Pecah Dini

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    Objective: To determine the pattern of vaginal microorganisms in pregnant women and risk factors for premature rupture of membranes (PROM) in Manado.Methods: This is a case-control study. Samples was 40, divided into 20 pregnant with PROM and 20 control samples. Samples were taken from Kandou Manado Hospital and network hospitals within the inclusion criteria. Samples were taken from vaginal swab for microorganism culture.Results: The highest age distribution in the case of PROM was in the reproductive age group of 20-35 years, 19 people (95%, p = 1,000). Primiparas were dominant in the PROM were 11 people (55%, p = 0.204). The distribution of BMI mostly from the overweight and obesity groups of 11 people (55%, p = 0.527). In the PROM, 19 people (95%, p = 0.605) did not smoke. Escherichia coli was the most microorganisms in swab vaginal of PROM: 7 people  (29.17%).Conclusion: The most microorganisms found in PROM are Escherichia coli, Enterobacter cloacae and Staphyloccocus aureus and in non-PROM are Klebsiella oxytoca, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus saprophyticus and Pseudomonas fluorescens. There was no relationship between BMI, age, parity, smoking, and gestational age with the incidence of PROM in this study.Keywords: PROM , vaginal microorganisms pattern,  vaginal swab.   Abstrak Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui pola mikroorganisme vagina pada kultur vaginal swab wanita hamil dan faktor risiko pada KPD di Kota Manado.Metode : Studi ini bersifat case control. Total sampling 40 sampel dibagi menjadi 20 sampel hamil dengan KPD dan 20 kontrol. Sampel diambil dari RSUP Kandou Manado dan RS jejaring yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Semua pasien dilakukan pengambilan sampel swab vagina untuk dilakukan kultur mikroorganisme.Hasil : Hasil sebaran usia pada KPD paling banyak pada usia reproduksi 20-35 tahun yaitu 19 orang (95%, p = 1,000). Primipara dominan pada KPD yaitu 11 orang (55%, p = 0,204). Hasil sebaran IMT paling banyak kelompok overweight dan obesitas yaitu 11 orang (55%, p = 0,527). Pada KPD sebanyak 19 orang (95%, p = 0,605) tidak merokok. Mikroorganisme terbanyak pada swab vagina KPD adalah Escherichia coli sebanyak 7 orang (29,17%). Kesimpulan: Mikroorganisme terbanyak pada KPD adalah Escherichia coli, Enterobacter cloacae dan Staphyloccocus aureus dan pada non KPD adalah Klebsiella oxytoca, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus saprophyticus  dan Pseudomonas fluorescens. Tidak ada hubungan antara IMT, usia, paritas, merokok, dan umur kehamilan dengan kejadian KPD pada penelitian ini.Kata kunci: pola mikroorganisme vagina, ketuban pecah dini, swab vagina. &nbsp

    Germ Patterns and Antibiotic Susceptibility in Pregnancy and Labor with Risk of Infections : Pola Kuman dan Sensitivitas Antibiotik pada Kehamilan dan Persalinan dengan Faktor Risiko Infeksi

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    Objective: To determine the pattern of germs and antibiotic susceptibility tests in pregnant women related to risk factors for infection in preterm PROM cases, the threat of preterm labor, pathological fluor albus, and prolonged labor in Manado city. Method: This study is a cross-sectional descriptive study. A total of 21 samples were obtained, consisting of six preterm PROM cases, five premature contraction cases, five pathological fluor albus cases, and five prolonged labor cases. The study was conducted in Kandou General Hospital and Affiliated Hospitals, Manado. All patients were informed about the study and signed informed consent. Germ pattern and antibiotics susceptibility data were analyzed. Results: Of 21 samples, the detected microorganisms included Staphylococcus aureus (12), Coagulase-negative staphylococcus (2), mixed microorganisms (Staphylococcus aureus + Candida sp, Coagulase-negative staphylococcus + Candida sp), Bacillus sp and Candida sp. The susceptible and safe antibiotics for pregnancy were Ampicillin / Sulbactam and Meropenem. The resistant antibiotics were Ceftriaxone, Tetracycline, and Neomycin. Conclusion: The most common type of bacteria found in pregnant women and women in labor was Staphylococcus aureus. Susceptible and safe antibiotics for pregnancy were Ampicillin / Sulbactam and Meropenem. Keywords: antibiotic sensitivity test, germ pattern, pregnancy and labor infection.   Abstrak Tujuan: Mengetahui pola kuman dan uji sensitivitas antibiotik pada perempuan hamil terkait faktor risiko infeksi pada kasus KPD preterm, ancaman partus prematurus, fluor albus patologis dan partus lama di kota Manado. Metode: Studi ini merupakan studi deskriptif potong lintang. Jumlah sampel yang didapatkan sebesar 21 sampel di mana terbagi pada masing-masing kasus KPD preterm 6 sampel, ancaman partus prematurus 5 sampel, fluor albus patologis 5 sampel dan partus lama 5 sampel. Sampel diambil dari RSUP Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado dan Rumah Sakit Jejaring di kota Manado yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Semua pasien dijelaskan mengenai prosedur penelitian dan penandatanganan inform consent baru dilakukan pengambilan sampel. Data dianalisis dengan cara deskriptif tentang pola kuman dan uji sensitivitas antibiotik pada kehamilan dan persalinan dengan faktor risiko infeksi. Hasil: Dari 21 sampel, sebaran jenis mikroorganisme diantaranya Staphylococcus areus (12), Staphylococcus non koagulase (2), mikroorganisme campuran (Staphylococcus aureus + Candida sp, Staphylococcus non koagulase + Candida sp), Bacilus sp dan Candida sp. Hasil uji sensitivitas antibiotik yang sensitif dan aman untuk kehamilan di antaranya Ampicillin/Sulbactam dan Meropenem. Hasil uji sensitivitas antibiotik yang resisten adalah Ceftriaxone, Tetracycline dan Neomycin. Kesimpulan: Jenis mikroorganisme paling banyak adalah Staphylococcus aureus. Hasil uji sensitivitas antibiotik yang sensitif dan aman untuk kehamilan di antaranya Ampicillin/Sulbactam dan Meropenem. Kata kunci: infeksi kehamilan dan persalinan, pola kuman, uji Sensitivitas antibioti

    Lipid Profile, Blood Glucose Level and Body Mass Index (BMI) in Second Trimester of Pregnancy: Screening with Gestational Diabetes: Profil Lipid, Gula Darah dan Indeks Massa Tubuh (IMT) pada Kehamilan Trimester II: Skrining Kejadian Kehamilan dengan Diabetes Melitus

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    Abstract Objective: To find out lipid profile data, blood sugar and Body Mass Index in trimester II pregnancy to the incidence of pregnancy with diabetes mellitus. Methods: This study is a cross sectional study. The number of samples obtained was 42 samples where all were taken in the second trimester. Samples taken from RSUP Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado and networking hospitals around Manado that meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria. All patient patients were explained about the research procedure and the signing of consent information. Blood samples were taken for examination of blood sugar (fasting blood sugar and 2 hours post-prandial blood sugar) and lipid profiles (total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, triglycerides). After the data is collected, it is included in the SPSS version 22.0 program for data analysis. Results: Found 2 subjects (4.76%) who had abnormal fasting blood sugar and found 4 subjects (9.53%) who had abnormal 2-prandial 2-hour blood sugar. For lipid profiles, it was found 16 subjects (38.1%) who had abnormal total cholesterol levels, for LDL there were 13 subjects (30.96%) who had abnormal levels, for HDL there were 4 subjects (11.9%) who had abnormal levels and for triglycerides there were 23 subjects (54.76%) who had abnormal levels. There was a significant negative correlation between LDL cholesterol and fasting blood sugar (p = 0.002; r = - 0.455), and so did total cholesterol with fasting blood sugar (p = 0.047; r = - 0.302). There was a significant correlation between BMI and total cholesterol (p = 0.013; r = 0.371). There was 1 subject (2.38%) diagnosed with gestational diabetes melt and fasting blood sugar at 190 mg / dL, for prandial 2 hours post blood sugar at 309 mg / dL and for triglycerides at 617 mg / dL. Conclusions: Based on this study found the incidence of gestational diabetes mellitus 2.38% of all trimester II pregnancies. There is a positive but not significant correlation between blood sugar and triglycerides, whereas there is no significant relationship between blood sugar and other lipid profiles. There is a positive but not significant correlation of BMI in trimester pregnancy with total cholesterol. Keywords: Blood sugar, Body Mass Index (BMI), lipid profile Abstrak Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui data profil lipid, gula darah dan Indeks Massa Tubuh pada kehamilan trimester II terhadap kejadian kehamilan dengan diabetes melitus. Metode: Studi ini merupakan studi potong lintang. Jumlah sampel yang didapatkan sebesar 42 sampel di mana seluruhnya diambil pada trimester II. Sampel diambil dari RSUP Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado dan rumah sakit jejaring sekitar Manado yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Semua pasien-pasien dijelaskan mengenai prosedur penelitian dan penandatanganan inform consent baru dilakukan pengambilan sampel darah untuk pemeriksaan gula darah (gula darah puasa dan gula darah 2 jam postprandial) dan profil lipid (Kolesterol total, HDL, LDL, Trigliserida). Setelah data dikumpulkan, maka dimasukkan ke dalam program SPSS versi 22.0 untuk data analisis. Hasil: Ditemukan 2 subjek (4,76%) yang memiliki gula darah puasa abnormal dan ditemukan 4 subjek (9.,53%) yang memiliki gula darah 2 jam postprandial yang abnormal. Untuk profil lipid, ditemukan 16 subjek (38,1%) yang memiliki kadar kolesterol total abnormal, untuk LDL ditemukan sebanyak 13 subjek (30,96%) yang memiliki kadar abnormal, untuk HDL ditemukan 4 subjek (11,9%) yang memiliki kadar abnormal dan untuk trigliserida ditemukan 23 subjek (54,76%) yang memiliki kadar abnormal. Terdapat korelasi negatif signifikan antara kolesterol LDL dengan gula darah puasa (p = 0,002 ; r = – 0,455), dan begitu juga dengan kolestrol total terhadap gula darah puasa (p = 0,047 ; r = – 0,302). Terdapat korelasi signifikan antara IMT dengan kolesterol total (p = 0,013 ;r = 0,371). Terdapat 1 subjek (2,38%) yang terdiagnosis diabetes melitus gestasional di mana gula darah puasa sebesar 190 mg/dL, untuk gula darah 2 jam postprandial sebesar 309 mg/dL dan untuk trigliserida sebesar 617 mg/dL. Kesimpulan: Berdasarkan penelitian ini ditemukan kejadian diabetes melitus gestasional 2,38% dari seluruh kehamilan trimester II. Terdapat korelasi positif tetapi tidak bermakna antara gula darah dengan trigliserida, sedangkan tidak terdapat hubungan bermakna antara gula darah dengan profil lipid lainnya. Terdapat korelasi positif tetapi tidak bermakna IMT pada kehamilan trimester dengan kolestrol total. Kata kunci: gula darah, Indeks Massa Tubuh (IMT), profil lipi

    Correlation between Body Mass Index and Lipid Profile in Second Trimester with Incidence of Hypertension in Third Trimester

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    Abstract Objective : to determine the relationship of BMI (Body Mass Index) and lipid profile (total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL, LDL, VLDV) in the second trimester of pregnancy with the incidence of hypertension in the third trimester of pregnancy Methods :this study is a prospective cohort. The research subjects were the second trimester pregnant women group which examined by BMI and lipid profile, then assessed the incidence of hypertension in third trimester. The study was conducted in Department of Obstetric and Gynecology and Prof.DR.RDKandou General Hospital, and affiliated hospital from January 2017 until May 2017. Data analyzed with SPSS version 2.0 Results:from 49 research subjects, based on age,most subject with age 20-34 years with 42 subjects (85.8%). Based on the parity obtained 27 subjects (55.2%) with multigravida. By education level, most are high school with 19 subjects (38,7%). From the occupation, most are housewives with 30 subjects (61.3%). Based on BMI, most were subjects with normal BMI with 21 subjects (42.9%). Pearson test showed a significant association between BMI with total cholesterol (r = 0,500 and p = 0,000), whereas Spearman test showed significant relation between BMI with LDL cholesterol (r = 0,416 and p = 0,003) and significant relation between second trimester LDL cholesterol with third trimester diastolic blood pressure(r = 0.303 and p = 0.034). Conclusions:there was a significant correlation between BMI with total cholesterol & LDL in second trimester  and there was significant correlation between LDL in second trimester and third trimesterdiastolic blood pressure. Keywords:BMI,total cholesterol, VLDL, TG, LDL, HDL, hypertension.   Abstrak Tujuan : Untuk mengetahui hubungan IMT (Index Massa Tubuh)danprofil lipid ( kolesterol total, trigliserida, HDL, LDL, VLDV)  pada trimester kedua kehamilan dengan kejadian hipertensi pada trimester ketigak ehamilan. Metode : Penelitian ini merupakan kohort prospektif. Subjek penelitian adalah kelompok ibu hamil trimester kedua yang diperiksa IMT dan profil lipidnya, kemudian dinilai kejadian hipertensi pada trimester ketiga. Penelitian dilakukan di Departemen Obstetri dan Ginekologi  Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat (RSUP) Prof.DR.R.D Kandou, dan RS jejaring mulai Januari 2017 sampai Mei 2017. Data dianalisa dengan SPSS versi 2.0 Hasil : Dari 49 subjek penelitian, berdasarkan usia paling banyak usia  20 – 34 tahun dengan 42  subjek (85,8%). Berdasarkan paritas didapatkan 27 subjek (55,2%) dengan multigravida. Berdasarkan pendidikan, paling banyak adalah SMA dengan 19 subjek (38,7%). Dari jenis pekerjaan, paling banyak adalah ibu rumah tangga dengan 30 subjek (61,3%). Berdasarkan IMT, paling banyak adalah subjek dengan IMT normal dengan 21 subjek (42,9%). Uji Pearson menunjukkan hubungan bermakna antara IMT dengan kolesterol total (r = 0,500 dan p = 0,000), sedangkan Uji Spearman menunjukkan hubungan bermakna antara IMT dengan kolesterol LDL (r = 0,416 dan p = 0,003) dan hubungan bermakna antara kolesterol LDL trimester kedua dengan tekanan darah diastol trimester ketiga  (r = 0,303 dan p = 0,034). Kesimpulan : Terdapat hubungan bermakna antara IMT dengan kolesterol total, LDL trimester kedua dan terdapat hubungan bermakna antara LDL trimester kedua dengan tekanan darah diastol trimester ketiga. Kata kunci :IMT, kolesterol total, VLDL, TG, LDL, HDL, hipertensi

    Assosiation between Serum Cortisol Levels and Anxiety levels In Elective and Emergency Cesarean Section: Hubungan antara Kadar Kortisol Serum dan Tingkat Kecemasan Pada Operasi Caesar Elektif dan Darurat

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    Objective: To detect anxiety before elective and emergency cesarean section. Methods: This study was a cross-sectional study. The number of research samples was 42 samples consisting of 21 pregnant patients with an elective cesarean section plan and 21 pregnant patients with an emergency cesarean section at Prof. RSUP. Dr. R. D. Kandou Hospital Manado and Network Hospital in Manado from March 2021 to June 2021. Anxiety was assessed by examining serum cortisol and anxiety levels according to the Hamilton questionnaire (HAM-A). The data were then analyzed using SPSS version 23.0 software. Results: Cortisol levels were higher in emergency cesarean section (mean 21.590±11.6392) compared to elective cesarean section (mean 10.586±4.9501). Anxiety levels according to HAM-A scores were higher in emergency cesarean section (mean 15.33±7.722) compared to elective cesarean section (mean 7.19±3.614). Conclusion: There was a significant positive correlation between cortisol levels and anxiety levels based on HAM-A scores. Keywords: cesarean section , cortisol, HAM-A score. anxiety, Abstrak Tujuan: Untuk mendeteksi kecemasan sebelum tindakan seksio sesarea elektif dan emergensi. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan suatu penelitian cross-sectional. Jumlah sampel penelitian 42 sampel terdiri dari 21 pasien hamil dengan rencana seksio sesarea elektif dan 21 pasien hamil dengan rencana seksio sesarea emergensi di RSUP Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado dan RS Jejaring di Kota Manado dari bulan Maret 2021 sampai bulan Juni 2021. Kecemasan dinilai melalui pemeriksaan kortisol serum dan tingkat kecemasan menurut kusioner Hamilton (HAM-A). Data kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan software SPSS versi 23.0. Hasil: Kadar kortisol secara rata-rata lebih tinggi pada seksio sesarea emergensi (mean 21.590±11.6392) dibandingkan dengan seksio sesarea elektif (mean 10.586±4.9501). Tingkat kecemasan menurut skor HAM-A secara rata-rata lebih tinggi pada seksio sesarea emergensi (mean 15.33±7.722) dibandingkan dengan seksio sesarea elektif (mean 7.19±3.614). Kesimpulan: Terdapat korelasi positif bermakna antara kadar kortisol dan tingkat kecemasan berdasarkan skor HAM-A pada semua subjek penelitian. Kata kunci: kortisol, seksio sesarea,  skor HAM-A. kecemasa

    Relationship of Serum Cortisol Levels with Postpartum Blues on Dystocia Labor

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    Abstract Objective: To determine the relationship of elevated serum cortisol levels in the mother with dystocia labor Methods :this study was a prospective cohort, with mother who had dystocia labor as case group and mother with normal delivery as control group at RSUP Prof.DR.RD Kandou, and affiliation hospitals from October 2016 until March 2017. Data were analyzed With SPSS version 2.0 to see the significancy level. Results: from 32 cases, 16 cases with dysocystia labor and 16 cases with normal delivery. Of all cases with abnormal postpartum serum cortisol levels, the most were housewives with 14 cases (70%), based on educational level, most of whom below bachelor degree were 18 cases (90%). While cases with EPDS(Edinburgh postpartum depresson scale) score ≥10, found the most patients who underwent a cesarean section as many as 11 cases (68.75%). In the Mann-Whitney statistical test, it showed that serum cortisol levels (p=0.007) and EPDS score (p=0.001) had a significant relationship for risk of postpartum blues in dystocia labor. Conclusions: there was a significant relationship between serum cortisol levels and EPDS score with risk of postpartum blues on dystocia labor. Keywords: dystocia labor, EPDS score, postpartum blues, serum cortisol level.   Abstrak Tujuan : mengetahui adanya hubungan peningkatan kadar kortisol serum pada ibu dengan  persalinan distosia. Metode : penelitian ini adalah jenis kohort prospektif (cohort prospective), dengan kelompok ibu yang melahirkan dengan persalinan distosia sebagai kelompok kasusdan ibu yang melahirkan tanpa komplikasi persalinan sebagai kelompok kontrol di Bagian Kebidanan dan Kandungan Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat (RSUP) Prof.DR.R.D Kandou, dan RS jejaring mulai Oktober 2016 sampai Maret 2017.Data dianalisa dengan SPSS versi 2.0 untuk melihat tingkat kemaknaannya. Hasil : dari 32 subjek penelitian, 16 subjek dengan persalinan distosia dan 16 subjek dengan persalinan normal. Dari seluruh subjek penelitian yang mempunyai kadar kortisol serum postpartum abnormal,berdasarkan jenis pekerjaan, paling banyak adalah ibu rumah tangga dengan 14 subjek (70 %).Berdasarkan tingkat pendidikan, didapatkan paling banyak adalah SD,SMP,SMA sebanyak 18 subjek (90%). Sedangkan subjek yang mempunyai skor EPDS ≥ 10, ditemukan paling banyak subjek yang menjalani prosedur bedah sesar sebanyak 11 pasien (68,75%). Dalam uji statistik Mann-Whitney, menunjukkan bahwa kadar kortisol serum .(p=0.007) dan skor EPDS (p=0.001) mempunyai hubungan yang kuat untuk terjadinya postpartum blues pada persalinan distosia. Kesimpulan : terdapat hubungan bermakna kadar kortisol serum dan skor EPDS dengan postpartum blues pada persalinan distosia. Kata kunci :   kadar kortisol serum, persalinan distosia, postpartum blues, skor EPDS

    The Role of Progesterone Induced Blocking Factor in Threatened Abortion

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    Objective: To determine the role of progesterone-induced blocking factor (PIBF) in women with threatened abortion. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study. The blood serum of two groups, the first one was women with normal gestation of 20 weeks, and the second one was those with imminent abortion in Prof. Dr. R.D. Kandou Hospital, and Subcenter Hospital in Manado, was collected. Samples were processed with PIBF ELISA-kit. Results: PIBF serum value of women in normal gestation 20 weeks is (47.15323.830)ng/ml and threatened abortion is (11.540 4.892) ng/ml, with p value = 0.000. Conclusion: PIBF serum value of women with threatened abortion is significantly lower compared to women of normal gestation 20 weeks. This study showed that PIBF has an important role in maintaining pregnancy and can be used as a biologic marker of a pathologic process in pregnancy. Keywords: early pregnancy, pregnancy immunology, progesteroneinduced blocking factor, threatened abortio

    Differences in Serum Lipid Profile Value in Pregnancy and Postpartum on Severe Preeclampsia

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    Abstract                     Objective:Uncovering the connection of serum lipid profile (total cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL, LDL, VLDL) with preeclampsia in pregnancy and postpartum, and its outcome. Method:This is a cross-sectional comparative analytic study Result:From 28 preeclampsia subject were found, mean value of systole 165.36 mmHg and 105.71 diastole. Serum lipid profile in pregnancy and postpartum has a significant differences and correlated with preeclampsia, total cholesterol 234.5 mg/dl and 192.71 mg/dl, p=0.000; medium positive in pregnancy with systole r=0.461; p=0.013, weak positive with diastole r=0.380; p=0.046; postpartum with systole medium positive r=0.615; p=0.001, and weak positive with diastole r=0.317; p=0.100. LDL 140.5 mg/dl and 102.5 mg/dl, p=0.000; pregnancy and systole r=0.446; p=0,017; and postpartum were medium positive r=0.546; p=0.003. HDL 51.5 mg/dl and 43.5 mg/dl, p=0.003; not correlated with BP. Triglyceride 268.89 mg/dl and 208.96 mg/dl, p=0.000; pregnancy r=0.516; p=0.005; postpartum r= 0.515; p=0.005 has medium correlation with systole. VLDL 53.78 mg/dl and 41.79, p=0.000; pregnancy r=0.461; p=0.013 systole medium positive; r=0.380; p=0.046 diastole weak positive; postpartum r=0,615; p=0,001 systole strong positive. Conclusion:All parameter of serum lipid profile in pregnancy and postpartum has significant differences and related with severe preeclampsia. Total cholesterol, LDL, triglyceride, and VLDL correlated with BP in severe preeclampsia. Key word:endothelial dysfunction, lipid profile, preeclampsia.   Abstrak Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui hubungan profil lipid serum (kolesterol total, trigliserida, HDL, LDL, VLDL) dengan preeklampsia dan luarannya dalam kehamilan dan postpartum. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan studi potong lintang analitik komparatif Hasil: Dari 28 subjek dengan preeklamsia, ditemukan rerata systole 165,36 mmHg dan 105,71 diastole. Profil lipid serum dalam kehamilan dan postpartum ditemukan berbeda bermakna dan berhubungan dengan preeklampsia berat, kolesterol total 234,5 mg/dl dan 192,71 mg/dl, p=0,000; kehamilan dengan sistole positif sedang  r=0,461; p=0,013, diastole positif lemah r=0,380; p=0,046; postpartum dengan sistole positif sedang r=0,615; p=0,001,  dan diastole postitif lemah r=0,317; p=0,100. LDL 140,5 mg/dl dan 102,5 mg/dl, p=0,000; dalam kehamilan dengan sistole r=0,446; p=0,017;  dan postpartum positif sedang r=0,546; p=0,003. HDL 51,5 mg/dl dan 43,5 mg/dl, p=0,003; tidak berkorelasi dengan TD. Trigliserida 268,89 mg/dl dan 208,96 mg/dl, p=0,000; kehamilan r=0,516; p=0,005; postpartum  r= 0,515; p = 0,005 korelasi positif sedang dengan sistole.  VLDL 53,78 mg/dl dan  41,79, p=0,000; kehamilan r=0,461; p=0,013 positif sedang dengan sistole; r=0,380; p=0,046 positif lemah dengan diastole; postpartum r=0,615; p=0,001 positif kuat dengan sistole. Kesimpulan: Seluruh parameter profil lipid serum kehamilan dan postpartum ditemukan memiliki perbedaan bermakna dan berhubungan dengan preeklampsia berat. Kolesterol total, LDL, trigliserida, dan VLDL ditemukan berhubungan dengan TD pada PEB. Kata kunci: disfungsi endothel, lipid, preeklampsia