27 research outputs found

    Identification of Erosional Terraces on Seamounts: Implications for Interisland Connectivity and Subsidence in the GalƔpagos Archipelago

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    Shallow seamounts at ocean island hotspots and in other settings may record emergence histories in the form of submarine erosional terraces. Exposure histories are valuable for constraining paleo-elevations and sea levels in the absence of more traditional markers, such as drowned coral reefs. However, similar features can also be produced through primary volcanic processes, which complicate the use of terraced seamounts as an indicator of paleo-shorelines. In the western GalĆ”pagos Archipelago, we utilize newly collected bathymetry along with seafloor observations from human-occupied submersibles to document the location and depth of erosional terraces on seamounts near the islands of Santiago, Santa Cruz, Floreana, Isabela, and Fernandina. We directly observed erosional features on 22 seamounts with terraces. We use these observations and bathymetric analysis to develop a framework to identify terrace-like morphologic features and classify them as either erosional or volcanic in origin. From this framework we identify 79 erosional terraces on 30 seamounts that are presently found at depths of 30 to 300 m. Although intermittent subaerial connectivity between the islands has been hypothesized, the depths of these erosional terraces in the Santiago region are the first direct evidence of paleo-connectivity in the modern archipelago. Collectively, the terraces have non-randomly distributed depths. We suggest that peaks in the distribution of terrace depths likely represent long durations of exposure (i.e., sea-level still or lowstands). By comparing these peaks to those of subsidence adjusted sea-level curves, we identify the average subsidence rate that best reproduces the observed terrace distributions. These rates are 0.2ā€“0.4 m/ka for this portion of the central GalĆ”pagos, since the formation of the seamounts, consistent with previous independent estimates. Using these subsidence rates and evidence for erosional terraces at depths up to 300 m, we conclude that all islands in the central archipelago have been intermittently connected starting between 435 and 900 ka. Individual island pairs have likely been repeatedly subaerially connected for short intervals since that time

    Monogenetic near-island seamounts in the Galapagos Archipelago

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    Author Posting. Ā© American Geophysical Union, 2020. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 21(12), (2020): e2020GC008914, https://doi.org/10.1029/2020GC008914.Rarely have small seamounts on the flanks of hotspot derived oceanā€island volcanoes been the targets of sampling, due to sparse highā€resolution mapping near ocean islands. In the GalĆ”pagos Archipelago, for instance, sampling has primarily targeted the subaerial volcanic edifices, with only a few studies focusing on largeā€volume submarine features. Sampling restricted to these large volcanic features may present a selection bias, potentially resulting in a skewed view of magmatic and source processes because mature magmatic systems support mixing and volcanic accretion that overprints early magmatic stages. We demonstrate how finerā€scale sampling of satellite seamounts surrounding the volcanic islands in the GalĆ”pagos can be used to lessen this bias and thus, better constrain the evolution of these volcanoes. Seamounts were targeted in the vicinity of Floreana and Fernandina Islands, and between Santiago and Santa Cruz. In all regions, individual seamounts are typically monogenetic, but each seamount field requires multigenerational magmatic episodes to account for their geochemical variability. This study demonstrates that in the southern and eastern regions the seamounts are characterized by greater geochemical variability than the islands they surround but all three regions have (Srā€Ndā€He) isotopic signatures that resemble neighboring islands. Variations in seamount chemistry from alkalic to tholeiitic near Fernandina support the concept that islands along the center of the hotspot track undergo greater mean depths of melting, as predicted by plume theory. Patterns of geochemical and isotopic enrichment of seamounts within each region support fineā€scale mantle heterogeneities in the mantle plume sourcing the GalĆ”pagos hotspot.This work was carried out with funding from National Science Foundation Division of Ocean Sciences (OCEā€1634952 to V. D. Wanless, OCEā€1634685 to S. A. Soule). The authors have no competing interests to declare. We thank Sally Gibson and three anonymous reviewers for providing detailed and critical feedback on this manuscript.2021-05-0

    Constraints on Near-Ridge Magmatism Using \u3csup\u3e40\u3c/sup\u3eAr/\u3csup\u3e39\u3c/sup\u3eAr Geochronology of Enriched MORB from the 8Ā°20\u27 N Seamount Chain

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    Our understanding of the spatial-temporal-compositional relationships between off-axis magmatism and mid-ocean ridge spreading centers is limited. Determining the 40Ar/39Ar ages of mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) lavas erupting near mid-ocean ridges (MOR) has been a challenge due to the characteristically low K2O contents in incompatible element-depleted normal MORB (NMORB). High-precision 40Ar/39Ar geochronology is used here to determine ages of young, basaltic lavas erupted along the 8Ā°20\u27 N seamount chain west of the East Pacific Rise (EPR) axis that have a range of incompatible element enrichments (EMORB) suitable for 40Ar/39Ar geochronology (e.g., K2O contents \u3e 0.3 wt%). 40Ar/39Ar ages were determined in 29 well-characterized basalts sampled using HOV Alvin and dredging. Detailed geochronology and geochemical analyses provide important constraints on the timing, distribution, and origins of lavas that constructed this extensive volcanic lineament relative to magmatism beneath the adjacent EPR axis. Seamount eruption ages are up to āˆ¼1.6 Ma younger than the underlying lithosphere, supporting a model of prolonged off-axis magmatism for at least 2 Myrs at distances as great as āˆ¼90 km from the ridge axis. Increasing geochemical heterogeneity with eruption distance reflects the diminishing effect of sub-ridge melt focusing. The range of geochemically distinct lavas erupted at given distances from the ridge highlights the dynamic nature of the near-ridge magmatic environment over Myr timescales. Linear ridge-like (EPR-parallel) morphotectonic features erupt the youngest and most incompatible element-enriched lavas of the entire seamount chain, indicating there is a recent change in the influence of mantle heterogeneity and off-axis melt metasomatism on the near-ridge lithospheric mantle. Changes in seamount morphologies are attributed to counter-clockwise rotation and southward migration of the nearby Siqueiros transform over the last few million years

    Relative Timing of Off-Axis Volcanism from Sediment Thickness Estimates on the 8Ā°20ā€™N Seamount Chain, East Pacific Rise

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    Volcanic seamount chains on the flanks of mid-ocean ridges record variability in magmatic processes associated with mantle melting over several millions of years. However, the relative timing of magmatism on individual seamounts along a chain can be difficult to estimate without in situ sampling and is further hampered by Ar40/Ar39 dating limitations. The 8Ā°20ā€™N seamount chain extends āˆ¼170 km west from the fast-spreading East Pacific Rise (EPR), north of and parallel to the western Siqueiros fracture zone. Here, we use multibeam bathymetric data to investigate relationships between abyssal hill formation and seamount volcanism, transform fault slip, and tectonic rotation. Near-bottom compressed high-intensity radiated pulse, bathymetric, and sidescan sonar data collected with the autonomous underwater vehicle Sentry are used to test the hypothesis that seamount volcanism is age-progressive along the seamount chain. Although sediment on seamount flanks is likely to be reworked by gravitational mass-wasting and current activity, bathymetric relief and Sentry vehicle heading analysis suggest that sedimentary accumulations on seamount summits are likely to be relatively pristine. Sediment thickness on the seamounts\u27 summits does not increase linearly with nominal crustal age, as would be predicted if seamounts were constructed proximal to the EPR axis and then aged as the lithosphere cooled and subsided away from the ridge. The thickest sediments are found at the center of the chain, implying the most ancient volcanism there, rather than on seamounts furthest from the EPR. The nonlinear sediment thickness along the 8Ā°20ā€™N seamounts suggests that volcanism can persist off-axis for several million years

    The final stages of slip and volcanism on an oceanic detachment fault at 13Ā°48ā€²N, Midā€Atlantic Ridge

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    Author Posting. Ā© American Geophysical Union, 2018. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 19 (2018): 3115-3127, doi:10.1029/2018GC007536.While processes associated with initiation and maintenance of oceanic detachment faults are becoming better constrained, much less is known about the tectonic and magmatic conditions that lead to fault abandonment. Here we present results from nearā€bottom investigations using the submersible Alvin and autonomous underwater vehicle Sentry at a recently extinct detachment fault near 13Ā°48ā€²N, Midā€Atlantic Ridge, that allow documentation of the final stages of fault activity and magmatism. Seafloor imagery, sampling, and nearā€bottom magnetic data show that the detachment footwall is intersected by an ~850 mā€wide volcanic outcrop including pillow lavas. Saturation pressures in these vesicular basalts, based on dissolved H2O and CO2, are less than their collection pressures, which could be explained by eruption at a shallower level than their present depth. Subā€bottom profiles reveal that sediment thickness, a loose proxy for seafloor age, is ~2 m greater on top of the volcanic terrain than on the footwall adjacent to the hangingā€wall cutoff. This difference could be explained by currentā€driven erosion in the axial valley or by continued slip after volcanic emplacement, on either a newly formed or preā€existing fault. Since current speeds near the footwall are unlikely to be sufficient to cause significant erosion, we favor the hypothesis that detachment slip continued after the episode of magmatism, consistent with growing evidence that oceanic detachments can continue to slip despite hosting magmatic intrusions.National Science Foundation (NSF) Grant Numbers: OCEā€1259218, OCEā€1260578, OCEā€17365472019-03-1

    Submarine radial vents on Mauna Loa Volcano, Hawai'i

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    A 2002 multibeam sonar survey of Mauna Loa's western flank revealed ten submarine radial vents and three submarine lava flows. Only one submarine radial vent was known previously. The ages of these vents are constrained by eyewitness accounts, geologic relationships, Mn-Fe coatings, and geochemical stratigraphy; they range from 128 years B.P. to possibly 47 ka. Eight of the radial vents produced degassed lavas despite eruption in water depths sufficient to inhibit sulfur degassing. These vents formed truncated cones and short lava flows. Two vents produced undegassed lavas that created ''irregular'' cones and longer lava flows. Compositionally and isotopically, the submarine radial vent lavas are typical of Mauna Loa lavas, except two cones that erupted alkalic lavas. He-Sr isotopes for the radial vent lavas follow Mauna Loa's evolutionary trend. The compositional and isotopic heterogeneity of these lavas indicates most had distinct parental magmas. Bathymetry and acoustic backscatter results, along with photography and sampling during four JASON2 dives, are used to produce a detailed geologic map to evaluate Mauna Loa's submarine geologic history. The new map shows that the 1877 submarine eruption was much larger than previously thought, resulting in a 10% increase for recent volcanism. Furthermore, although alkalic lavas were found at two radial vents, there is no systematic increase in alkalinity among these or other Mauna Loa lavas as expected for a dying volcano. These results refute an interpretation that Mauna Loa's volcanism is waning. The submarine radial vents and flows cover 29 km 2 of seafloor and comprise a total volume of āˆ¼2 Ɨ 10 9 m3 of lava, reinforcing the idea that submarine lava eruptions are important in the growth of oceanic island volcanoes even after they emerged above sea level

    New Insights into the Age and Origin of Two Small Cretaceous Seamount Chains Proximal to the Northwestern Hawaiian Ridge

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    The Northwestern Hawaiian Ridge is an age-progressive volcanic chain sourced from the Hawaiian mantle plume. Proximal to the Northwestern Hawaiian Ridge are several clusters of smaller seamounts and ridges with limited age constraints and unknown geodynamic origins. This study presents new bathymetric data and 40Ar/39Ar age determinations from lava flow samples recovered by remotely operated vehicle (ROV) from two eastā€“west-trending chains of seamounts that lie north of the PÅ«hāhonu and Mokumanamana volcanoes. The previously unexplored Naifeh Chain (28Ā°48ā€²N,167Ā°48ā€²W) and Plumeria Chain (25Ā°36ā€²N, 164Ā°35ā€²W) contain five volcanic structures each, including three guyots in the Naifeh Chain. New 40Ar/39Ar age determinations indicate that the Naifeh Chain formed ca. 88 Ma and the Plumeria Chain ca. 85 Ma. The Cretaceous ages, coupled with a perpendicular orientation of the seamounts relative to absolute Pacific plate motion at that time, eliminate either a Miocene Hawaiian volcanic arch or Cretaceous mantle-plume origin. The seamounts lie on oceanic crust that is modeled to be 10ā€“15 Ma older than the corresponding seamounts. Here, two models are put forth to explain the origin of these enigmatic seamount chains as well as the similar nearby Mendelssohn Seamounts. (1) Diffuse lithospheric extension results in the formation of these seamounts until the initiation of the Kula-Pacific spreading center in the north at 84ā€“79 Ma, which alleviates the tension. (2) Shear-driven upwelling of enriched mantle material beneath young oceanic lithosphere results in an age-progressive seamount track that is approximately perpendicular to the spreading ridge. Here we show that all sampled seamounts proximal to the Northwestern Hawaiian Ridge are intraplate in nature, but their formations can be attributed to both plume and plate processes

    New opportunities and untapped scientific potential in the abyssal ocean

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    Ā© The Author(s), 2022. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Marlow, J., Anderson, R., Reysenbach, A.-L., Seewald, J., Shank, T., Teske, A., Wanless, V., & Soule, S. New opportunities and untapped scientific potential in the abyssal ocean. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, (2022): 798943, https://doi.org/10.3389./fmars.2021.798943The abyssal ocean covers more than half of the Earthā€™s surface, yet remains understudied and underappreciated. In this Perspectives article, we mark the occasion of the Deep Submergence Vehicle Alvinā€™s increased depth range (from 4500 to 6500 m) to highlight the scientific potential of the abyssal seafloor. From a geologic perspective, ultra-slow spreading mid-ocean ridges, Petit Spot volcanism, transform faults, and subduction zones put the full life cycle of oceanic crust on display in the abyss, revealing constructive and destructive forces over wide ranges in time and space. Geochemically, the abyssal pressure regime influences the solubility of constituents such as silica and carbonate, and extremely high-temperature fluid-rock reactions in the shallow subsurface lead to distinctive and potentially unique geochemical profiles. Microbial residents range from low-abundance, low-energy communities on the abyssal plains to fast growing thermophiles at hydrothermal vents. Given its spatial extent and position as an intermediate zone between coastal and deep hadal settings, the abyss represents a lynchpin in global-scale processes such as nutrient and energy flux, population structure, and biogeographic diversity. Taken together, the abyssal ocean contributes critical ecosystem services while facing acute and diffuse anthropogenic threats from deep-sea mining, pollution, and climate change.We would like to thank the National Science Foundation for their support through grants NSF 2009117 and 2129431 to SAS

    Lava geochemistry as a probe into crustal formation at the East Pacific Rise

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    Author Posting. Ā© The Oceanography Society, 2012. This article is posted here by permission of The Oceanography Society for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Oceanography 25, no. 1 (2012): 89ā€“93, doi:10.5670/oceanog.2012.06.Basalt lavas comprise the greatest volume of volcanic rocks on Earth, and most of them erupt along the world's mid-ocean ridges (MORs). These MOR basalts (MORBs) are generally thought to be relatively homogeneous in composition over large segments of the global ridge system (e.g., Klein, 2005). However, detailed sampling of two different regions on the northern East Pacific Rise (EPR) and extensive analysis of the samples show that fine-scale mapping and sampling of the ridge axis can reveal significant variations in lava chemistry on both small spatial and short temporal scales. The two most intensely sampled sites within the EPR Integrated Study Site (ISS) lie on and off axis between 9Ā°17'N and 10Ā°N, and from a wide region centered around 9Ā°N where two segments of the EPR overlap (see Fornari et al., 2012, Figure 3, in this issue). The chemical composition of erupted lavas, similar to the genotype of an organism, can be used by igneous petrologists to trace the evolution of magmas from the mantle to the seafloor. The extensive and detailed geochemical studies at the EPR highlight how a thorough understanding of the variability in lava compositions on small spatial scales (i.e., between lava flows) and large spatial scales (i.e., from segment center to segment end and including discontinuities in the ridge crest) can be used in combination with seafloor photography, lava morphology, and bathymetry to provide insights into the magmatic system that drives volcanism and influences hydrothermal chemistry and biology at a fast-spreading MOR.Grants that supported EPR ISS field and laboratory studies for our research programs include: MRP: OCE-0138088, OCE-0819469, OCE-825265, OCE-638406, OCE-527077, OCE-535532; DJF: OCE-9819261, OCE-0525863, OCE-0838923, OCE-0096468, OCE-0732366, and OCE-0112737

    The boron and lithium isotopic composition of mid-ocean ridge basalts and the mantle

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    A global selection of 56 mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) glasses were analysed for Li and B abundances and isotopic compositions. Analytical accuracy and precision of analyses constitute an improvement over previously published MORB data and allow a more detailed discussion of the Li and B systematics of the crust-mantle system. Refined estimates for primitive mantle abundances ([Li]=1.39Ā±0.10[Li]=1.39Ā±0.10 Ī¼g/g and [B]=0.19Ā±0.02[B]=0.19Ā±0.02 Ī¼g/g) and depleted mantle abundances ([Li]=1.20Ā±0.10[Li]=1.20Ā±0.10 Ī¼g/g and [B]=0.077Ā±0.010[B]=0.077Ā±0.010 Ī¼g/g) are presented based on mass balance and on partial melting models that utilise observed element ratios in MORB. Assimilation of seawater (or brine) or seawater-altered material beneath the ridge, identified by high Cl/KCl/K, causes significant elevation of MORB Ī“11BĪ“11B and variable elevation in Ī“7LiĪ“7Li. The B isotope ratio is, hence, identified as a reliable indicator of assimilation in MORB and values higher than āˆ’6ā€° are strongly indicative of shallow contamination of the magma. The global set of samples investigated here were produced at various degrees of partial melting and include depleted and enriched MORB from slow and fast-spreading ridge segments with a range of radiogenic isotope signatures and trace element compositions. Uncontaminated (low-Cl/KCl/K) MORB show no significant boron isotope variation at the current level of analytical precision, and hence a homogenous B isotopic composition of Ī“11B=-7.1Ā±0.9ā€°Ī“11B=-7.1Ā±0.9ā€° (mean of six ridge segments; 2SD). Boron isotope fractionation during mantle melting and basalt fractionation likely is small, and this Ī“11BĪ“11B value reflects the B isotopic composition of the depleted mantle and the bulk silicate Earth, probably within Ā±0.4ā€°. Our sample set shows a mean Ī“7Li=+3.5Ā±1.0ā€°Ī“7Li=+3.5Ā±1.0ā€° (mean of five ridge segments; 2SD), excluding high-Cl/KCl/K samples. A significant variation of 1.0ā€“1.5ā€° exists among various ridge segments and among samples within individual ridge segments, but this variation is unrelated to differentiation, assimilation or mantle source indicators, such as radiogenic isotopes or trace elements. It, therefore, seems likely that kinetic fractionation of Li isotopes during magma extraction, transport and storage may generate Ī“7LiĪ“7Li excursions in MORB. No mantle heterogeneities, such as those generated by deeply recycled subducted materials, are invoked in the interpretation of the Li and B isotope data presented here, in contrast to previous work on smaller data sets. Lithium and boron budgets for the silicate Earth are presented that are based on isotope and element mass balance. A refined estimate for the B isotopic composition of the bulk continental crust is given as Ī“11B=-9.1Ā±2.4ā€°Ī“11B=-9.1Ā±2.4ā€°. Mass balance allows the existence of recycled B reservoirs in the deep mantle, but these are not required. However, mass balance among the crust, sediments and seawater shows enrichment of 6Li6Li in the surface reservoirs, which requires the existence of 7Li7Li-enriched material in the mantle. This may have formed by the subduction of altered oceanic crust since the Archaean