4 research outputs found

    Studies on Reproductive Biology of Peganum harmala L.

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    The reproductive biology of flowering plants is important for determining barriers to seed and fruit set and for understanding pollination and breeding systems that regulate the genetic structure of populations. Knowledge of reproduction is crucial for understanding the causes of rarity and conservation of rare plants. he medicinally important plant species namely Peganum harmala (Zygophyllaceae) constitute the material for present study and the methodology adopted during the present study

    Studies on the Induction of Mutations in Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.)

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    Trigonella foenum-graecum commonly known as fenugreek, an annual dicotyledonous herbaceous plant belongs to the family Leguminosae with branched stems, trifoliate ovate-orbicular leaves, roots bearing nodules, white flowers, paplionaceous corolla, stamens diadelphous [1+(9)], ovary superior, ovules many, pods bearing golden yellow seeds. Seeds vary from rectangular to round in outline with a deep groove between the radical and cotyledons. In general, two types of flowering shoots are observed. The common ones bear axillary flowers showing an indeterminate growth habit, whereas so called “blind shoots” have axillary and terminal flowers, becoming “tip bearers” for seed pods. Both cleistogamous (closed) and aneictogamous (open) flowers have been described (Petropoulos, 1973) but the vast majority of fenugreek flowers are closed or cleistogamous.The purpose of the study was to study the effect of different mutagenic treatments on various biological parameters.To investigate the chromosome behaviour of treated populations with respect to controls.To investigate the chromosome behaviour of treated populations with respect to controls and To isolate promising mutants based on changes in phenotypic traits

    Reproductive Biology of Inula racemosa Hook. f.

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    The accurate picture of the status of plants and the trends that have an impacting on them is difficult to determine. Further, the exact number of flowering plant species in the world is not fully known and documented.Natural habitats are currently being degraded at a rate that is unprecedented in the history, and massive extinctions of biota are likely to follow as a result.Under the pressures of globalization, continuous growth of human population, resources exploitation, and climate changes, the perturbation, displacement and/or destruction of natural habitats are real facts. Many important sites of Kashmir Himalaya were surveyed for assessing the distribution, growth and reproductive biology of Inula racemosa (Asteraceae). The select sites were demarcated on the basis of location, habitat structure, density, diversity and accessibility