380 research outputs found

    «El ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote» (1605), satire ménippéenne : (Prosas nuevas -V-: cartas, relaciones, «Lazarillos», «Guzmanes» y «Quijotes»)

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    Convocar marbetes como «novela» o «parodia de libros de caballerías» es tan natural que pocas veces nos fijamos en la tradición narrativa en la cual se situaba El ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha. Este artículo propone recuperar la vena jocoseria y los textos fundamentales de Luciano que hicieron posible la ficción de Cervantes. Sin atar el libro de 1605 al género de la sátira menipea, sí lo define como libro menipeano. La adaptación alemaniana (Primera parte de Guzmán de Alfarache) de la fórmula lucianesca vieja (Historia verdadera, El sueño) y nueva (Segunda parte del Lazarillo, Crotalón) no podía satisfacer a Cervantes : desde esta perspectiva de historia literaria, el Quijote constituye una propuesta narrativa alternativa de prosa menipeana.Utiliser des termes comme « roman » ou « parodie de livres de chevalerie » est tellement naturel que l'on a presque oublié de se demander à quelle tradition narrative se rattache El ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha. Cet article s'emploie à récupérer la veine sério-comique et les textes fondamentaux de Lucien de Samosate qui rendirent possible la fiction de Cervantès. Si ce livre n'est pas une satire ménippée, il n'en demeure pas moins un livre ménippéen. L'adaptation alémanienne (Primera parte de Guzmán de Alfarache) de la formule lucianesque ancienne (Histoire véritable, Le songe) et nouvelle (Segunda parte del Lazarillo, Crotalón) ne pouvait complètement satisfaire Cervantès : dans ce cadre, qui relève de l'histoire littéraire, on verra ainsi que le Quichotte constitue une proposition narrative alternative de prose ménippéenne.Using categories such as "novel" or "parody of tale of chivalry" is such a common thing that we rarely consider the narrative tradition within which El ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha fell. This article comes back to the jocoseria inspiration and those among Lucien's fundamental texts which made it possible for Cervantes's fiction to emerge. Without locking his 1605 text in the Menippean satire genre, Cervantes defines it as a Menippean book. Cervantes could not be satisfied with the adaptation by Mateo Alemán (Primera parte de Guzmán de Alfarache) of the old Lucianesque formula (Historia verdadera, El sueño) nor of the short story (Segunda parte del Lazarillo, Crotalón). Envisaged from such a perspective of literary history, the Quijote becomes an alternative to the narrative proposition of Menippean prose

    A Survey on Visual Mamba

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    State space models (SSM) with selection mechanisms and hardware-aware architectures, namely Mamba, have recently shown significant potential in long-sequence modeling. Since the complexity of transformers’ self-attention mechanism is quadratic with image size, as well as increasing computational demands, researchers are currently exploring how to adapt Mamba for computer vision tasks. This paper is the first comprehensive survey that aims to provide an in-depth analysis of Mamba models within the domain of computer vision. It begins by exploring the foundational concepts contributing to Mamba’s success, including the SSM framework, selection mechanisms, and hardware-aware design. Then, we review these vision Mamba models by categorizing them into foundational models and those enhanced with techniques including convolution, recurrence, and attention to improve their sophistication. Furthermore, we investigate the widespread applications of Mamba in vision tasks, which include their use as a backbone in various levels of vision processing. This encompasses general visual tasks, medical visual tasks (e.g., 2D/3D segmentation, classification, image registration, etc.), and remote sensing visual tasks. In particular, we introduce general visual tasks from two levels: high/mid-level vision (e.g., object detection, segmentation, video classification, etc.) and low-level vision (e.g., image super-resolution, image restoration, visual generation, etc.). We hope this endeavor will spark additional interest within the community to address current challenges and further apply Mamba models in computer vision

    A Data Driven Method for Multi-step Prediction of Ship Roll Motion in High Sea States

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    Ship roll motion in high sea states has large amplitudes and nonlinear dynamics, and its prediction is significant for operability, safety, and survivability. This paper presents a novel data-driven methodology to provide a multi-step prediction of ship roll motions in high sea states. A hybrid neural network is proposed that combines long short-term memory (LSTM) and convolutional neural network (CNN) in parallel. The motivation is to extract the nonlinear dynamic characteristics and the hydrodynamic memory information through the advantage of CNN and LSTM, respectively. For the feature selection, the time histories of motion states and wave heights are selected to involve sufficient information. Taken a scaled KCS as the study object, the ship motions in sea state 7 irregular long-crested waves are simulated and used for the validation. The results show that at least one period of roll motion can be accurately predicted. Compared with the single LSTM and CNN methods, the proposed method has better performance in predicting the amplitude of roll angles. Besides, the comparison results also demonstrate that selecting motion states and wave heights as feature space improves the prediction accuracy, verifying the effectiveness of the proposed method

    Diuretic properties and chemical constituent studies on

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    The pharmacological evaluation demonstrated that the extracts from the stem of S. brachyanthera could significantly increase the outputs of urine of rats compared to those of furosemide treated group, and the effect could last for a longer period of time. The best effect appeared in the first two hours, which scientifically confirmed the diuretic effect of the plant. The comparative pharmacognosy study showed that the characters of the crude drugs of the stem of S. brachyanthera were similar to those of Akebia caulis. Further systemic work on its chemical constituents by chromatographic methods and NMR elucidations led to the isolation of 10 triterpenoids, 6 flavonoids, 4 lignanoids, and 3 phenylethanoid glycosides, whose structural types were much similar to those of A. quinata. Among them, 7 compounds were firstly reported in the genus of Stauntonia and calceolarioside B was the common characteristic constituent in both plants. From the similar pharmacognosy characters, pharmacological effects, and chemical constituents, it could be concluded that S. brachyanthera have a great possibility to be a succedaneum of Akebia caulis, whose supply is extremely short in recent years

    Generalized joint density of states and its application to exploring the pairing symmetry of superconductors

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    We introduce a generalized joint density of states (GJDOS), which incorporates the coherent factor into the JDOS, to study quasiparticle interference (QPI) in superconductors. The intimate relation between the Fourier-transformed local density of states and GJDOS is revealed: they corre- spond respectively to the real and imaginary parts of a generalized impurity-response function, and particularly share the same angular factors and singular boundaries, as seen from our approximate analytic results for d-wave superconductors. Remarkably, our numerical GJDOS analysis agrees well with the QPI patten of d-wave cuprates and s\pm-wave iron-based superconductors. Moreover, we illustrate that the present GJDOS scenario can uncover the sign features of the superconducting gap and thus can be used to explore the possible pairing symmetry of the KxFe2-ySe2 superconductors.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    An ultra-sensitive and easy-to-use assay for sensing human UGT1A1 activities in biological systems

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    The human UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1 (UGT1A1), one of the most essential conjugative enzymes, is responsible for the metabolism and detoxification of bilirubin and other endogenous substances, as well as many different xenobiotic compounds. Deciphering UGT1A1 relevance to human diseases and characterizing the effects of small molecules on the activities of UGT1A1 requires reliable tools for probing the function of this key enzyme in complex biological matrices. Herein, an easy-to-use assay for highly-selective and sensitive monitoring of UGT1A1 activities in various biological matrices, using liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection (LC-FD), has been developed and validated. The newly developed LC-FD based assay has been confirmed in terms of sensitivity, specificity, precision, quantitative linear range and stability. One of its main advantages is lowering the limits of detection and quantification by about 100-fold in comparison to the previous assay that used the same probe substrate, enabling reliable quantification of lower amounts of active enzyme than any other method. The precision test demonstrated that both intra- and inter-day variations for this assay were less than 5.5%. Furthermore, the newly developed assay has also been successfully used to screen and characterize the regulatory effects of small molecules on the expression level of UGT1A1 in living cells. Overall, an easy-to-use LC-FD based assay has been developed for ultra-sensitive UGT1A1 activities measurements in various biological systems, providing an inexpensive and practical approach for exploring the role of UGT1A1 in human diseases, interactions with xenobiotics, and characterization modulatory effects of small molecules on this conjugative enzyme. (c) 2020 Xi'an Jiaotong University. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).Peer reviewe

    Universal quantum gates based on both geometric and dynamic phases in quantum dots

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    A large-scalable quantum computer model, whose qubits are represented by the subspace subtended by the ground state and the single exciton state on semiconductor quantum dots, is proposed. A universal set of quantum gates in this system may be achieved by a mixed approach, composed of dynamic evolution and nonadibatic geometric phase.Comment: 4 pages, to appear in Chin. Phys. Let

    Spectrally resolved Franson interference

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    Franson interference can be used to test the nonlocal features of energy-time entanglement and has become a standard in quantum physics. However, most of the previous Franson interference experiments were demonstrated in the time domain, and the spectral properties of Franson interference have not been fully explored. Here, we theoretically and experimentally demonstrate spectrally resolved Franson interference using biphotons with different correlations, including positive correlation, negative correlation, and non-correlation. It is found that the joint spectral intensities of the biphotons can be modulated along both the signal and idler directions, which has potential applications in generating high-dimensional frequency entanglement and time-frequency grid states. This work may provide a new perspective for understanding the spectral-temporal properties of the Franson interferometer.Comment: 6+7pages, 3+1 figure
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