24 research outputs found

    Active particles with delayed attractions form quaking crystallites

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    Perception-reaction delays have experimentally been found to cause a spontaneous circling of microswimmers around a targeted center. Here we investigate the many-body version of this experiment with Brownian-dynamics simulations of active particles in a plane. For short delays, the soft spherical discs form a hexagonal colloidal crystallite around a fixed target particle. Upon increasing the delay time, we observe a bifurcation to a chiral dynamical state that we can map onto that found for a single active particle. The different angular velocities at different distances from the target induce shear stresses that grow with increasing delay. As a result, tangential and, later, also radial shear bands intermittently break the rotating crystallite. Eventually, for long delays, the discs detach from the target particle to circle around it near the preferred single-particle orbit, while spinning and trembling from tidal quakesComment: Videos available on https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDwaP_kIyigWI4637AQH1upD4seyYOyn

    Limit on the Fierz Interference Term b from a Measurement of the Beta Asymmetry in Neutron Decay

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    In the standard model of particle physics, the weak interaction is described by vector and axial-vector couplings only. Non-zero scalar or tensor interactions would imply an additional contribution to the differential decay rate of the neutron, the Fierz interference term. We derive a limit on this hypothetical term from a measurement using spin polarized neutrons. This method is statistically less sensitive than the determination from the spectral shape but features much cleaner systematics. We obtain a limit of b = 0.017(21) at 68.27 C.L., improving the previous best limit from neutron decay by a factor of four.Comment: Phys. Rev. Lett., https://journals.aps.org/prl

    Design of the Magnet System of the Neutron Decay Facility PERC

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    The PERC (Proton and Electron Radiation Channel) facility is currently under construction at the research reactor FRM II, Garching. It will serve as an intense and clean source of electrons and protons from neutron beta decay for precision studies. It aims to contribute to the determination of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa quark-mixing element VudV_{ud} from neutron decay data and to search for new physics via new effective couplings. PERC's central component is a 12m long superconducting magnet system. It hosts an 8m long decay region in a uniform field. An additional high-field region selects the phase space of electrons and protons which can reach the detectors and largely improves systematic uncertainties. We discuss the design of the magnet system and the resulting properties of the magnetic field.Comment: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Particle Physics at Neutron Sources PPNS 2018, Grenoble, France, May 24-26, 201

    Harnessing synthetic active particles for physical reservoir computing

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    Abstract The processing of information is an indispensable property of living systems realized by networks of active processes with enormous complexity. They have inspired many variants of modern machine learning, one of them being reservoir computing, in which stimulating a network of nodes with fading memory enables computations and complex predictions. Reservoirs are implemented on computer hardware, but also on unconventional physical substrates such as mechanical oscillators, spins, or bacteria often summarized as physical reservoir computing. Here we demonstrate physical reservoir computing with a synthetic active microparticle system that self-organizes from an active and passive component into inherently noisy nonlinear dynamical units. The self-organization and dynamical response of the unit are the results of a delayed propulsion of the microswimmer to a passive target. A reservoir of such units with a self-coupling via the delayed response can perform predictive tasks despite the strong noise resulting from the Brownian motion of the microswimmers. To achieve efficient noise suppression, we introduce a special architecture that uses historical reservoir states for output. Our results pave the way for the study of information processing in synthetic self-organized active particle systems

    Spontaneous vortex formation by microswimmers with retarded attractions

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    Collective states of inanimate particles self-assemble through physical interactions and thermal motion. Despite some phenomenological resemblance, including signatures of criticality, the autonomous dynamics that binds motile agents into flocks, herds, or swarms allows for much richer behavior. Low-dimensional models have hinted at the crucial role played in this respect by perceived information, decision-making, and feedback implying that the corresponding interactions are inevitably retarded. Here we present experiments on spherical Brownian microswimmers with delayed self-propulsion toward a spatially fixed target. We observe a spontaneous symmetry breaking to a transiently chiral dynamical state and concomitant critical behavior that does not rely on many-particle cooperativity. By comparison with the stochastic delay differential equation of motion of a single swimmer, we pinpoint the delay-induced effective synchronization of the swimmers with their own past as its key mechanism. Increasing numbers of swimmers self-organize into layers with pro- and retrograde orbital motion, synchronized and stabilized by steric and hydrodynamic interactions. Our results demonstrate how even most simple retarded non-reciprocal interactions can foster emergent complex adaptive behavior in relatively small ensembles.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure

    NoMoS: An R × B drift momentum spectrometer for beta decay studies

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    The beta decay of the free neutron provides several probes to test the Standard Model of particle physics as well as to search for extensions thereof. Hence, multiple experiments investigating the decay have already been performed, are under way or are being prepared. These measure the mean lifetime, angular correlation coefficients or various spectra of the charged decay products (proton and electron). NoMoS, the neutron decay products mo___mentum spectrometer, presents a novel method of momentum spectroscopy: it utilizes the R ×B drift effect to disperse charged particles dependent on their momentum in an uniformly curved magnetic field. This spectrometer is designed to precisely measure momentum spectra and angular correlation coefficients in free neutron beta decay to test the Standard Model and to search for new physics beyond. With NoMoS, we aim to measure inter alia the electron-antineutrino correlation coefficient a and the Fierz interference term b with an ultimate precision of Δa/a < 0.3% and Δb < 10−3 respectively. In this paper, we present the measurement principles, discuss measurement uncertainties and systematics, and give a status update

    NoMoS: An R×BR \times B Drift Momentum Spectrometer for Beta Decay Studies

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    International audienceThe beta decay of the free neutron provides several probes to test the Standard Model of particle physics as well as to search for extensions thereof. Hence, multiple experiments investigating the decay have already been performed, are under way or are being prepared. These measure the mean lifetime, angular correlation coefficients or various spectra of the charged decay products (proton and electron). NoMoS, the neutron decay products mo___mentum spectrometer, presents a novel method of momentum spectroscopy: it utilizes the R ×B drift effect to disperse charged particles dependent on their momentum in an uniformly curved magnetic field. This spectrometer is designed to precisely measure momentum spectra and angular correlation coefficients in free neutron beta decay to test the Standard Model and to search for new physics beyond. With NoMoS, we aim to measure inter alia the electron-antineutrino correlation coefficient a and the Fierz interference term b with an ultimate precision of Δa/a < 0.3% and Δb < 10−3 respectively. In this paper, we present the measurement principles, discuss measurement uncertainties and systematics, and give a status update

    Analysis of insecticide resistance-related genes of the Carmine spider mite Tetranychus cinnabarinus based on a de novo assembled transcriptome.

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    The carmine spider mite (CSM), Tetranychus cinnabarinus, is an important pest mite in agriculture, because it can develop insecticide resistance easily. To gain valuable gene information and molecular basis for the future insecticide resistance study of CSM, the first transcriptome analysis of CSM was conducted. A total of 45,016 contigs and 25,519 unigenes were generated from the de novo transcriptome assembly, and 15,167 unigenes were annotated via BLAST querying against current databases, including nr, SwissProt, the Clusters of Orthologous Groups (COGs), Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) and Gene Ontology (GO). Aligning the transcript to Tetranychus urticae genome, the 19255 (75.45%) of the transcripts had significant (e-value <10-5) matches to T. urticae DNA genome, 19111 sequences matched to T. urticae proteome with an average protein length coverage of 42.55%. Core Eukaryotic Genes Mapping Approach (CEGMA) analysis identified 435 core eukaryotic genes (CEGs) in the CSM dataset corresponding to 95% coverage. Ten gene categories that relate to insecticide resistance in arthropod were generated from CSM transcriptome, including 53 P450-, 22 GSTs-, 23 CarEs-, 1 AChE-, 7 GluCls-, 9 nAChRs-, 8 GABA receptor-, 1 sodium channel-, 6 ATPase- and 12 Cyt b genes. We developed significant molecular resources for T. cinnabarinus putatively involved in insecticide resistance. The transcriptome assembly analysis will significantly facilitate our study on the mechanism of adapting environmental stress (including insecticide) in CSM at the molecular level, and will be very important for developing new control strategies against this pest mite

    Limit on the Fierz Interference Term bb from a Measurement of the Beta Asymmetry in Neutron Decay

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    In the standard model of particle physics, the weak interaction is described by vector and axial-vector couplings only. Non-zero scalar or tensor interactions would imply an additional contribution to the differential decay rate of the neutron, the Fierz interference term. We derive a limit on this hypothetical term from a measurement using spin polarized neutrons. This method is statistically less sensitive than the determination from the spectral shape but features much cleaner systematics. We obtain a limit of b = 0.017(21) at 68.27 C.L., improving the previous best limit from neutron decay by a factor of four