5,288 research outputs found

    The Excess Heat Capacity in Glass-forming Liquid Systems Containing Molecules

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    The excess heat capacity at glass transition temperature in two types of glass-forming systems of [xNaNO3\cdot(1-x)KNO3]60[Ca(NO3)2]40 (0 \leq x \leq 1) and Ca(NO3)2\cdotyH2O (4 \leq y \leq 13) is studied. In the former system, with the replacement of K+ cation with Na+ cation, the excess heat capacity is almost invariable around 65.1 J\cdotmol-1\cdotK-1, while the excess increases by 38.9 J\cdotmol-1\cdotK-1 with the increasing per molar H2O content in latter system. A quantitative description of the excess heat capacity is built up with the consideration of atomic and molecular translational motion in the glass-forming systems. This finding might offer further understanding to the glass transition

    Base Station Cooperation in Millimeter Wave Cellular Networks: Performance Enhancement of Cell-Edge Users

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    Millimeter wave (mmWave) signals are much more sensitive to blockage, which results in a significant increase of the outage probability, especially for the users at the edge of the cells. In this paper, we exploit the technique of base station (BS) cooperation to improve the performance of the cell-edge users in the downlink transmission of mmWave cellular networks. We design two cooperative schemes, which are referred to as fixed-number BS cooperation (FNC) scheme and fixed-region BS cooperation (FRC) scheme, respectively. In FNC scheme, the cooperative BSs consist of the M nearest BSs around the served cell-edge users, and in FRC scheme, the cooperative BSs include all the BSs located within a given region. We derive the expressions for the average rate and outage probability of a typical cell-edge user located at the origin based on the stochastic geometry framework. To reduce the computational complexity of our analytical results for the outage probability, we further propose a Gamma approximation based method to provide approximations with satisfying accuracy. Our analytical results incorporate the critical characteristics of mmWave channels, i.e., the blockage effects, the different path loss of LOS and NLOS links and the highly directional antenna arrays. Simulation results show that the performance of the cell-edge users is greatly improved when mmWave networks are combined with the technique of BS cooperation.Comment: To be published in IEEE Transactions on Communication

    Influence of squirt flow on fundamental guided waves propagation in borehole embedded in saturated porous media

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    In this paper, the reservoir is modeled by homogeneous two-phase media based on BISQ model. We focus on the effects of the squirt flow on the fundamental guided waves propagation in borehole embedded in saturated porous media excited by monopole, dipole and quadrupole point sources. The full waveforms acoustic logging in a fluid-filled borehole are simulated. The curves of velocity dispersion, attenuation coefficients and excitation of the fundamental guided waves have shown that velocity dispersions are almost independent of the characteristic squirt flow length, attenuations of guided waves are enhanced due to the squirt flow, and excitations of guided waves are decreased due to the squirt flow. It is possible to estimate the characteristic squirt flow length by attenuation coefficients of the guided waves from acoustical logging data.Comment: all 18 pages 6 figure

    Pilot Spoofing Attack by Multiple Eavesdroppers

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    In this paper, we investigate the design of a pilot spoofing attack (PSA) carried out by multiple single-antenna eavesdroppers (Eves) in a downlink time-division duplex (TDD) system, where a multiple antenna base station (BS) transmits confidential information to a single-antenna legitimate user (LU). During the uplink channel training phase, multiple Eves collaboratively impair the channel acquisition of the legitimate link, aiming at maximizing the wiretapping signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in the subsequent downlink data transmission phase. Two different scenarios are investigated: (1) the BS is unaware of the PSA, and (2) the BS attempts to detect the presence of the PSA. For both scenarios, we formulate wiretapping SNR maximization problems. For the second scenario, we also investigate the probability of successful detection and constrain it to remain below a pre-designed threshold. The two resulting optimization problems can be unified into a more general non-convex optimization problem, and we propose an efficient algorithm based on the minorization-maximization (MM) method and the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) to solve it. The proposed MM-ADMM algorithm is shown to converge to a stationary point of the general problem. In addition, we propose a semidefinite relaxation (SDR) method as a benchmark to evaluate the efficiency of the MM-ADMM algorithm. Numerical results show that the MM-ADMM algorithm achieves near-optimal performance and is computationally more efficient than the SDRbased method.Comment: Accepted by IEEE Transaction on Wireless Communication

    The Tip-Induced Twisted Bilayer Graphene Superlattice on HOPG: Capillary Attraction Effect

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    We use the tip of the scanning tunneling microscope (STM) to manipulate single weakly bound nanometer-sized sheets on the the highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) surface through artifically increasing the tip and sample interaction in humid environment. By this means it is possible to tear apart a graphite sheet againt a step and fold this part onto the HOPG surface and thus generate the gaphene superlattices with hexagonal symmetry. The tip and sample surface interactions, including the van der Waals force, eletrostatic force and capillary attraction force originating from the Laplace pressure due to the formation of a highly curved fluid meniscus connecting the tip and sample, are discussed in details to understand the fromation mechnism of graphen superlattice induced by the STM tip. Especially, the capillary force is the key role in manipulating the graphite surface sheet in the hunmidity condition. Our approach may provides a simple and feasible route to prepare the controllable superlattices and graphene nanoribbons but also replenish and find down the theory of generation of graphene superlattice on HOPG surface by the tip.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure

    Combating the Control Signal Spoofing Attack in UAV Systems

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    Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) system is vulnerable to the control signal spoofing attack due to the openness of the wireless communications. In this correspondence, a physical layer approach is proposed to combat the control signal spoofing attack, i.e,. to determine whether the received control signal packet is from the ground control station (GCS) or a potential malicious attacker (MA), which does not need to share any secret key. We consider the worst case where the UAV does not have any prior knowledge about the MA. Utilizing the channel feature of the angles of arrival, the distance-based path loss, and the Rician-κ\kappa factor, we construct a generalized log-likelihood radio (GLLR) test framework to handle the problem. Accurate approximations of the false alarm and successful detection rate are provided to efficiently evaluate the performance.Comment: To be published in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technolog

    Identifying the Fake Base Station: A Location Based Approach

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    Fake base station (FBS) attack is a great security challenge to wireless user equipment (UE). During the cell selection stage, the UE receives multiple synchronization signals (SSs) from multiple nearby base stations (BSs), and then synchronizes itself with the strongest SS. A FBS also can transmit a SS with sufficient power to confuse the UE, which makes the UE connect to the FBS, and may lead to the leakage of private information. In this letter, countermeasure to the FBS attack by utilizing the location information is investigated. Two location awareness based FBS-resistance schemes are proposed by checking the received signal strength according to the position of the UE and a legitimate BS map. The successful cheating rate (SCR) definded as the probability that the UE will connect to the FBS is investigated. Numeric results show that with the two proposed schemes, the SCR can be greatly reduced especially when the transmit power of the FBS is large. Beyond that, a cooperation aided method is further proposed to improve the performance, and we show that the cooperation aided method can further suppress the SCR when the signal strength from the FBS is similar to that from the legitimate BS.Comment: To be published in IEEE communications letter

    Passive Beamforming for IRS Aided Wireless Networks

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    In this letter, we design passive beamforming in an intelligent reflecting surface (IRS) assisted multiple-user wireless network. Two different scenarios are considered, namely, multicasting and multi-user downlink transmission. We optimize the passive beamforming vector of the IRS to maximize the smallest signal-to-noise ratio of the users in both scenarios. Based on the alternating direction method of multipliers algorithm, a low complexity method is designed to iteratively solve the established problem. In each iteration of the proposed method, the solution is in closed form, and thus the computation complexity is low. Numerical results are presented to show the efficiency of the proposed method.Comment: Accepted by IEEE WC

    Cooperative Transmission for Physical Layer Security by Exploring Social Awareness

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    Social awareness and social ties are becoming increasingly fashionable with emerging mobile and handheld devices. Social trust degree describing the strength of the social ties has drawn lots of research interests in many fields including secure cooperative communications. Such trust degree reflects the users' willingness for cooperation, which impacts the selection of the cooperative users in the practical networks. In this paper, we propose a cooperative relay and jamming selection scheme to secure communication based on the social trust degree under a stochastic geometry framework. We aim to analyze the involved secrecy outage probability (SOP) of the system's performance. To achieve this target, we propose a double Gamma ratio (DGR) approach through Gamma approximation. Based on this, the SOP is tractably obtained in closed form. The simulation results verify our theoretical findings, and validate that the social trust degree has dramatic influences on the network's secrecy performance.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, IEEE GLOBECOM 2017 Conferenc

    The tunnelling spectra of quasi-free-standing graphene monolayer

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    With considering the great success of scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) studies of graphene in the past few years, it is quite surprising to notice that there is still a fundamental contradiction about the reported tunnelling spectra of quasi-free-standing graphene monolayer. Many groups observed V-shape spectra with linearly vanishing density-of-state (DOS) at the Dirac point, whereas, the others reported spectra with a gap of 60 meV pinned to the Fermi level in the quasi-free-standing graphene monolayer. Here we systematically studied the two contradicted tunnelling spectra of the quasi-free-standing graphene monolayer on several different substrates and provided a consistent interpretation about the result. The gap in the spectra arises from the out-of-plane phonons in graphene, which mix the Dirac electrons at the Brillouin zone corners with the nearly free-electron states at the zone center. Our experiment indicated that interactions with substrates could effectively suppress effects of the out-of-plane phonons in graphene and enable us to detect only the DOS of the Dirac electrons in the spectra. We also show that it is possible to switch on and off the out-of-plane phonons of graphene at the nanoscale, i.e., the tunnelling spectra show switching between the two distinct features, through voltage pulses applied to the STM tip.Comment: 4 Figure
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