96 research outputs found

    Multipoint-Interconnected Quantum Communication Networks

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    As quantum computers with sufficient computational power are becoming mature, the security of classical communication and cryptography may compromise, which is based on the mathematical complexity. Quantum communication technology is a promising solution to secure communication based on quantum mechanics. To meet the secure communication requirements of multiple users, multipoint-interconnected quantum communication networks are specified, including quantum key distribution networks and quantum teleportation networks. The enabling technologies for quantum communication are the important bases for multipoint-interconnected quantum communication networks. To achieve the better connection, resource utilization, and resilience of multipoint-interconnected quantum communication networks, the efficient network architecture and optimization methods are summarized, and open issues in quantum communication networks are discussed

    Effect of pregnancy on cytochrome P450 3a and P-glycoprotein expression and activity in the mouse: mechanisms, tissue specificity, and time course.

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    ABSTRACT The plasma concentrations of orally administered anti-human immunodeficiency virus protease inhibitors are significantly reduced during human and mouse pregnancy. We have shown that in the mouse, at gestational day 19, this reduction is due to increased hepatic cytochrome P450 3a (Cyp3a) protein expression and activity. In the current study, we investigated the mechanisms by which Cyp3a activity is increased by pregnancy and the time course of change in expression of Cyp3a and P-glycoprotein (P-gp) in various tissues. We found that hepatic transcripts of Cyp3a16, Cyp3a41, and Cyp3a44 were significantly increased during pregnancy, whereas those of Cyp3a11 and Cyp3a25 were significantly decreased. This resulted in a net increase in Cyp3a protein expression and activity in the liver during pregnancy. The increase in Cyp3a41 and Cyp3a44 transcripts was positively correlated (p Ͻ 0.05) with hepatocyte nuclear factor 6 and estrogen receptor-␣ transcripts. The pregnancy-related factors that transcriptionally activated mouse Cyp3a isoforms also activated the human CYP3A4 promoter in pregnant CYP3A4-promoter-luciferase transgenic (CYP3A4-tg) mice. In contrast, intestinal Cyp3a protein expression was not significantly affected by pregnancy. No change in P-gp protein expression was observed in the liver or kidney during pregnancy, although a significant decrease was observed in the placenta. Because hepatic CYP3A activity also seems to be induced during human pregnancy, the mouse (including CYP3A4-tg mouse) seems to be an excellent animal model to determine the molecular mechanisms for such an induction. To treat the pregnant woman and to prevent maternalfetal HIV-1 transmission, HIV-1-infected pregnant women are routinely prescribed anti-HIV protease inhibitors as part of their highly active antiretroviral therapy regimen The bioavailability and systemic clearance of the PIs are primarily determined by the drug-metabolizing enzymes cytochrome P450 3A4/5 (CYP3A4/5) and the drug efflux transporter P-glycoprotein (P-gp) in the small intestine and live

    Aboveground dry matter and grain yield of summer maize under different varieties and densities in North China Plain

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    To increase summer maize grain yield in North China Plain, we conducted field experiments with three densities (3, 6, and 9 plants m-2) on two plant types (a flat type, LD981, and a compact type, LD818) during 2010 and 2011 summer maize growing seasons to study leaf area index (LAI), above ground dry matter accumulation, grain filling rate, and grain yield. The results indicated that with the density increased, the LAI in the both varieties enhanced; however, plant density at the rate of 9 plants m-2 significantly (LSD, P < 0.05) increased LAI in LD818. Increasing densities enhanced the above ground dry matter of LD818, but not of LD981. With the density increased, the grain filling rate in the both varieties declined, but during the later growing season, the grain filling rate in LD818 was higher than that in LD919. Irrespective of plant density at the rate of from 3 to 6 or 6 to 9 plants m-2, the grain No. per ear, 1,000-kernel weight, and ears No. per m2 in LD981 were all lower than those in LD818; this was the main reason why with the increased density, the population yield in LD981 was lower than that in LD818. These results indicate that in North China Plain, increasing plant density could enhance the grain yield of compact type summer maize

    Improving product quality and productivity of an antibody-based biotherapeutic using inverted frustoconical shaking bioreactors

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    The Chinese hamster ovarian (CHO) cells serve as a common choice in biopharmaceutical production, traditionally cultivated in stirred tank bioreactors (STRs). Nevertheless, the pursuit of improved protein quality and production output for commercial purposes demand exploration into new bioreactor types. In this context, inverted frustoconical shaking bioreactors (IFSB) present unique physical properties distinct from STRs. This study aims to compare the production processes of an antibody-based biotherapeutic in both bioreactor types, to enhance production flexibility. The findings indicate that, when compared to STRs, IFSB demonstrates the capability to produce an antibody-based biotherapeutic with either comparable or enhanced bioprocess performance and product quality. IFSB reduces shear damage to cells, enhances viable cell density (VCD), and improves cell state at a 5-L scale. Consequently, this leads to increased protein expression (3.70 g/L vs 2.56 g/L) and improved protein quality, as evidenced by a reduction in acidic variants from 27.0% to 21.5%. Scaling up the culture utilizing the Froude constant and superficial gas velocity ensures stable operation, effective mixing, and gas transfer. The IFSB maintains a high VCD and cell viability at both 50-L and 500-L scales. Product expression levels range from 3.0 to 3.6 g/L, accompanied by an improved acidic variants attribute of 20.6%–22.7%. The IFSB exhibits superior productivity and product quality, underscoring its potential for incorporation into the manufacturing process for antibody-based biotherapeutics. These results establish the foundation for IFSB to become a viable option in producing antibody-based biotherapeutics for clinical and manufacturing applications

    Interkingdom multi-omics analysis reveals the effects of nitrogen application on growth and rhizosphere microbial community of Tartary buckwheat

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    Tartary buckwheat (Fagopyrum tataricum Gaertn.) is an important pseudocereal crop with excellent edible, nutritional and medicinal values. However, the yield of Tartary buckwheat (TB) is very low due to old-fashioned cultivation techniques, particularly unreasonable application of nitrogen fertilizer. To improve the understanding on the theories of nitrogen use in TB, the effects of nitrogen application on growth, as well as chemical properties and microbial community of rhizosphere soil were investigated in this study. Nitrogen application could promote the plant height, stem diameter, nitrogen accumulation and yield of TB. The relative abundance and diversity of bacteria and fungi in the rhizosphere soil of TB were improved by nitrogen fertilizer. Nitrogen application increased the abundance of beneficial bacteria such as Lysobacter and Sphingomonas in rhizosphere soil, and decreased the abundance of pathogenic fungi such as Fusarium and Plectosphaerella. The results indicated that nitrogen application changed the distribution of microbial communities in TB rhizosphere soil. Furthermore, the specific enriched or depleted microorganisms in the rhizosphere soil of four TB varieties were analyzed at OTU level. 87 specific nitrogen-responsive genes with sequence variation were identified in four varieties by integrating genomic re-sequencing and transcriptome analysis, and these genes may involve in the recruitment of specific rhizosphere microorganisms in different TB varieties. This study provided new insights into the effects of nitrogen application on TB growth and rhizosphere microbial community, and improved the understanding on the mechanisms of TB root–microbe interactions

    Effectiveness of intravenous r-tPA versus UK for acute ischaemic stroke: a nationwide prospective Chinese registry study

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    BACKGROUND Intravenous recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (r-tPA) and urokinase (UK) are both recommended for the treatment of acute ischaemic stroke (AIS) in China, but with few comparative outcome data being available. We aimed to compare the outcomes of these two thrombolytic agents for the treatment of patients within 4.5 hours of onset of AIS in routine clinical practice in China. METHODS A pre-planned, prospective, nationwide, multicentre, real-world registry of consecutive patients with AIS (age ≥18 years) who received r-tPA or UK within 4.5 hours of symptom onset according to local decision-making and guideline recommendations during 2017-2019. The primary effectiveness outcome was the proportion of patients with an excellent functional outcome (defined by modified Rankin scale scores 0 to 1) at 90 days. The key safety endpoint was symptomatic intracranial haemorrhage according to standard definitions. Multivariable logistic regression was used for comparative analysis, with adjustment according to propensity scores to ensure balance in baseline characteristics. RESULTS Overall, 4130 patients with AIS were registered but 320 had incomplete or missing data, leaving 3810 with available data for analysis of whom 2666 received r-tPA (median dose 0.88 (IQR 0.78-0.90) mg/kg) and 1144 received UK (1.71 (1.43-2.00)×10 international unit per kilogram). There were several significant intergroup differences in patient characteristics: r-tPA patients were more educated, had less history of stroke, lower systolic blood pressure, greater neurological impairment and shorter treatment times from symptom onset than UK patients. However, in adjusted analysis, the frequency of excellent outcome (OR 1.18, 95% CI 1.00 to 1.40, p=0.052) and symptomatic intracranial haemorrhage (OR 0.70, 95% CI 0.33 to 1.47, p=0.344) were similar between groups. CONCLUSIONS UK may be as effective and carry a similar safety profile as r-tPA in treating mild to moderate AIS within guidelines in China. REGISTRATION: http://www.clinicaltrials.gov. unique identifier: NCT02854592

    Predicting P-Glycoprotein-Mediated Drug Transport Based On Support Vector Machine and Three-Dimensional Crystal Structure of P-glycoprotein

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    Human P-glycoprotein (P-gp) is an ATP-binding cassette multidrug transporter that confers resistance to a wide range of chemotherapeutic agents in cancer cells by active efflux of the drugs from cells. P-gp also plays a key role in limiting oral absorption and brain penetration and in facilitating biliary and renal elimination of structurally diverse drugs. Thus, identification of drugs or new molecular entities to be P-gp substrates is of vital importance for predicting the pharmacokinetics, efficacy, safety, or tissue levels of drugs or drug candidates. At present, publicly available, reliable in silico models predicting P-gp substrates are scarce. In this study, a support vector machine (SVM) method was developed to predict P-gp substrates and P-gp-substrate interactions, based on a training data set of 197 known P-gp substrates and non-substrates collected from the literature. We showed that the SVM method had a prediction accuracy of approximately 80% on an independent external validation data set of 32 compounds. A homology model of human P-gp based on the X-ray structure of mouse P-gp as a template has been constructed. We showed that molecular docking to the P-gp structures successfully predicted the geometry of P-gp-ligand complexes. Our SVM prediction and the molecular docking methods have been integrated into a free web server (http://pgp.althotas.com), which allows the users to predict whether a given compound is a P-gp substrate and how it binds to and interacts with P-gp. Utilization of such a web server may prove valuable for both rational drug design and screening

    Analysis on building industry CO2 emission in Shanghai

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    With the economic development in Shanghai, a lot of energy has been consumed in the building industry, and is accompanied by a great amount of carbon emissions. Based on the data of energy consumption in the two stages of the building materials production and construction process in Shanghai, a calculation model of CO2 emissions was created, total CO2 emissions have been evaluated during recent ten years, and CO2 emissions influencing factors was identified in each stage. The research results show that CO2 emissions in the stage of building materials production, account for more than 90% of total CO2 emissions, mainly traced from cement, iron and steel industry, and have greater potential for energy conservation and emissions reduction