4,662 research outputs found

    Deterministic CNOT gate and entanglement swapping for photonic qubits using a quantum-dot spin in a double-sided optical microcavity

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    We propose a deterministic and scalable scheme to construct a two-qubit controlled-NOT (CNOT) gate and realize entanglement swapping between photonic qubits using a quantum-dot (QD) spin in a double-sided optical microcavity. The scheme is based on spin selective photon reflection from the cavity and can be achieved in a nondestructive and heralded way. We assess the feasibility of the scheme and show that the scheme can work in both the weak coupling and the strong coupling regimes. The scheme opens promising perspectives for long-distance photonic quantum communication and distributed quantum information processing.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures; to appear in Physics Letters

    Evolving hypernetwork model based on WeChat user relations

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    Based on the theory of hypernetwork and WeChat online social relations, the paper proposes an evolving hypernetwork model with the competitiveness and the age of nodes. In the model, nodes arrive at the system in accordance with Poisson process and are gradual aging. We analyze the model by using a Poisson process theory and a continuous technique, and give a characteristic equation of hyperdegrees. We obtain the stationary average hyperdegree distribution of the hypernetwork by the characteristic equation. The numerical simulations of the models agree with the analytical results well. It is expected that our work may give help to the study of WeChat information transmission dynamics and mobile e-commerce.Comment: 14 pages, in Chinese, 5 figure

    Optically controlled phase gate and teleportation of a controlled-NOT gate for spin qubits in quantum dot-microcavity coupled system

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    Assisted with linear optical manipulation, single photon, entangled photon pairs, photon measurement, and classical communication, a scheme for two-spin qubits phase gate and teleportation of a CNOT gate between two electron spins from acting on local qubits to acting on remote qubits using quantum dots in optical microcavities is proposed. The scheme is based on spin selective photon reflection from the cavity and is achieved in a deterministic way by the sequential detection of photons and the single-qubit rotations of a single electron spin in a self-assembled GaAs/InAs quantum dot. The feasibility of the scheme is assessed showing that high average fidelities of the gates are achievable in the weak-coupling regime when the side leakage and cavity loss are low. The scheme opens promising perspectives for long-distance quantum communication, distributed quantum computation, and constructing remote quantum information processing networks.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, to appear in Physical Review

    Robust entanglement between a movable mirror and atomic ensemble and entanglement transfer in coupled optomechanical system

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    We propose a scheme for the creation of robust entanglement between a movable mirror and atomic ensemble at the macroscopic level in coupled optomechanical system. In experimentally accessible parameter regimes, we show that critical temperature of the bipartite continuous variable entanglement in our scheme can be raised from previous 24 K [Vitali {\it et al.}, Phys. Rev. Lett. \textbf{98}, 030405 (2007)] and 20 K [Genes {\it et al.}, Phys. Rev. A \textbf{77}, 050307(R) (2008)] to 32 K. We also investigate the entanglement transfer based on this coupled system. The scheme can be used for the realization of quantum memories for continuous variable quantum information processing and quantum-limited displacement measurements.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure

    Modulation of entanglement between two oscillators separated in space with an optical parametric amplifier

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    We propose a scheme to modulate the entanglement between two oscillators separated in space via the squeezing cavity field generated by the optical parametric amplifier instead of injecting the squeezing field directly with the assistance of Coulomb interaction. We show that the Coulomb interaction between the oscillators is the essential reason for the existence of entanglement. Due to the gain of the optical parametric amplifier and the phase of the pump driving the optical parametric amplifier can simultaneously modulate the squeezing cavity field, the radiation pressure interaction between the cavity field and the oscillator is modulated accordingly. We find that there is competing effect between the radiation pressure interaction and the Coulomb interaction for the oscillator which these two interactions act on simultaneously. Therefore, the modulation of entanglement can be achieved with the assistance of Coulomb interaction. The results of numerical simulation show that the present scheme has stronger robustness against the temperature of environment compared with previous schemes in experimentally feasible regimes.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figure

    Steady-state mechanical squeezing in a double-cavity optomechanical system

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    We study the physical properties of double-cavity optomechanical system in which the mechanical resonator interacts with one of the coupled cavities and another cavity is used as an auxiliary cavity. The model can be expected to achieve the strong optomechanical coupling strength and overcome the optomechanical cavity decay, simultaneously. Through the coherent auxiliary cavity interferences, the steady-state squeezing of mechanical resonator can be generated in highly unresolved sideband regime. The validity of the scheme is assessed by numerical simulation and theoretical analysis of the steady-state variance of the mechanical displacement quadrature. The scheme provides a platform for the mechanical squeezing beyond the resolved sideband limit and addresses the restricted experimental bounds at present.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1512.0653

    Steady-state mechanical squeezing in a hybrid atom-optomechanical system with a highly dissipative cavity

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    Quantum squeezing of mechanical resonator is important for studying the macroscopic quantum effects and the precision metrology of weak forces. Here we give a theoretical study of a hybrid atom-optomechanical system in which the steady-state squeezing of the mechanical resonator can be generated via the mechanical nonlinearity and cavity cooling process. The validity of the scheme is assessed by simulating the steady-state variance of the mechanical displacement quadrature numerically. The scheme is robust against dissipation of the optical cavity, and the steady-state squeezing can be effectively generated in a highly dissipative cavity

    Direct conversion of a three-atom W state to a Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger state in spatially separated cavities

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    State conversion between Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) state and W state is an open challenging problem because they cannot be converted to each other only by local operations and classical communication. Here we propose a cavity quantum electrodynamics method based on interference of polarized photons emitted by the atoms trapped in spatially separated optical cavities that can convert a three-atom W state to a GHZ state. We calculate the success probability and fidelity of the converted GHZ state when the cavity decay, atomic spontaneous decay, and photon leakage of the cavities are taken into account for a practical system, which shows that the proposed scheme is feasible and within the reach of current experimental technology.Comment: 12pages, 4 figures; to appear in Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physic

    Multi-qubit non-adiabatic holonomic controlled quantum gates in decoherence-free subspaces

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    Non-adiabatic holonomic quantum gate in decoherence-free subspaces is of greatly practical importance due to its built-in fault tolerance, coherence stabilization virtues, and short run-time. Here we propose some compact schemes to implement two- and three-qubit controlled unitary quantum gates and Fredkin gate. For the controlled unitary quantum gates, the unitary operator acting on the target qubit is an arbitrary single-qubit gate operation. The controlled quantum gates can be directly implemented using non-adiabatic holonomy in decoherence-free subspaces and the required resource for the decoherence-free subspace encoding is minimal by using only two neighboring physical qubits undergoing collective dephasing to encode a logical qubit.Comment: 12 pages, 0 figure

    Spontaneous PT symmetry breaking in non-Hermitian coupled cavities array

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    We study the effects of the position of the passive and active cavities on the spontaneous parity-time (PT) symmetry breaking behavior in non-Hermitian coupled cavities array model. We analyze and discuss the energy eigenvalue spectrums and PT symmetry in the topologically trivial and nontrivial regimes under three different cases in detail, i.e., the passive and active cavities are located at, respectively, the two end positions, the second and penultimate positions, and each position in coupled cavities array. The odevity of the number of cavities is further considered to check the effects of the non-Hermitian terms applied on the PT symmetric and asymmetric systems. We find that the position of the passive and active cavities has remarkable impacts on the spontaneous PT symmetry breaking behavior, and in each case the system exhibits distinguishable and novel spontaneous PT symmetry breaking characteristic, respectively. The effects of the non-Hermitian terms on the PT\mathcal{PT} symmetric and asymmetric systems due to the odevity are comparatively different in the first case while qualitatively same in the second case