261 research outputs found

    Generative Model with Coordinate Metric Learning for Object Recognition Based on 3D Models

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    Given large amount of real photos for training, Convolutional neural network shows excellent performance on object recognition tasks. However, the process of collecting data is so tedious and the background are also limited which makes it hard to establish a perfect database. In this paper, our generative model trained with synthetic images rendered from 3D models reduces the workload of data collection and limitation of conditions. Our structure is composed of two sub-networks: semantic foreground object reconstruction network based on Bayesian inference and classification network based on multi-triplet cost function for avoiding over-fitting problem on monotone surface and fully utilizing pose information by establishing sphere-like distribution of descriptors in each category which is helpful for recognition on regular photos according to poses, lighting condition, background and category information of rendered images. Firstly, our conjugate structure called generative model with metric learning utilizing additional foreground object channels generated from Bayesian rendering as the joint of two sub-networks. Multi-triplet cost function based on poses for object recognition are used for metric learning which makes it possible training a category classifier purely based on synthetic data. Secondly, we design a coordinate training strategy with the help of adaptive noises acting as corruption on input images to help both sub-networks benefit from each other and avoid inharmonious parameter tuning due to different convergence speed of two sub-networks. Our structure achieves the state of the art accuracy of over 50\% on ShapeNet database with data migration obstacle from synthetic images to real photos. This pipeline makes it applicable to do recognition on real images only based on 3D models.Comment: 14 page

    Adversarial Semantic Scene Completion from a Single Depth Image

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    We propose a method to reconstruct, complete and semantically label a 3D scene from a single input depth image. We improve the accuracy of the regressed semantic 3D maps by a novel architecture based on adversarial learning. In particular, we suggest using multiple adversarial loss terms that not only enforce realistic outputs with respect to the ground truth, but also an effective embedding of the internal features. This is done by correlating the latent features of the encoder working on partial 2.5D data with the latent features extracted from a variational 3D auto-encoder trained to reconstruct the complete semantic scene. In addition, differently from other approaches that operate entirely through 3D convolutions, at test time we retain the original 2.5D structure of the input during downsampling to improve the effectiveness of the internal representation of our model. We test our approach on the main benchmark datasets for semantic scene completion to qualitatively and quantitatively assess the effectiveness of our proposal.Comment: 2018 International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV

    Regional surname affinity: a spatial network approach

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    OBJECTIVE We investigate surname affinities among areas of modern‐day China, by constructing a spatial network, and making community detection. It reports a geographical genealogy of the Chinese population that is result of population origins, historical migrations, and societal evolutions. MATERIALS AND METHODS We acquire data from the census records supplied by China's National Citizen Identity Information System, including the surname and regional information of 1.28 billion registered Chinese citizens. We propose a multilayer minimum spanning tree (MMST) to construct a spatial network based on the matrix of isonymic distances, which is often used to characterize the dissimilarity of surname structure among areas. We use the fast unfolding algorithm to detect network communities. RESULTS We obtain a 10‐layer MMST network of 362 prefecture nodes and 3,610 edges derived from the matrix of the Euclidean distances among these areas. These prefectures are divided into eight groups in the spatial network via community detection. We measure the partition by comparing the inter‐distances and intra‐distances of the communities and obtain meaningful regional ethnicity classification. DISCUSSION The visualization of the resulting communities on the map indicates that the prefectures in the same community are usually geographically adjacent. The formation of this partition is influenced by geographical factors, historic migrations, trade and economic factors, as well as isolation of culture and language. The MMST algorithm proves to be effective in geo‐genealogy and ethnicity classification for it retains essential information about surname affinity and highlights the geographical consanguinity of the population.National Natural Science Foundation of China, Grant/Award Numbers: 61773069, 71731002; National Social Science Foundation of China, Grant/Award Number: 14BSH024; Foundation of China of China Scholarships Council, Grant/Award Numbers: 201606045048, 201706040188, 201706040015; DOE, Grant/Award Number: DE-AC07-05Id14517; DTRA, Grant/Award Number: HDTRA1-14-1-0017; NSF, Grant/Award Numbers: CHE-1213217, CMMI-1125290, PHY-1505000 (61773069 - National Natural Science Foundation of China; 71731002 - National Natural Science Foundation of China; 14BSH024 - National Social Science Foundation of China; 201606045048 - Foundation of China of China Scholarships Council; 201706040188 - Foundation of China of China Scholarships Council; 201706040015 - Foundation of China of China Scholarships Council; DE-AC07-05Id14517 - DOE; HDTRA1-14-1-0017 - DTRA; CHE-1213217 - NSF; CMMI-1125290 - NSF; PHY-1505000 - NSF)Published versio

    New Approach for Unambiguous High-Resolution Wide-Swath SAR Imaging

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    The high-resolution wide-swath (HRWS) SAR system uses a small antenna for transmitting waveform and multiple antennas both in elevation and azimuth for receiving echoes. It has the potential to achieve wide spatial coverage and fine azimuth resolution, while it suffers from elevation pattern loss caused by the presence of topographic height and impaired azimuth resolution caused by nonuniform sampling. A new approach for HRWS SAR imaging based on compressed sensing (CS) is introduced. The data after range compression of multiple elevation apertures are used to estimate direction of arrival (DOA) of targets via CS, and the adaptive digital beamforming in elevation is achieved accordingly, which avoids the pattern loss of scan-on-receive (SCORE) algorithm when topographic height exists. The effective phase centers of the system are nonuniformly distributed when displaced phase center antenna (DPCA) technology is adopted, which causes Doppler ambiguities under traditional SAR imaging algorithms. Azimuth reconstruction based on CS can resolve this problem via precisely modeling the nonuniform sampling. Validation with simulations and experiment in an anechoic chamber are presented

    ForkNet: Multi-branch Volumetric Semantic Completion from a Single Depth Image

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    We propose a novel model for 3D semantic completion from a single depth image, based on a single encoder and three separate generators used to reconstruct different geometric and semantic representations of the original and completed scene, all sharing the same latent space. To transfer information between the geometric and semantic branches of the network, we introduce paths between them concatenating features at corresponding network layers. Motivated by the limited amount of training samples from real scenes, an interesting attribute of our architecture is the capacity to supplement the existing dataset by generating a new training dataset with high quality, realistic scenes that even includes occlusion and real noise. We build the new dataset by sampling the features directly from latent space which generates a pair of partial volumetric surface and completed volumetric semantic surface. Moreover, we utilize multiple discriminators to increase the accuracy and realism of the reconstructions. We demonstrate the benefits of our approach on standard benchmarks for the two most common completion tasks: semantic 3D scene completion and 3D object completion.Comment: Accepted in International Conference on Computer Vision 201