123 research outputs found

    Uniform Lipschitz regularity of flat segregated interfaces in a singularly perturbed problem

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    For the singularly perturbed system Δui,β=βui,β∑j≠iuj,β2,1≤i≤N,\Delta u_{i,\beta}=\beta u_{i,\beta}\sum_{j\neq i}u_{j,\beta}^2, \quad 1\leq i\leq N, we prove that flat interfaces are uniformly Lipschitz. As a byproduct of the proof we also obtain the optimal lower bound near the flat interfaces, ∑iui,β≥cβ−1/4.\sum_iu_{i,\beta}\geq c\beta^{-1/4}.Comment: 11 page

    Some remarks on the structure of finite Morse index solutions to the Allen-Cahn equation in R2\mathbb{R}^2

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    For a solution of the Allen-Cahn equation in R2\mathbb{R}^2, under the natural linear growth energy bound, we show that the blowing down limit is unique. Furthermore, if the solution has finite Morse index, the blowing down limit satisfies the multiplicity one property.Comment: 13 page

    On Serrin's overdetermined problem and a conjecture of Berestycki, Caffarelli and Nirenberg

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    This paper concerns rigidity results to Serrin's overdetermined problem in an epigraph {Δu+f(u)=0,   in Ω={(x′,xn):xn>φ(x′)},u>0,   in Ω,u=0,   on ∂Ω,∣∇u∣=const.on∂Ω.. \{\begin{aligned} &\Delta u+ f(u)=0,\ \ \ {in}\ \Omega=\{(x^\prime,x_n): x_n>\varphi (x^\prime)\},\\ &u>0,\ \ \ {in}\ \Omega,\\ &u=0,\ \ \ {on}\ \partial\Omega,\\ &|\nabla u|=const. {on} \partial\Omega. \end{aligned}. We prove that up to isometry the epigraph must be an half space and that the solution uu must be one-dimensional, provided that one of the following assumptions are satisfied: either n=2n=2; or φ \varphi is globally Lipschitz, or n≤8n \leq 8 and ∂u∂xn>0 \frac{\partial u}{\partial x_n} >0 in Ω\Omega. In view of the counterexample constructed in \cite{DPW} in dimensions n≥9n\geq 9 this result is optimal. This partially answers a conjecture of Berestycki, Caffarelli and Nirenberg \cite{BCN}.Comment: comments are welcom

    On the uniqueness of solutions of an nonlocal elliptic system

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    We consider the following elliptic system with fractional laplacian -(-\Delta)^su=uv^2,\ \ -(-\Delta)^sv=vu^2,\ \ u,v>0 \ \mbox{on}\ \R^n, where s∈(0,1)s\in(0,1) and (−Δ)s(-\Delta)^s is the ss-Lapalcian. We first prove that all positive solutions must have polynomial bound. Then we use the Almgren monotonicity formula to perform a blown-down analysis to ss-harmonic functions. Finally we use the method of moving planes to prove the uniqueness of the one dimensional profile, up to translation and scaling.Comment: 35 page

    On solutions with polynomial growth to an autonomous nonlinear elliptic problem

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    We study the following nonlinear elliptic problem [-\Delta u =F^{'} (u) in {\mathbb R}^n] where F(u)F(u) is a periodic function. Moser (1986) showed that for any minimal and nonself-intersecting solution, there exist α∈Rn \alpha \in {\mathbb R}^n and C>0 C>0 such that [(*) | u- \alpha \cdot x | \leq C.] He also showed the existence of solutions with any prescribed α∈Rn\alpha \in {\mathbb R}^n. In this note, we first prove that any solution satisfying (*) with nonzero vector α\alpha must be one dimensional. Then we show that in R2{\mathbb R}^2, for any positive integer d≥1d\geq 1 there exists a solution with polynomial growth ∣x∣d|x|^d.Comment: all comments are welcom

    Finite Morse index implies finite ends

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    We prove that finite Morse index solutions to the Allen-Cahn equation in R2\R^2 have {\bf finitely many ends} and {\bf linear energy growth}. The main tool is a {\bf curvature decay estimate} on level sets of these finite Morse index solutions, which in turn is reduced to a problem on the uniform second order regularity of clustering interfaces for the singularly perturbed Allen-Cahn equation in Rn\R^n. Using an indirect blow-up technique, in the spirit of the classical Colding-Minicozzi theory in minimal surfaces, we show that the {\bf obstruction} to the uniform second order regularity of clustering interfaces in Rn\R^n is associated to the existence of nontrivial entire solutions to a (finite or infinite) {\bf Toda system} in Rn−1\R^{n-1}. For finite Morse index solutions in R2\R^2, we show that this obstruction does not exist by using information on stable solutions of the Toda system.Comment: 66 page

    Global minimizers of the Allen-Cahn equation in dimension n≥8n\geq 8

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    We prove the existence of global minimizers of Allen-Cahn equation in dimensions 88 and above. More precisely, given any strictly area-minimizing Lawson's cones, there are global minimizers whose nodal sets are asymptotic to the cones. As a consequence of Jerison-Monneau's program we establish the existence of many counter-examples to the De Giorgi's conjecture different from the Bombierie-De Giorgi-Giusti minimal graph.Comment: 21 page

    On one phase free boundary problem in RN\mathbb{R}^{N}

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    We construct a smooth axially symmetric solution to the classical one phase free boundary problem in RN\mathbb{R}^{N}. Its free boundary is of \textquotedblleft catenoid\textquotedblright\ type. This is a higher dimensional analogy of the Hauswirth-Helein-Pacard solution in R2\mathbb{R}% ^{2} (\cite{Pacard}). The existence of such solution is conjectured in \cite [Remark 2.4]{Pacard}.Comment: 42 page

    A new proof of Savin's theorem on Allen-Cahn equations

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    In this paper we establish an improvement of tilt-excess decay estimate for the Allen-Cahn equation, and use this to give a new proof of Savin's theorem on the uniform C1,αC^{1,\alpha} regularity of flat level sets, which then implies the one dimensional symmetry of minimizers in Rn\mathbb{R}^n for n≤7n\leq 7. This generalizes Allard's ε\varepsilon-regularity theorem for stationary varifolds to the setting of Allen-Cahn equations.Comment: 63 pages, author's final version. To appear in J. Eur. Math. So

    A generalized one phase Stefan problem as a vanishing viscosity limit

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    We study the vanishing viscosity limit of a nonlinear diffusion equation describing chemical reaction interface or the spatial segregation interface of competing species, where the diffusion rate for the negative part of the solution converges to zero. As in the standard one phase Stefan problem, we prove that the positive part of the solution converges uniformly to the solution of a generalized one phase Stefan problem. This information is then employed to determine the limiting equation for the negative part, which is an ordinary differential equation.Comment: 18 pages, title changed, accepted for publication in Portugaliae Mathematic
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