3,723 research outputs found

    Quantum secure communication protocols based on entanglement swapping

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    We present a quantum secure direct communication protocol and a multiparty quantum secret sharing protocol based on Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen pairs and entanglement swapping. The present quantum secure direct communication protocol makes use of the ideal of block transmission. We also point out that the sender can encode his or her secret message without ensuring the security of the quantum channel firstly. In the multiparty quantum secret sharing protocol, the communication parties adopt checking mode or encoding mode with a certain probability. It is not necessary for the protocol to perform local unitary operation. In both the protocols, one party transmits only one photon for each Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen pair to another party and the security for the transmitting photons is ensured by selecting Z-basis or X-basis randomly to measure the sampling photons

    Quantum secure direct communication with pure entangled states

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    We present a quantum secure direct communication protocol where the channels are not maximally entangled states. The communication parties utilize decoy photons to check eavesdropping. After ensuring the security of the quantum channel, the sender encodes the secret message and transmits it to the receiver by using Controlled-NOT operation and von Neumann measurement. The protocol is simple and realizable with present technology. We also show the protocol is secure for noisy quantum channel

    Multiparty controlled quantum secret direct communication using Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger state

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    Base on the idea of dense coding of three-photon entangled state and qubit transmission in blocks, we present a multiparty controlled quantum secret direct communication scheme using Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger state. In the present scheme, the sender transmits her three bits of secret message to the receiver directly and the secret message can only be recovered by the receiver under the permission of all the controllers. All three-photon entangled states are used to transmit the secret messages except those chosen for eavesdropping check and the present scheme has a high source capacity because Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger state forms a large Hilbert space

    Efficient multiparty quantum secret sharing of secure direct communication

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    In this paper, we present an (n, n) threshold quantum secret sharing scheme of secure direct communication using Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger state. The present scheme is efficient in that all the Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states used in the quantum secret sharing scheme are used to generate shared secret messages except those chosen for checking eavesdropper. In our scheme, the measuring basis of communication parties is invariable and the classical information used to check eavesdropping needs only the results of measurements of the communication parties. Another nice feature of our scheme is that the sender transmit her secret messages to the receivers directly and the receivers recover the sender's secret by combining their results, different from the QSS scheme whose object is essentially to allow a sender to establish a shared key with the receivers. This feature of our scheme is similar to that of quantum secret direct communication

    Semiquantum secret sharing using two-particle entangled state

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    Recently, Boyer et al. presented a novel semiquantum key distribution protocol [M. Boyer, D. Kenigsberg, and T. Mor, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 140501 (2007)], in which quantum Alice shares a secret key with classical Bob. Li et al. proposed two semiquantum secret sharing protocols [Q. Li, W. H. Chan, and D. Y. Long, Phys. Rev. A 82, 022303 (2010)] by using maximally entangled Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states. In this paper, we present a semiquantum secret sharing protocol by using two-particle entangled states in which quantum Alice shares a secret key with two classical parties, Bob and Charlie. Classical Bob and Charlie are restricted to performing measurement in the computational basis, preparing a particle in the computational basis, or reflecting the particles. None of them can acquire the secret unless they collaborate. We also show the protocol is secure against eavesdropping.Comment: 8 page

    Security proof of Counterfactual Quantum Cryptography against General Intercept-resend Attacks and Its Vulnerability

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    Counterfactual quantum cryptography (CQC), recently proposed by Noh, is featured with no transmission of signal particles. This exhibits evident security advantage, such as its immunity to the well known PNS attack. In this paper, the theoretical security of CQC protocol against the general intercept-resend attacks is proved by bounding the information of an eavesdropper Eve more tightly than in Yin's proposal[Phys. Rev. A 82, 042335 (2010)]. It is also showed that practical CQC implementations may be vulnerable when equipped with imperfect apparatuses, by proving that a negative key rate can be achieved when Eve launches a time-shift attack based on imperfect detector efficiency.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Efficient spectral hole-burning and atomic frequency comb storage in Nd3+:YLiF4

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    We present spectral hole-burning measurements of the 4I9/2→4F3/2^{4}I_{9/2}\rightarrow{}^4F_{3/2} transition in Nd3+^{3+}:YLiF4_4. The isotope shifts of Nd3+^{3+} can be directly resolved in the optical absorption spectrum. We report atomic frequency comb storage with an echo efficiency of up to 35% and a memory bandwidth of 60 MHz in this material. The interesting properties show the potential of this material for use in both quantum and classical information processing

    The Higgs-Boson Decay H→ggH\to gg to Order αs5\alpha_s^5 under the mMOM-Scheme

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    We study the decay width of the Higgs-boson H→ggH\to gg up to order αs5\alpha_s^5 under the minimal momentum space subtraction scheme (mMOM-scheme). To improve the accuracy of perturbative QCD prediction, we adopt the principle of maximum conformality (PMC) to set its renormalization scales. A detailed comparison of the total decay width and the separate decay widths at each perturbative order before and after the PMC scale setting is presented. The PMC adopts the renormalization group equation to fix the optimal scales of the process. After the PMC scale setting, the scale-dependence for both the total and the separate decay widths are greatly suppressed, and the convergence of perturbative QCD series is improved. By taking the Higgs mass MH=125.09±0.21±0.11M_H=125.09\pm 0.21\pm 0.11 GeV, as recently given by the ATLAS and CMS collaborations, we predict Γ(H→gg)∣mMOM,PMC=339.1±1.7−2.4+4.0\Gamma(H\to gg)|_{\rm mMOM, PMC} = 339.1\pm 1.7^{+4.0}_{-2.4} keV, where the first error is for Higgs mass and the second error is the residual scale dependence by varying the initial scale μr∈[MH/2,4MH]\mu_r\in[M_H/2,4M_H].Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures. Revised version to be published in J.Phys.

    QCD corrections to the BcB_c to charmonia semi-leptonic decays

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    We present a detailed analysis on the BcB_c meson semi-leptonic decays, Bc→ηc(J/ψ)ℓνB_c \to \eta_c (J/\psi) \ell \nu, up to next-to-leading order (NLO) QCD correction. We adopt the principle of maximum conformality (PMC) to set the renormalization scales for those decays. After applying the PMC scale setting, we determine the optimal renormalization scale for the Bc→ηc(J/ψ)B_c\to\eta_c(J/\psi) transition form factors (TFFs). Because of the same {β0}\{\beta_0\}-terms, the optimal PMC scales at the NLO level are the same for all those TFFs, i.e. μrPMC≈0.8GeV\mu_r^{\rm PMC} \approx 0.8{\rm GeV}. We adopt a strong coupling model from the massive perturbation theory (MPT) to achieve a reliable pQCD estimation in this low energy region. Furthermore, we adopt a monopole form as an extrapolation for the Bc→ηc(J/ψ)B_c\to\eta_c(J/\psi) TFFs to all their allowable q2q^2 region. Then, we predict ΓBc→ηcℓν(ℓ=e,μ)=(71.53−8.90+11.27)×10−15GeV\Gamma_{B_c \to \eta_c \ell \nu}(\ell=e,\mu) =(71.53^{+11.27}_{-8.90})\times 10^{-15} {\rm GeV}, ΓBc→ηcτν=(27.14−4.33+5.93)×10−15GeV\Gamma_{B_c \to \eta_c \tau \nu}=(27.14^{+5.93}_{-4.33})\times 10^{-15} {\rm GeV}, ΓBc→J/ψℓν(ℓ=e,μ)=(106.31−14.01+18.59)×10−15GeV\Gamma_{B_c \to J/\psi \ell \nu}(\ell=e,\mu) =(106.31^{+18.59}_{-14.01}) \times 10^{-15} {\rm GeV}, ΓBc→J/ψτν=(28.25−4.35+6.02)×10−15GeV\Gamma_{B_c \to J/\psi \tau \nu} =(28.25^{+6.02}_{-4.35})\times 10^{-15} {\rm GeV}, where the uncertainties are squared averages of all the mentioned error sources. We show that the present prediction of the production cross section times branching ratio for Bc+→J/ψℓ+vB^+_c\to J/\psi \ell^+ v relative to that for B+→J/ψK+B^+ \to J/\psi K^+, i.e. ℜ(J/ψℓ+ν)\Re(J/\psi \ell^+ \nu), is in a better agreement with CDF measurements than the previous predictions.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Exclusive charmonium production from e+e−e^+ e^- annihilation round the Z0Z^0 peak

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    We make a comparative and comprehensive study on the charmonium exclusive productions at the e+e−e^+e^- collider with the collision energy either round the Z0Z^0-boson mass for a super ZZ factory or equals to 10.6 GeV for the BB factories as Belle and BABAR. We study the total cross sections for the charmonium production via the exclusive processes e+e−→γ∗/Z0→H1+H2e^+e^- \to \gamma^*/Z^0 \to H_{1}+H_{2} and e+e−→γ∗/Z0→H1+γe^+e^- \to \gamma^*/Z^0 \to H_{1} +\gamma, where H1H_{1} and H2H_{2} represent the dominant color-singlet SS-wave and PP-wave charmonium states respectively. Total cross sections versus the e+e−e^+e^- collision energy s\sqrt{s}, together with their uncertainties, are presented, which clearly show the relative importance of these channels. At the BB factory, the production channels via the virtual γ∗\gamma^* propagator are dominant over the channels via the Z0Z^0 propagator by about four orders. While, at the super ZZ factory, due to the Z0Z^0-boson resonance effect, the Z0Z^0 boson channels shall provide sizable or even dominant contributions in comparison to the channels via the γ∗\gamma^* propagator. Sizable exclusive charmonium events can be produced at the super ZZ factory with high luminocity up to 1036cm−2s−110^{36}{\rm cm}^{-2}{\rm s}^{-1}, especially for the channel of e+e−→Z0→H1+γe^+e^- \to Z^0 \to H_{1} +\gamma, e.g. by taking mc=1.50±0.20m_c=1.50\pm0.20 GeV, we shall have (5.0−0.6+0.8)×104(5.0^{+0.8}_{-0.6})\times10^4 J/ψJ/\psi, (7.5−0.9+1.1)×103(7.5^{+1.1}_{-0.9})\times10^3 ηc\eta_c, (6.2−1.9+3.3)×103(6.2^{+3.3}_{-1.9})\times10^3 hch_{c}, (3.1−0.9+1.7)×102(3.1^{+1.7}_{-0.9})\times10^2 χc0\chi_{c0}, (2.2−0.4+1.0)×103(2.2^{+1.0}_{-0.4})\times10^3 χc1\chi_{c1}, and (7.7−2.4+4.1)×102(7.7^{+4.1}_{-2.4})\times10^2 χc2\chi_{c2} events by one operation year. Thus, in addition to the BB factories as BABAR and Belle, such a super ZZ factory shall provide another useful platform for studying the heavy quarkonium properties and for testing QCD theories.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures. References and discussions updated. To be published in Phys.Rev.
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