88 research outputs found

    Do the government subsidies inhibit the entity over-financialization? Fresh evidence from China

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    In order to verify effect of the industrial policies on solving the problem of market failure, we collect the data from China A-share listed companies among 2008-2019, and analyze the effect of government subsidies on the entity over-financialization. The results show that government subsidies significantly inhibit the entity over-financialization. Because the government subsidies could increase the performance of enterprise’s main business and level of the enterprise’s profitability. Subsequently, the enterprise’s arbitrage from cross-industries and the managers’ composition could be decreased. Consequently, government subsidies could reduce the entity over-financialization by the reduce of enterprise’s arbitrage from multi-industries and increase of the managers’ composition which is related to the enterprise’s performance. The results also indicate that the entity financialization is mainly motivated by enterprise arbitrage rather than ‘preventive reserve’ in China. Moreover, the inhibitory effect of government subsidies on the entity over-financialization is only significant in the enterprises with non-state-owned, high-tech, and higher level of demand of innovation. Thus, the government should accurately implement subsidy policies for the enterprises and increase the supports for enterprises with high-tech and higher level of demand of innovation, which could promote economy high-quality development

    Pročišćavanje i karakterizacija fibrinolitičkog enzima iz plijesni Rhizopus microsporus var. tuberosus

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    Extracellular fibrinolytic enzyme from Rhizopus microsporus var. tuberosus was purified and characterised. The microorganism was isolated in a distillery from daqu, a fermentative agent used in the production of Chinese liquor and vinegar at diff erent temperatures. The fibrinolytic enzyme was partially purifi ed by ammonium sulphate precipitation, dialysis, DEAE Sepharose® Fast Flow ion exchange chromatography and Sephadex G-75 gel filtration chromatography. The molecular mass of the fi brinolytic enzyme was estimated to be 24.5 kDa by SDS-PAGE. The purified enzyme showed optimal activity at pH=7.0 and 37 °C by fibrin plate method. It showed stronger resistance to the inhibition by trypsin and was stable at 37 °C retaining 96.1 % residual activity aft er 4 h of incubation. The fibrinolytic activity of the enzyme was enhanced by Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+ and Mn2+. Conversely, Zn2+ and Cu2+ partly inhibited enzymatic activity. Using fibrin plate method, we found that the enzyme not only degrades fibrin directly, but also activates plasminogen into plasmin to degrade fibrin. The results indicate that the pure enzyme has a potential in dissolving blood clot, and the possibility for application in the treatment of thrombosis.U radu je pročišćen i ispitan izvanstanični fibrinolitički enzim iz plijesni Rhizopus microsporus var. tuberosus. Mikroorganizam je izoliran u distileriji iz starter kulture koja se koristi za fermentaciju tradicionalnog kineskog likera i octa pri različitim temperaturama, tzv. daqu. Fibrinolitički je enzim djelomično pročišćen taloženjem pomoću amonijevog sulfata, dijalizom, ionskom kromatografijom na koloni DEAE Sepharose Fast Flow i gel-filtracijskom kromatografijom na koloni Sephadex G-7. Molekularna masa fibrinolitičkog enzima, određena pomoću SDS-PAGE, iznosila je 24,5 kDa. Optimalni uvjeti za aktivnost pročišćenog enzima bili su pH=7,0 i 37 °C. Enzim je bio otporan na inhibiciju tripsinom, stabilan pri 37 °C, te je zadržao 96,1 % aktivnosti nakon 4 sata inkubacije. Fibrinolitička se aktivnost enzima pojačala u prisutnosti iona Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+ i Mn2+, dok su ioni Zn2+ i Cu2+ djelomično inhibirali njegovu aktivnost. Utvrđeno je da enzim izravno razgrađuje fibrin, i aktivira plazminogen, pri čemu nastali plazmin razgrađuje fibrin. Rezultati pokazuju da se pročišćeni enzim može primijeniti u liječenju tromboze, jer ima sposobnost razgradnje krvnih ugrušaka

    Stability analysis of token-based wireless networked control systems under deception attacks

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    Currently, cyber-security has attracted a lot of attention, in particular in wireless industrial control networks (WICNs). In this paper, the stability of wireless networked control systems (WNCSs) under deception, attacks is studied with a token-based protocol applied to the data link layer (DLL) of WICNS. Since deception attacks cause the stability problem of WNCSs by changing the data transmitted over a wireless network, it is important to detect deception attacks, discard the injected false data and compensate for the missing data (i.e., the discarded original data with the injected false data). The main contributions of this paper are: 1) With respect to the character of the token-based protocol, a switched system model is developed. Different from the traditional switched system where the number of subsystems is fixed, in our new model this number will be changed under deception attacks. 2) For this model, a new Kalman filter (KF) is developed for the purpose of attack detection and the missing data reconstruction. 3) For the given linear feedback WNCSs, when the noise level is below a threshold derived in this paper, the maximum allowable duration of deception attacks is obtained to maintain the exponential stability of the system. Finally, a numerical example based on a linearized model of an inverted pendulum is provided to demonstrate the proposed design

    Combining linear-scaling quantum transport and machine-learning molecular dynamics to study thermal and electronic transports in complex materials

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    We propose an efficient approach for simultaneous prediction of thermal and electronic transport properties in complex materials. Firstly, a highly efficient machine-learned neuroevolution potential is trained using reference data from quantum-mechanical density-functional theory calculations. This trained potential is then applied in large-scale molecular dynamics simulations, enabling the generation of realistic structures and accurate characterization of thermal transport properties. In addition, molecular dynamics simulations of atoms and linear-scaling quantum transport calculations of electrons are coupled to account for the electron-phonon scattering and other disorders that affect the charge carriers governing the electronic transport properties. We demonstrate the usefulness of this unified approach by studying thermoelectric transport properties of a graphene antidot lattice.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Effect of silt modification on the properties of magnesium phosphate cement

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    Magnesium phosphate cement (MPC), as a new type of cementitious material, is difficult to be popularized in practical applications due to its short setting time, high cost, and poor water resistance. Dredged silt (DS) is a kind of hazardous waste, which may cause serious damage to the ecological environment if it is not disposed of properly. The treatment of DS and its reuse in building materials is an economical and environmentally friendly treatment method, which not only realizes the recycling of DS but also avoids secondary pollution. Using the treated DS as a mineral admixture for modified MPC not only recycles the DS but also improves the properties of MPC. In this paper, the effect of DS modification on the properties of MPC was investigated by setting time test, mechanical property test, water resistance test, and RCM test, and also compared with the modification effect of common mineral admixtures, such as fly ash (FA) and metakaolin (Mk), and finally analyzed by combining with SEM pictures. With the increase of the dosage of FA, Mk, and DS, the compressive strength of the modified MPC all showed the trend of increasing and then decreasing, and the optimal dosage was 5%, 10%, and 15%, respectively. At the optimum dosage, Mk and FA could improve the resistance of MPC to chloride erosion, but DS could not. The three kinds of admixtures could prolong the setting time of MPC, with DS having the best effect, followed by FA, and Mk having the smallest effect. All three admixtures could improve the water resistance of MPC, and the effect of improvement was Mk > DS > FA. The microstructure of the specimen was denser when the dosage of DS was low, and when the dosage was too much, the hydration reaction of MPC was affected, resulting in incomplete hydration and reduced hydration products. This research has significant guiding significance for the treatment of DS and the modification of MPC

    A Novel Antidiabetic Food Produced via Solid-State Fermentation of Tartary Buckwheat by L. plantarum TK9 and L. paracasei TK1501

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    Dijabetes je kronična metabolička bolest koju karakteriziraju povećana razina šećera u krvi te niz mogućih komplikacija vezanih s tim, što znatno umanjuje kakvoću života pacijenta. U ovom smo istraživanju proizveli funkcionalnu hranu za dijabetičare od heljde fermentirane s pomoću sojeva Lactobacillus plantarum TK9 i L. paracasei TK1501. Rezultati ortogonalnog eksperimentalnog plana pokazuju da su tri glavna faktora koja su najviše utjecala na rast L. plantarum TK9 i L. paracasei TK1501 na čvrstoj podlozi bili: omjer supstrata i vode>veličina inokuluma>vrijeme fermentacije. Pri optimalnim uvjetima fermentacije heljde, a to su: omjer supstrata i vode 1:1,5, vrijeme fermentacije od 24 h i inokulum od 10^7 CFU/g, dobiveno je (2,3±0,7)·10^9 probiotika s pomoću soja L. plantarum TK9 i (3,3±0,4)·10^9 CFU/g probiotika s pomoću soja L. paracasei TK1501. Ispitani su hranjiva vrijednost te antioksidativni i antidijabetički učinci etanolskog ekstrakta fermentirane heljde. Najjača inhibicija α-glukozidaze s IC50=0,51 mg/mL postignuta je s heljdom fermentiranom s pomoću L. plantarum TK9, dok je heljda fermentirana s pomoću L. paracasei TK1501 najviše inhibirala dipeptidil peptidazu IV (DPP-IV), s IC50=2,47 mg/mL. Stoga je zaključeno da se pomoću oba soja može proizvesti hrana za dijabetičare koja smanjuje razinu šećera u krvi.Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disease characterized by hyperglycaemia and a number of potential complications that significantly reduce the patient’s quality of life. In this study, we produced an antidiabetic functional food from Tartary buckwheat fermented by Lactoba cillus plantarum TK9 and L. paracasei TK1501. The results of an orthogonal experimental design indicated that the three factors with the largest effects on the growth of L. plantarum TK9 and L. paracasei TK1501 in solid-state fermentation (SSF) were in the order: water ratio>inoculum size>time of fermentation. Under the optimal fermentation conditions comprising a 1:1.5 water ratio, 24 h of SSF and a 107 CFU/g inoculum, the Tartary buckwheat fermented by L. plantarum TK9 and L. paracasei TK1501 yielded viable probiotic counts of (2.3±0.7)·10^9 and (3.3±0.4)·10^9 CFU/g, respectively. The nutritional potential, as well as antioxidant and antidiabetic properties of ethanolic extracts from fermented Tartary buckwheat were investigated. The highest α-glucosidase inhibitory activity, with an IC50 of 0.51 mg/mL, was present in Tartary buckwheat fermented by L. plantarum TK9. However, Tartary buckwheat fermented by L. paracasei TK1501 had the highest dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP-IV) inhibition, with an IC50 of 2.47 mg/mL. Therefore, fermentation by both L. plantarum TK9 and L. paracasei TK1501 has the potential to yield a product that can help regulate the levels of blood glucose as part of a diabetic diet

    Production and Characterization of Antifungal Compounds Produced by Lactobacillus plantarum IMAU10014

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    Lactobacillus plantarum IMAU10014 was isolated from koumiss that produces a broad spectrum of antifungal compounds, all of which were active against plant pathogenic fungi in an agar plate assay. Two major antifungal compounds were extracted from the cell-free supernatant broth of L. plantarum IMAU10014. 3-phenyllactic acid and Benzeneacetic acid, 2-propenyl ester were carried out by HPLC, LC-MS, GC-MS, NMR analysis. It is the first report that lactic acid bacteria produce antifungal Benzeneacetic acid, 2-propenyl ester. Of these, the antifungal products also have a broad spectrum of antifungal activity, namely against Botrytis cinerea, Glomerella cingulate, Phytophthora drechsleri Tucker, Penicillium citrinum, Penicillium digitatum and Fusarium oxysporum, which was identified by the overlay and well-diffusion assay. F. oxysporum, P. citrinum and P. drechsleri Tucker were the most sensitive among molds

    The antibacterial activity and mechanism of imidazole chloride ionic liquids on Staphylococcus aureus

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    Ionic liquids (ILs) have garnered increasing attention in the biomedical field due to their unique properties. Although significant research has been conducted in recent years, there is still a lack of understanding of the potential applications of ILs in the biomedical field and the underlying principles. To identify the antibacterial activity and mechanism of ILs on bacteria, we evaluated the antimicrobial potency of imidazole chloride ILs (CnMIMCl) on Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus). The toxicity of ILs was positively correlated to the length of the imidazolidinyl side chain. We selected C12MIMCl to study the mechanism of S. aureus. Through the simultaneous change in the internal and external parts of S. aureus, C12MIMCl caused the death of the bacteria. The production of large amounts of reactive oxygen species (ROS) within the internal parts stimulated oxidative stress, inhibited bacterial metabolism, and led to bacterial death. The external cell membrane could be destroyed, causing the cytoplasm to flow out and the whole cell to be fragmented. The antibacterial effect of C12MIMCl on skin abscesses was further verified in vivo in mice