32 research outputs found

    Taiwan Oscillation Network

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    The Taiwan Oscillation Network (TON) is a ground-based network to measure solar intensity oscillations to study the internal structure of the Sun. K-line full-disk images of 1000 pixels diameter are taken at a rate of one image per minute. Such data would provide information onp-modes withl as high as 1000. The TON will consist of six identical telescope systems at proper longitudes around the world. Three telescope systems have been installed at Teide Observatory (Tenerife), Huairou Solar Observing Station (near Beijing), and Big Bear Solar Observatory (California). The telescopes at these three sites have been taking data simultaneously since October of 1994. Anl – v diagram derived from 512 images is included to show the quality of the data

    Fabrication and Imaging of Protein Crossover Structures

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    ABSTRACT Proteins often deform, dehydrate or otherwise denature when adsorbed or patterned directly onto an inorganic substrate, thus losing specificity and biofunctionality. One method used to maintain function is to pattern the protein of interest directly onto another underlying protein or polypeptide that acts as a buffer layer between the substrate and the desired protein. We have used microcontact printing (µcp) to cross-stamp orthogonal linear arrays of two different proteins (e.g., IgG, poly-lysine, protein A) onto glass substrates. This created three separate types of protein-substrate microenvironments, including crossover structures of protein one on protein two. We report preliminary fluorescent microscopy and scanning force microscopy characterization of these structures, including commonly encountered structural defects

    Low-level mosaic trisomy 13 at amniocentesis in a pregnancy associated with a positive NIPT result suspicious of trisomy 13, a CVS result of mosaic trisomy 13, cytogenetic discrepancy in various tissues and a favorable fetal outcome

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    Objective: We present low-level mosaic trisomy 13 at amniocentesis in a pregnancy associated with a positive non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) result suspicious of trisomy 13, a chorionic villus sampling (CVS) result of mosaic trisomy 13, cytogenetic discrepancy in various tissues and a favorable fetal outcome. Case report: A 29-year-old, gravida 2, para 1, woman underwent amniocentesis at 20 weeks of gestation because of a positive NIPT result (Z-score = 20.9, positive ≥3) suspicious of trisomy 13 at 11 weeks of gestation and a CVS result of mosaic trisomy 13 at 14 weeks of gestation. At 14 weeks of gestation, CVS revealed the multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) result of rea X,Y (P095) × 1, 13 (P095) × 3, 18,21 (P095) × 2/X,Y (P095) × 1, 13,18,21 (P095) × 2 and a karyotype of 48,XY,+13,+mar [9]/47,XY,+mar[16]. She was referred to the hospital for genetic counseling at 15 weeks of gestation, and cytogenetic analysis of parental blood revealed 47,XY,+mar in the father and 46, XX in the mother. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis on the paternal blood showed that the extra dicentric marker was derived from chromosome 15 without the locus SNRPN (15q11.2), and the result was 47,XY,+mar.ish dic(15) (D15Z1++, SNRPN-, PML-)[20]. Amniocentesis at 20 weeks of gestation revealed a karyotype of 47,XY,+mar pat (20/20). Simultaneous interphase FISH analysis on uncultured amniocytes revealed 32% (32/100 cells) mosaicism for trisomy 13. Quantitative fluorescence polymerase chain reaction (QF-PCR) analysis using the DNA extracted from the parental bloods and uncultured amniocytes excluded uniparental disomy (UPD) 13. Prenatal ultrasound findings were normal. The woman was advised to continue the pregnancy, and a phenotypically normal 2708-g male baby was delivered at 38 weeks of gestation, The cord blood, umbilical cord and placenta had the karyotypes of 47,XY,+mar pat and did not have UPD 13. When follow-up at age two months, the neonate was phenotypically normal. FISH analysis on buccal mucosal cells detected 5.3% (5/95 cells) mosaicism for trisomy 13, compared with 0% in the normal control. Conclusion: Low-level mosaic trisomy 13 at amniocentesis can be associated with a positive NIPT result suspicious of trisomy 13, a CVS result of mosaic trisomy 13, cytogenetic discrepancy in various tissues and a favorable fetal outcome

    Tazarotene Induces Apoptosis in Human Basal Cell Carcinoma via Activation of Caspase-8/t-Bid and the Reactive Oxygen Species-Dependent Mitochondrial Pathway

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    Previous studies suggest that tazarotene, a new member of the acetylenic class of RARβ/γ selective retinoids which is approved to treat a variety of skin diseases, exhibits an anti-proliferative effect in human basal cell carcinoma (BCC) by triggering caspase-dependent apoptosis. However, the detailed molecular mechanisms underlying the anti-tumor activity of tazarotene are poorly understood. This study aims at investigating the molecular mechanisms of tazarotene-induced apoptosis in human BCC cells. Our results are the first to demonstrate that tazarotene induces mitochondria-dependent cleavage of caspase-9 and -3 and PARP in BCC cells by producing reactive oxygen species (ROS) and activating caspase-8 through both ROS and death receptor signaling. These events are accompanied by a decrease in BCL-2 and BCL-xl anti-apoptotic proteins as well as by survivin and XIAP, two IAP family members. Furthermore, our results presented for the first time that tazarotene triggers a convergence of the intrinsic and extrinsic apoptotic pathways via the caspase-8-truncated Bid signaling pathway. Collectively, these data provide insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying tazarotene-induced apoptosis in human BCC cells, suggesting that this compound is a potential anti-skin cancer drug

    Hypnotics Use Is Associated with Elevated Incident Atrial Fibrillation: A Propensity-Score Matched Analysis of Cohort Study

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    We aimed to investigate the association between either or both of benzodiazepines (BZDs) and non-BZDs and the incidence of atrial fibrillation (AF) in the Taiwan National Health Insurance Database. The participants with at least two prescriptions of BZDs and/or non-BZDs were identified as hypnotics users, whereas those without any prescription of hypnotics were non-hypnotics users. The hypnotics and non-hypnotics cohorts were 1:1 matched on their propensity scores. A total of 109,704 AF-free individuals were included; 610 AF cases occurred in the 54,852 hypnotics users and 166 in the 54,852 non-hypnotics users during the 602,470 person-years of follow-up, with a higher risk of new-onset AF in the users than the non-users (hazard ratio (HR): 3.61, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 3.04–4.28). The users at the highest tertiles of the estimated defined daily doses per one year (DDD) had a greater risk for AF than the non-users, with the risk increasing by 7.13-fold (95% CI: 5.86–8.67) for >0.74-DDD BZDs, 10.68-fold (95% CI: 6.13–18.62) for >4.72-DDD non-BZDs, and 3.26-fold (95% CI: 2.38–4.47) for > 1.65-DDD combinations of BZDs with non-BZDs, respectively. In conclusion, hypnotics use was associated with elevated incidence of AF in the Taiwanese population, which highlighted that the high-dose usage of hypnotics needs more caution in clinical cardiological practice

    Detection of viruses directly from the fresh leaves of a Phalaenopsisorchid using a microfluidic system

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    Early detection of pathogens is crucial for the effective surveillance of diseases. Many efforts have been made to explore methods whichcan detect these pathogens within a short period of time without requiring a tedious protocol. However, these developed methods havedisadvantages such as they are relatively time-consuming or require specialized laboratory facilities. In this work, we have developed anintegrated microfluidic system for rapid and automatic detection of viruses by direct analysis from fresh Phalaenopsis orchid leaves. Theentire protocol, including ribonucleic acid (RNA) purification, reverse transcription loop-mediated-isothermal-amplification (RT-LAMP) andoptical detection by measuring changes in turbidity was performed on a single chip. This is the first time that an integrated microfluidicsystem for the detection of viruses infecting the Phalaenopsis orchid has been demonstrated. The sensitivity of the developed system wasalso explored in this study to validate its performance