97 research outputs found

    Multi-Stage Reinforcement Learning for Non-Prehensile Manipulation

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    Manipulating objects without grasping them enables more complex tasks, known as non-prehensile manipulation. Most previous methods only learn one manipulation skill, such as reach or push, and cannot achieve flexible object manipulation.In this work, we introduce MRLM, a Multi-stage Reinforcement Learning approach for non-prehensile Manipulation of objects.MRLM divides the task into multiple stages according to the switching of object poses and contact points.At each stage, the policy takes the point cloud-based state-goal fusion representation as input, and proposes a spatially-continuous action that including the motion of the parallel gripper pose and opening width.To fully unlock the potential of MRLM, we propose a set of technical contributions including the state-goal fusion representation, spatially-reachable distance metric, and automatic buffer compaction.We evaluate MRLM on an Occluded Grasping task which aims to grasp the object in configurations that are initially occluded.Compared with the baselines, the proposed technical contributions improve the success rate by at least 40\% and maximum 100\%, and avoids falling into local optimum.Our method demonstrates strong generalization to unseen object with shapes outside the training distribution.Moreover, MRLM can be transferred to real world with zero-shot transfer, achieving a 95\% success rate.Code and videos can be found at https://sites.google.com/view/mrlm

    Ser 71 phosphorylation inhibits actin-binding of profilin-1 and its apoptosis-sensitizing activity

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    The essential actin-binding factor profilin-1 (Pfn1) is a non-classical tumor suppressor with the abilities toboth inhibit cellular proliferation and augment chemotherapy-induced apoptosis. Besides actin, Pfn1 interacts with proteins harboring the poly-L-proline (PLP) motifs. Our recent work demonstrated that both nuclear localization and PLP-binding are required for tumor growth inhibition by Pfn1, and this is at least partially due to Pfn1 association with the PLP-containing ENL protein in the Super Elongation Complex (SEC) and the transcriptional inhibition of pro-cancer genes. In this paper, by identifying a phosphorylation event of Pfn1 at Se

    MSA-GCN:Multiscale Adaptive Graph Convolution Network for Gait Emotion Recognition

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    Gait emotion recognition plays a crucial role in the intelligent system. Most of the existing methods recognize emotions by focusing on local actions over time. However, they ignore that the effective distances of different emotions in the time domain are different, and the local actions during walking are quite similar. Thus, emotions should be represented by global states instead of indirect local actions. To address these issues, a novel Multi Scale Adaptive Graph Convolution Network (MSA-GCN) is presented in this work through constructing dynamic temporal receptive fields and designing multiscale information aggregation to recognize emotions. In our model, a adaptive selective spatial-temporal graph convolution is designed to select the convolution kernel dynamically to obtain the soft spatio-temporal features of different emotions. Moreover, a Cross-Scale mapping Fusion Mechanism (CSFM) is designed to construct an adaptive adjacency matrix to enhance information interaction and reduce redundancy. Compared with previous state-of-the-art methods, the proposed method achieves the best performance on two public datasets, improving the mAP by 2\%. We also conduct extensive ablations studies to show the effectiveness of different components in our methods

    On-Policy Pixel-Level Grasping Across the Gap Between Simulation and Reality

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    Grasp detection in cluttered scenes is a very challenging task for robots. Generating synthetic grasping data is a popular way to train and test grasp methods, as is Dex-net and GraspNet; yet, these methods generate training grasps on 3D synthetic object models, but evaluate at images or point clouds with different distributions, which reduces performance on real scenes due to sparse grasp labels and covariate shift. To solve existing problems, we propose a novel on-policy grasp detection method, which can train and test on the same distribution with dense pixel-level grasp labels generated on RGB-D images. A Parallel-Depth Grasp Generation (PDG-Generation) method is proposed to generate a parallel depth image through a new imaging model of projecting points in parallel; then this method generates multiple candidate grasps for each pixel and obtains robust grasps through flatness detection, force-closure metric and collision detection. Then, a large comprehensive Pixel-Level Grasp Pose Dataset (PLGP-Dataset) is constructed and released; distinguished with previous datasets with off-policy data and sparse grasp samples, this dataset is the first pixel-level grasp dataset, with the on-policy distribution where grasps are generated based on depth images. Lastly, we build and test a series of pixel-level grasp detection networks with a data augmentation process for imbalance training, which learn grasp poses in a decoupled manner on the input RGB-D images. Extensive experiments show that our on-policy grasp method can largely overcome the gap between simulation and reality, and achieves the state-of-the-art performance. Code and data are provided at https://github.com/liuchunsense/PLGP-Dataset

    Profilin-1 regulates DNA replication forks in a context-dependent fashion by interacting with SNF2H and BOD1L

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    DNA replication forks are tightly controlled by a large protein network consisting of well-known core regulators and many accessory factors which remain functionally undefined. In this study, we report previously unknown nuclear functions of the actin-binding factor profilin-1 (PFN1) in DNA replication, which occur in a context-dependent fashion and require its binding to poly-L-proline (PLP)-containing proteins instead of actin. In unperturbed cells, PFN1 increases DNA replication initiation and accelerates fork progression by binding and stimulating the PLP-containing nucleosome remodeler SNF2H. Under replication stress, PFN1/SNF2H increases fork stalling and functionally collaborates with fork reversal enzymes to enable the over-resection of unprotected forks. In addition, PFN1 binds and functionally attenuates the PLP-containing fork protector BODL1 to increase the resection of a subset of stressed forks. Accordingly, raising nuclear PFN1 level decreases genome stability and cell survival during replication stress. Thus, PFN1 is a multi-functional regulator of DNA replication with exploitable anticancer potential

    Cancer-associated exportin-6 upregulation inhibits the transcriptionally repressive and anticancer effects of nuclear profilin-1

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    Aberrant expression of nuclear transporters and deregulated subcellular localization of their cargo proteins are emerging as drivers and therapeutic targets of cancer. Here, we present evidence that the nuclear exporter exportin-6 and its cargo profilin-1 constitute a functionally important and frequently deregulated axis in cancer. Exportin-6 upregulation occurs in numerous cancer types and is associated with poor patient survival. Reducing exportin-6 level in breast cancer cells triggers antitumor effects by accumulating nuclear profilin-1. Mechanistically, nuclear profilin-1 interacts with eleven-nineteen-leukemia protein (ENL) within the super elongation complex (SEC) and inhibits the ability of the SEC to drive transcription of numerous pro-cancer genes including MYC. XPO6 and MYC are positively correlated across diverse cancer types including breast cancer. Therapeutically, exportin-6 loss sensitizes breast cancer cells to the bromodomain and extra-terminal (BET) inhibitor JQ1. Thus, exportin-6 upregulation is a previously unrecognized cancer driver event by spatially inhibiting nuclear profilin-1 as a tumor suppressor

    The comparison of aerodynamic and stability characteristics between conventional and blended wing body aircraft

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    Aircraft with advanced wing geometry, like the flying wing or blended wing body configuration, seems to be the seed candidate of future aircraft. Compared with conventional aircraft, there are significant aerodynamic performance improvements because of its highly integrated wing and fuselage configuration. On the other hand, due to its tailless configuration, the stability characteristics are not as good as conventional aircraft. The research aims to compare the aerodynamic and stability characteristics of conventional, flying wing and blended wing body aircraft. Based on the same requirement—250 passenger capability and 7,500 nautical miles range, three different configurations—conventional, flying wing and blended wing body options were provided to make direct comparison. The research contains four parts. In the first part, the aerodynamic characteristics were compared using empirical equation ESDU datasheet and Vortex-Lattice Method based AVL software. In the second part, combined with the aerodynamic data and output mass data from other team member, the stability characteristics were analysed. The stability comparison contains longitudinal, lateral-directional static stability and dynamic stability. In the third part, several geometry parameters were varied to investigate the influence on the aerodynamic and stability characteristics of blended wing body configuration. In the last part, a special case has been explored in an attempt to improve the static stability by changing geometry parameters. The process shows that the design of blended wing body is really complex since the closely coupling of several parameters

    Multi-Scale and Occlusion Aware Network for Vehicle Detection and Segmentation on UAV Aerial Images

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    With the advantage of high maneuverability, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have been widely deployed in vehicle monitoring and controlling. However, processing the images captured by UAV for the extracting vehicle information is hindered by some challenges including arbitrary orientations, huge scale variations and partial occlusion. In seeking to address these challenges, we propose a novel Multi-Scale and Occlusion Aware Network (MSOA-Net) for UAV based vehicle segmentation, which consists of two parts including a Multi-Scale Feature Adaptive Fusion Network (MSFAF-Net) and a Regional Attention based Triple Head Network (RATH-Net). In MSFAF-Net, a self-adaptive feature fusion module is proposed, which can adaptively aggregate hierarchical feature maps from multiple levels to help Feature Pyramid Network (FPN) deal with the scale change of vehicles. The RATH-Net with a self-attention mechanism is proposed to guide the location-sensitive sub-networks to enhance the vehicle of interest and suppress background noise caused by occlusions. In this study, we release a large comprehensive UAV based vehicle segmentation dataset (UVSD), which is the first public dataset for UAV based vehicle detection and segmentation. Experiments are conducted on the challenging UVSD dataset. Experimental results show that the proposed method is efficient in detecting and segmenting vehicles, and outperforms the compared state-of-the-art works
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