3,006 research outputs found

    Collective excitations and instabilities in multi-layer stacks of dipolar condensates

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    We analyze theoretically the collective mode dispersion in multi-layer stacks of two dimensional dipolar condensates and find a strong enhancement of the roton instability. We discuss the interplay between the dynamical instability and roton softening for moving condensates. We use our results to analyze the decoherence rate of Bloch oscillations for systems in which the s-wave scattering length is tuned close to zero using Feshbach resonance. Our results are in qualitative agreement with recent experiments of Fattori {\it et al.} on 39^{39}K atoms.Comment: 5 pages with 3 figure

    PreCog: Improving Crowdsourced Data Quality Before Acquisition

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    Quality control in crowdsourcing systems is crucial. It is typically done after data collection, often using additional crowdsourced tasks to assess and improve the quality. These post-hoc methods can easily add cost and latency to the acquisition process--particularly if collecting high-quality data is important. In this paper, we argue for pre-hoc interface optimizations based on feedback that helps workers improve data quality before it is submitted and is well suited to complement post-hoc techniques. We propose the Precog system that explicitly supports such interface optimizations for common integrity constraints as well as more ambiguous text acquisition tasks where quality is ill-defined. We then develop the Segment-Predict-Explain pattern for detecting low-quality text segments and generating prescriptive explanations to help the worker improve their text input. Our unique combination of segmentation and prescriptive explanation are necessary for Precog to collect 2x more high-quality text data than non-Precog approaches on two real domains

    QFix: Diagnosing errors through query histories

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    Data-driven applications rely on the correctness of their data to function properly and effectively. Errors in data can be incredibly costly and disruptive, leading to loss of revenue, incorrect conclusions, and misguided policy decisions. While data cleaning tools can purge datasets of many errors before the data is used, applications and users interacting with the data can introduce new errors. Subsequent valid updates can obscure these errors and propagate them through the dataset causing more discrepancies. Even when some of these discrepancies are discovered, they are often corrected superficially, on a case-by-case basis, further obscuring the true underlying cause, and making detection of the remaining errors harder. In this paper, we propose QFix, a framework that derives explanations and repairs for discrepancies in relational data, by analyzing the effect of queries that operated on the data and identifying potential mistakes in those queries. QFix is flexible, handling scenarios where only a subset of the true discrepancies is known, and robust to different types of update workloads. We make four important contributions: (a) we formalize the problem of diagnosing the causes of data errors based on the queries that operated on and introduced errors to a dataset; (b) we develop exact methods for deriving diagnoses and fixes for identified errors using state-of-the-art tools; (c) we present several optimization techniques that improve our basic approach without compromising accuracy, and (d) we leverage a tradeoff between accuracy and performance to scale diagnosis to large datasets and query logs, while achieving near-optimal results. We demonstrate the effectiveness of QFix through extensive evaluation over benchmark and synthetic data

    Supervised multiview learning based on simultaneous learning of multiview intact and single view classifier

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    Multiview learning problem refers to the problem of learning a classifier from multiple view data. In this data set, each data points is presented by multiple different views. In this paper, we propose a novel method for this problem. This method is based on two assumptions. The first assumption is that each data point has an intact feature vector, and each view is obtained by a linear transformation from the intact vector. The second assumption is that the intact vectors are discriminative, and in the intact space, we have a linear classifier to separate the positive class from the negative class. We define an intact vector for each data point, and a view-conditional transformation matrix for each view, and propose to reconstruct the multiple view feature vectors by the product of the corresponding intact vectors and transformation matrices. Moreover, we also propose a linear classifier in the intact space, and learn it jointly with the intact vectors. The learning problem is modeled by a minimization problem, and the objective function is composed of a Cauchy error estimator-based view-conditional reconstruction term over all data points and views, and a classification error term measured by hinge loss over all the intact vectors of all the data points. Some regularization terms are also imposed to different variables in the objective function. The minimization problem is solve by an iterative algorithm using alternate optimization strategy and gradient descent algorithm. The proposed algorithm shows it advantage in the compression to other multiview learning algorithms on benchmark data sets

    Quantum fluids of self-assembled chains of polar molecules

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    We study polar molecules in a stack of strongly confined pancake traps. When dipolar moments point perpendicular to the planes of the traps and are sufficiently strong, the system is stable against collapse but attractive interaction between molecules in different layers leads to the formation of extended chains of molecules, analogously to the chaining phenomenon in classical rheological electro- and magnetofluids. We analyze properties of the resulting quantum liquid of dipolar chains and show that only the longest chains undergo Bose-Einstein condensation with a strongly reduced condensation temperature. We discuss several experimental methods for studying chains of dipolar molecules.Comment: 4 pages and 3 figures, final version as publishe

    Disordered Bose-Einstein Condensates in Quasi One-Dimensional Magnetic Microtraps

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    We analyze effects of a random magnetic potential in a microfabricated waveguide for ultra-cold atoms. We find that the shape and position fluctuations of a current carrying wire induce strongly disordered potential that is quasiperiodic with a lengthscale set by the atom-wire separation. The theory is used to explain quantitatively the experimentally observed fragmentation of the quasi one-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensates. Furthermore, we show that nonlinear dynamics can be used to provide important insights into the nature of the strongly fragmented condensates. We argue that a quantum phase transition from the superfluid to the insulating Bose glass phase may be reached and detected under the realistic experimental conditions.Comment: Revised version. This paper has been selected for the March 1, 2004 issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology (http://www.vjnano.org

    PRESTO: Probabilistic Cardinality Estimation for RDF Queries Based on Subgraph Overlapping

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    In query optimisation accurate cardinality estimation is essential for finding optimal query plans. It is especially challenging for RDF due to the lack of explicit schema and the excessive occurrence of joins in RDF queries. Existing approaches typically collect statistics based on the counts of triples and estimate the cardinality of a query as the product of its join components, where errors can accumulate even when the estimation of each component is accurate. As opposed to existing methods, we propose PRESTO, a cardinality estimation method that is based on the counts of subgraphs instead of triples and uses a probabilistic method to estimate cardinalities of RDF queries as a whole. PRESTO avoids some major issues of existing approaches and is able to accurately estimate arbitrary queries under a bound memory constraint. We evaluate PRESTO with YAGO and show that PRESTO is more accurate for both simple and complex queries

    TritanDB: Time-series Rapid Internet of Things Analytics

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    The efficient management of data is an important prerequisite for realising the potential of the Internet of Things (IoT). Two issues given the large volume of structured time-series IoT data are, addressing the difficulties of data integration between heterogeneous Things and improving ingestion and query performance across databases on both resource-constrained Things and in the cloud. In this paper, we examine the structure of public IoT data and discover that the majority exhibit unique flat, wide and numerical characteristics with a mix of evenly and unevenly-spaced time-series. We investigate the advances in time-series databases for telemetry data and combine these findings with microbenchmarks to determine the best compression techniques and storage data structures to inform the design of a novel solution optimised for IoT data. A query translation method with low overhead even on resource-constrained Things allows us to utilise rich data models like the Resource Description Framework (RDF) for interoperability and data integration on top of the optimised storage. Our solution, TritanDB, shows an order of magnitude performance improvement across both Things and cloud hardware on many state-of-the-art databases within IoT scenarios. Finally, we describe how TritanDB supports various analyses of IoT time-series data like forecasting

    How fear of future outcomes affects social dynamics

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    Mutualistic relationships among the different species are ubiquitous in nature. To prevent mutualism from slipping into antagonism, a host often invokes a "carrot and stick" approach towards symbionts with a stabilizing effect on their symbiosis. In open human societies, a mutualistic relationship arises when a native insider population attracts outsiders with benevolent incentives in hope that the additional labor will improve the standard of all. A lingering question, however, is the extent to which insiders are willing to tolerate outsiders before mutualism slips into antagonism. To test the assertion by Karl Popper that unlimited tolerance leads to the demise of tolerance, we model a society under a growing incursion from the outside. Guided by their traditions of maintaining the social fabric and prizing tolerance, the insiders reduce their benevolence toward the growing subpopulation of outsiders but do not invoke punishment. This reduction of benevolence intensifies as less tolerant insiders (e.g., "radicals") openly renounce benevolence. Although more tolerant insiders maintain some level of benevolence, they may also tacitly support radicals out of fear for the future. If radicals and their tacit supporters achieve a critical majority, herd behavior ensues and the relation between the insider and outsider subpopulations turns antagonistic. To control the risk of unwanted social dynamics, we map the parameter space within which the tolerance of insiders is in balance with the assimilation of outsiders, the tolerant insiders maintain a sustainable majority, and any reduction in benevolence occurs smoothly. We also identify the circumstances that cause the relations between insiders and outsiders to collapse or that lead to the dominance of the outsiders.Comment: 10+5 pages, 5+3 figures, Supporting Information include

    Statistical Regularities of Equity Market Activity

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    Equity activity is an essential topic for financial market studies. To explore its statistical regularities, we comprehensively examine the trading value, a measure of the equity activity, of the 3314 most-traded stocks in the U.S. equity market and find that (i) the trading values follow a log-normal distribution; (ii) the standard deviation of the growth rate of the trading value obeys a power-law with the initial trading value, and the power-law exponent beta=0.14. Remarkably, both features hold for a wide range of sampling intervals, from 5 minutes to 20 trading days. Further, we show that all the 3314 stocks have long-term correlations, and their Hurst exponents H follow a normal distribution. Furthermore, we find that the Hurst exponent depends on the size of the company. We also show that the relation between the scaling in the growth rate and the long-term correlation is consistent with beta=1-H, similar to that found recently on human interaction activity by Rybski and collaborators.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figure
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